Author(s): Marek Karczewski / Language(s): English
Issue: 19/2018
The Article Messages to the Seven Churches in “Johannes Offenbarung” by Johann Gottfried Herder refers to the publication in Polish "Siedem bram. Komentarz do Apokalipsy2–3 według “Johannes Offenbarung” Johanna Gottfrieda Herdera", in: Veritatem revelare. Księga Pamiątkowa dedykowana ks. dr. hab. S. Ewertowskiemu, prof. UWM. W 40-lecie święceń kapłańskich i 65-lecie urodzin, ed. M. Karczewski, S. Mikołajczak, J. Ruciński, Faculty of Theology University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn 2017, p. 107–118. However in the English-language article significantly expanded the number of quotes from the originalsource, the scientific bibliography has been supplemented, the theological conclusion were refined, the content of the publication has been extended. The article is a contribution too further research on the biblical hermeneutic of Johann Gottfried Herder. Scientific discussion on this subject is not free from simplifications and opinions not entirely legitimate. The article contains an introduction, two main parts and conclusion. The main parts contain: 1) a short description of the scientific and ecclesiastical career of J.G. Herder; discussion of his theological works; characteristics of J.G. Herder as a biblist and 2) analysis of theMessages to the Seven Churches contained in his commentary on the Revelation. The basic source is Maran atha. Das Buch von der Zukunft des Herrn. Des Neuen Testaments Siegel. 1779 issued originally in Riga and in the edition of J.G. Müller in Stuttgart and Tübingen in the Johann Gottfried von Herder’s Sämtliche Werke. Zur Religion und Theologie. Zwölfter Theilseries, 1829, pp. 8–291 along with additional texts on the Revelation of St. John from 1773–1778. A biblical commentary to Rev. 2–3, along with its unusual scientific style and preaching, is a valuable source of knowledge about Herder’s biblical interpretation. This allows you to get acquainted with Herder’s original theology, which, flowing from the Word of God, is based on three pillars: Christology, pneumatology and ecclesiology. Theological message of J.G. Herder contained in the discussed part of the commentary on the Revelation has, over many points, the value above the confessional and timeless.