Mezinárodní konference Svoboda u příležitosti 70. výročí osvobození od nacismu
This article is a conferce report which has been held on May the 5th 2015 in Plzeň.
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This article is a conferce report which has been held on May the 5th 2015 in Plzeň.
Koloman Gajan (b. 1918): Czech historian and professor at Charles University in Prague, the party of anti-fascist resistance in the eastern Slovak Republic, imprisoned in several Nazi concentration camps, 1961-1966 Senior lecture of Charles University, since 1966 Professor of Charles University in Prague in 1970 released (political reason), in 1990 he came back to university, he focuses on the modern world history and the Czechoslovak history, the history of Czech-German and Czech-French relations, on personality and work of TG Masaryk, he´s co-author and chief editor of the extensive synthesis of Modern History III - IV (1973-1974); because Gajan´s name was inappropriate in normalization times, Professor Jaroslav Charvat covered his work on behalf of. Koloman Gajan is a schoolmate of Czech historian Frantisek Graus. There are some memories of Koloman Gajan about Graus.
U ovom radu obrađeni su rezultati istraživanja podataka o stradanju Jevreja u Gračanici tokom Drugog svjetskog rata, koji su do sada manje-više bili nepoznati široj javnosti. Ti podaci ostajali su na marginama velikih tema naše politi čkei vojne historiografije, obično kao ilustracija ili eho velikih političkih preokreta ili vojnih akcija. Suočeni sa konkretnim ljudskim tragedijama i patnjama (na primjer, u slučaju gospođe Helene Kolman) s jedne, i sa površnošću raspoloživih evidencija i nedostatkom podataka o imenima i broju žrtava s druge strane, nismo mogli definitivno utvrditi konačan broj nastradalih Jevreja na ovom području, te smatramo da smo, na ovaj način, tek otvorili pitanje stradanja Jevreja u malim bosanskohercegovačkim gradovima i njihovim ljudskim sudbinama i patnjama tokom Drugog svjetskog rata, o čemu se do sada malo istraživalo i pisalo.
In Hitler’s Mein Kampf, in the public appearances of this politician and even more so in his intimate discussions in the circle of the closest friends we can find the traces of an idea about the creation of a unique economically and organically linked European space, which would be under domination of the German Third Reich and based on the ideological concept of the race that would surpass the divisions among the nations. The Arian white nations of the common Indo-European origins would be making up that community of people, which was seen by Hitler as a way to overcome the at that time existing fragmentation of the continent. After the Tripartite Pact was signed on 27 September 1940 in Berlin, it seemed as if the vague ideas have came to the point of their realization: according to the pact Germany was supposed to get control over the greatest part of Europe, Italy over the Mediterranean and Japan over the Far East. Although the Great Britain was on the opposite side in the war, it was supposed to retain control over its colonial territories while the United States, which at that time had not yet entered the war but had been firmly supporting the Great Britain, were left with the possibility to preserve its domination over the American continent. However, even in the periods when it seemed that his war military undertakings are evolving in the direction he was streaming at, Hitler had never commenced realization of such an demanding pan.
Marianna Biernacka, called “blessed mother-in-law”, gave life for saving life of her daughter-in-law. Stanislawa Leszczynska was a midwife. She was receiving labors in the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. Both women lived during the Second World War. They showed great kindness and piety. The aim of the article was to present the life histories of Marianna Biernacka and Stanislawa Leszczynska and the events that affected their beatification. In both cases their heroic acts became famous only decades after the war. The article's message is clear: everyone can become a saint. The article was based on the available books about Marianna Biernacka and Stanislawa Leszczynska, which are few in the literature.
Immediately after the occupation of the Czechoslovak border region in October 1938, ten Allgemeine SS regiments were built there. Together, it had about 20,000 men, and was the largest component of the SS represented in the occupied territory. Membership was mainly formed by former prominent members of Sudeten German-American organizations. After the outbreak of World War II, most of the Allgemeine SS personnel were called to the Wehrmacht or the armed services of the SS. Its organization in the Czechoslovak border region before this period is discussed in the following studies.
For the political principle defining the political will of fascism, the survival of a national state (regardless of whether it already exists or is to be formed; in the latter case, this gives legitimacy to antagonism) is in itself determining enough reason and the unconditional imperative of political activity. The concept of state underlying the political activity of fascism is solely an empirical notion or a sensory concept of community. Another more paramount reason is transcedental, unfeasible, as it were. According to the same nation-building principle, another nation, within and without a particular state, is a priori suspicious since it must be craving for its own state by encroaching upon another nation’s state. Thus this fascist political principle, which wants to turn this nationalist maxim into a constitutive principle, cannot ensure either internal (i.e. a state) or external peace and perishes in a civil or world war. For antifascist activity, however, it is not central whether it takes place in this or that state. The basis of antifascism is the concept of the state which in its most positive and purest form came to the fore in the bourgeois political thought. In it the central concept of the state, considering the rationale for the existence of a state, is clean-cut and thus general, although a possible historical existence of a state is empirical and particular. The fundamental motive of antifascism is not national and patriotic but primarily moral and political and, possibly (derivatively), pat:iotic. Which state deserves to exist is determined by external social conditions for the realization of the concept of freedom, as complete as possible. This makes room for the formation of broader multinational unions, even federal states. The world federation is a bourgeois political ideal, whose realization represents the ultimate purpose of world history.
