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The author hopes that Romania's NATO membership acceptance will oblige the government in Moldova "To get out of the political mud in which it has been for the last 10 years". The author says that "The Republic" will not be able to practice the "double game" - with the Western Europe and Russia.
Those upstart Slovaks are at it again, sneering at the nation that ruled them for a thousand years.
Over the years the lustration process has grown more intractable as it has become an instrument of political maneuver and manipulation.
In Afghanistan, the contributions of NATO’s easternmost members are not to be dismissed.
Hungarians may mourn the loss of empire. But some politicians act like it still exists.
When politicians warn that smoking bans will hurt businesses, don’t bother asking them for proof.
Albanian websites are hit in what appears to be a return to political “hacktivism.”
The EU--led by the new member-states--showed its foreign policy muscle in Ukraine. Now it must offer tangible benefits to those who fought for a fair election and democracy.
Croatia faces a new challenge to its record on refugee return in the European Court of Human Rights.
The revolution in Europe’s perception of Ukraine continues, with the European Parliament urging Europe’s leaders to offer Ukraine the possibility of EU membership.
Gay-bashing in the classroom? In an election year, the fraught Polish left will have to tread very delicately around the question.
Recent incidents show an alarming rise of anti-Semitic sentiments in Bosnia.
A border incident sparks unrest in a predominantly Albanian area of southern Serbia.
Three Belarusian radio stations face closure for airing too much foreign music.
Russia’s senior citizens take to the streets in the greatest show of social unrest in years.