Refleksy kultu św. Jana z Kęt w okresie przedbeatyfikacyjnym w materialnej spuściźnie ks. Grzegorza Jana Zdziewojskiego z Łasku (na marginesie jubileuszu 250‑rocznicy kanonizacji Świętego)
St. John Cantius is the primary patron saint of Poland. Due to his status as a professor in Alma Mater, he is particularly popular among the academic society, which popularized his worship across the centuries and contributed summa summarum to his canonization. The road of John Cantius in super Apotheosim was, however, long and full of dramatic twists and turns. It took a lot of effort on the part of many people to bring the canonical process to fruition. One of the people who made significant contribution to the popularization of John Cantius in the pre‑beatification stage (before 1676) was Rev. Grzegorz Jan Zdziewojski of Łask, a man whose commitment and sacrifices for the cause of John Cantius have been for centuries disregarded by the source texts and other studies. Thus, it seems prudent to use the 250th anniversary of the canonization of John Cantius (1767–2017) as a good occasion to redress the disservice done to this unjustly forgotten preacher, poet and bibliophile of Łask. The aim of the following paper is to bring the first poet of the Łask and Sieradz area back from the oblivion of history, who should be also regarded as an apostle of mercy and a martyr as well as the forefather of the regional movement in the literature of Polish Baroque.