I tak rzekł Zaratustra do ludu: Będę̨ was uczył o nadczłowieku. Człowiek jest czymś, co powinno zostać przezwyciężone. Co uczyniliście, żeby go przezwyciężyć? Każda z istot, jakie żyły do tej pory, w tworzeniu wzniosła się̨ ponad siebie: a wy chcecie być odpływem po tym wielkim przypływie i raczej powrócić do stanu zwierzęcego, niż̇ przezwyciężyć człowieka? Czym w oczach człowieka jest małpa? Powodem do śmiechu lub bolesnego zawstydzenia. Tym samym w oczach nadczłowieka będzie człowiek: powodem do śmiechu lub bolesnego zawstydzenia. Przebyliście drogę̨ od robaka do człowieka – i wiele macie w sobie jeszcze z robaka. Niegdyś byliście małpami – i również teraz jeszcze człowiek jest małpą w większym stopniu niż jakakolwiek małpa. Nawet najmądrzejszy z was ukazuje obojnacze rozdwojenie rośliny i upiora. Czy każę wam, byście się̨ stali upiorem bądź rośliną̨?
Fascism has never created homogeneous doctrine or ideology. We have to speak about fascisms in plural. Fascisms from the very beginning were distinguished by great diversity. As nationalistic ideologies they should naturally reveal in national variants, which were additionally overlapped by internal diversity - within every nation we can find several competing mutations. As a result, trying to define fascism we would always find ourselves between Scylla of excessive narrowing of idea (in extreme terms - only to the Italian fascism) and Charybdis of excessive extension to everything, that is showing whatsoever similarity with original. In the article „Seeking the essence of fascism” author shows the origins of fas¬cism, looking for common elements in fascisms and characterizes the naturę of fascist worldview. Finally author states that we cannot find attributes, characteristic only for fascism. Even the obvious criminality of fascism can be compared with the crimes of totalitarian regimes. Author notes, that about fascism as a unique phenomenon we can speak only in the sense of specific fusion of peculiarities characteristic to other phenomenon.
Wszelkie dokumenty o losach Polaków w okresie okupacji hitlerowskiej poupływie ponad sześćdziesięciu lat posiadają nadal doniosłą wartość historyczną.Pozostają świadectwem bohaterskiej i patriotycznej postawy mieszkańcówmiast, miasteczek oraz wsi, dla których zachowanie polskości było największąwartością. To samo odnosi się do wyznawców wiary katolickiej w zwykłychplacówkach parafialnych. Takie środowisko stanowiły tereny prastarej ziemiwieluńskiej, włączone do okupacyjnego powiatu wieluńskiego (Kreis Velun),należącego według administracji hitlerowskiej do Kraju Warty (Wartheland).Był to obszar przedwojennego powiatu wieluńskiego oraz dołączone częścipowiatów piotrkowskiego i radomszczańskiego. Dla katolików narodowościpolskiej, których liczba wynosiła ok. 250 tysięcy, Niemcy pozostawili jedyniedwóch polskich duchownych. Mieli oni prowadzić pracę duszpasterską w koś-ciele w Rudzie k. Wielunia, podczas gdy w pozostałych 61 parafiach i kościo-łach, jakakolwiek działalność kościelna, została całkowicie zakazana.
During the Second World War Catholic Church in the Diocese of Kielce suffered significant losses in church buildings, their equipment, objects of worship, parish account books, church libraries and graveyards. These losses were caused by both military operations and predatory policy of the German occupiers. The largest losses suffered parishes located in the area near the Baranów and Sandomierz bridgehead, where from August 1944 to January 1945 bloody fighting took place. In these areas, there were destroyed almost the entire villages together with their residential buildings, outbuildings, vicarages, churches and other sacra buildings. Based on materials stored in the Archives of the Diocese of Kielce it can be said, that about 20 objects of worship were destroyed in a degree exceeding 70%, slightly more than 20 in the range of 30–70%, and 70 on a scale of less than 30%. Destruction of churches included their furnishings as well. In many parishes, robes and liturgical books, paraments, votive offerings and even parish records registering births, marriages and deaths were lost. Devastation of Catholic churches and looting of cultural property was an integral aspect of the Nazis fight with Polish culture.
Review of: Olaf Bergmann - Anna Wolff-Powęska, Pamięć – brzemię i uwolnienie. Niemcy wobec nazistowskiej przeszłości (1945–2010), Zysk i s-ka, Poznań 2011, ss. 582
Review of: Piotr Chmiel -Alberto Maria Banti, Sublime madre nostra.La nazione italiana dal Risorgimento al fascismo,Roma – Bari 2011, Laterza, s. IX + 208
This paper analyses the travelling of the Serbian citizens during the Nazi occupation. The special emphasis is placed on the travelling of the members of the Serbian middle class. It deals with different aspects of the issue: the restrictions imposed by the occupier, symbolically expressed through ausweis (personal documents, passes, and permits), guards and borders, motives for travelling, organization and security problems, types and forms of travelling, the structure of the citizens-travellers and the like. It also points to the difference between travelling within the borders of the country and travelling abroad.
