Author(s): Eyyüp Genç,İbrahim Görener / Language(s): Turkish
Issue: 34/2024
The study of the history of tafsir is not merely a historical account of the lives of mufassirs. It encompasses a variety of informative insights such as the methodologies employed, the nuances among these methods, the preferences of mufassirs in utilizing these methodologies, the progress or regression of tafsir in different geographical regions, and the reasons behind these developments. This article is a study focused on the inclusion of Muhammad Said al-Yadali within the history of tafsir. Al-Yadali was a scholar from the Qibla region of Mauritania in the late 17th century, who was well-versed in the disciplines of tasawwuf, tafsir, fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), usul (principles of Islamic jurisprudence), and seerah (the life of the Prophet Muhammad). His work, "az-Zahabu'l-Ibriz fi Tafsiri Kitabillahi'lAziz," holds the distinction of being the first tafsir written in Mauritania. Early works have both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of his study lies in its originality for the region, setting a precedent for future scholars to follow. Al-Yadali pioneered the field of tafsir in his locality. The disadvantage, however, is the absence of prior tafsir works in the area, which limits the critical perspectives. AlYadali’s tafsir not only features ishari (allegorical) interpretations but also includes methods from both riwayat (narrative) and dirayat (reasoning) approaches. The work frequently references Ulum al-Qur'an (Sciences of the Qur'an). In the study, aspects of the Qur'anic sciences, especially i'jaz al-Qur'an (the inimitability of the Qur'an), asbab al-nuzul (occasions of revelation), and nasikh wa mansukh (abrogation) are notably emphasized. According to Yadali’s preference, asbab al-nuzul should be used, but the narrations pertaining to the reasons for revelations must be critically evaluated. The knowledge of nasikh wa mansukh (abrogating and abrogated verses) is considered essential in tafsir and must be utilized. The mufassir strongly criticizes those who deny the presence of abrogation in the Qur'an. The issue of i'jaz al-Qur'an is specific to the literary style of the Qur'an. The miraculous nature of the Qur'an is understood when the eloquence becomes apparent through the degradation caused by the alteration of any of its words. When possible, Yadali groups ayahs in sets of five for commentary. His tafsir methodology begins with a lexical analysis of words, followed by references to hadith, extensive use of Arabic poetry, and employing the sciences of rhetoric—ma'ani (meaning), bayan (exposition), and badi' (rhetorical embellishments). He also mentions opinions that he believes to be right or wrong and includes discussions on both fiqh and aqidah (creed) topics extensively in his tafsir. Being the first tafsir written in Mauritania, Yadali diligently employs the most prominent sources and methods of tafsir scholarship in his work.