In the article an analysis of main characters’ life (Ales’ Runyevich from Yanka Bril’s “Ptushki i gnyozdi” and Alosha Kuchinskiy from Alyeksyey Karpyok’s “Pushchanskaya odysyeya”) was carried out. Special attention was focused on the period when they were the prisoners of Nazi concentration camps. Inhuman conditions of life in concentration camps, prisoners’ hard work and atrocities of people who superintended them were described. The characters’ attitudes towards the war-prison reality were discussed. They did not bear up against misfortune, they searched for salvation and perseverance in memories about “family nest” and in the will to fight. These are the features of Ales’ Runyevich and Alosha Kuchinskiy.
The following article focuses on the subject of Polish refugees who found themselves in the territory of neighbouring Romania in September 1939, due to the turmoil of war. After the German invasion (1 September 1939) and that of the Soviets (17 September 1939), the government of the Second Polish Republic, Polish military units and the multitudes of civilians accompanying them were forced to cross the southern border of the country and move into Romanian terrain. The soldiers and members of government were interned. In total, about 50,000 refugees found themselves in Romanian territory. They were quartered in various places from Banat through to Wallachia, and as far as Dobrogea. In Câmpulung-Muşcel, an internment camp for Polish soldiers existed from September 1939 to March 1940. In this place Polish refugees spent the entire war, in numbers of anywhere from a few dozen to as many as several hundred at a time. One person who stayed in Câmpulung-Muşcel was long-serving functionary of the MSW (Ministry of Internal Affairs) Security Division, Stefan Szymborski, who died in 1941 and was buried in the local cemetery. A Polish preschool and school were in operation and in the summer there were musical concerts. The Commander in Chief of the Polish army, Marshal Edward Śmigły-Rydz was lodged in a special place in the nearby town of Dragoslavele from the autumn of 1939. In December 1940 he escaped from his place of internment and found himself in Budapest, where he lived under a false name. From there he managed to enter occupied Poland. Most of the Polish refugees left Câmpulung-Muşcel for their home country after the end of the war in Europe. Those who did not want to return to a country ruled by communists emigrated to Great Britain, the USA and South America.
A book by Jaroslav Čvančara describing in detail the extraordinary life story of Pravomil Raichl, who took part in the resistance to both the Nazi and Communist totalitarian regimes, came out at the end of 2017. A few months after its publication the NKVD file on him and two others, Petr Pis and Andrej Lisý, with whom he decided to escape to Soviet territory in August 1940, was discovered in the Ukrainian archives. The file contains numerous interesting facts that further illuminate this previously less mapped but undoubtedly important chapter in Raichl’s troubled life. At the same time the documents, produced by Soviet security agencies, allow for a more accurate or in some cases revised view of some facts that Raichl later presented in his memoirs.
Zisel,J. – Chruslinska,I.: Antisemitismus als Fakt und Stereotyp Juden in der Ukraine: Ein Gespräch = Osteuropa, 2017, No. 5. 87–90 p.
All wars, regardless of their character, ending with somebody winning and somebody’s defeat, and extremely rare cases unsolved - agreement and reconciliation. Hence they all just such a trial afterward - winner organizes trial defeated. Winners never quite the victory and defeated, forced to remain silent - accept responsibility and guilt for the war. But, surely sizes winner was even greater, if he were willing to acknowledge the defeated and arranges him (if it is already necessary) a fair trial. It is unfortunate for all of Yugoslavia, particularly the Serbian people, the protagonists of the liberation movements in the second put the struggle against the occupation, and the showdown with ideological rival in first. Every moment was used to disqualify and slight ideological opponents, and neither of the trials defeated ideological movement is nothing more could be expected. If in any case during the trial, identify and publicly recognize irrefutable facts about the character of the Chetnik movement which had in Serbia in 1941. and then to the other years of the war (as well as the broader Yugoslav space), it might not have discussed the impact of the law on the rehabilitation of the historical facts. Such are the qualifications set forth in the “ideological” charges and “rigged” judicial proceedings D. Mihailovic was used to go to the other extreme. However, these features of the Chetnik movement in Serbia in 1941, will be sufficient for the passage of the Rehabilitation Act perform a complete audit of his character that he had in other years of the war.
István Ördög (1926) kept a diary on his captivity in American and French prisoner of war camps, the way there, the daily routine in the camps, and on the hardship and adversity of his way home. He entered the Hungarian army as a volunteer in 1944, but he was not supposed to participate in military operations. His contingent surrendered on the territory liberated by the Americans. Ördög in this book, in response to Zoltán Kőrös´s questions, complements and updates certain parts of his contemporaneous diary.