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In this final chapter, we briefly summarise the main points raised in the preceding chapters, in order to locate overlaps and common insights. Readers accustomed to turning to the Conclusion right away, pondering subsequently whether it makes sense to read the whole volume, therefore face a much easier task. All contributions are recapitulated here, and we leave it to the reader whether to delve deeper. The book consists basically of two main parts: The first one includes chapters covering the issue of conflict between law and politics on the domestic level, while the second one is concerned with the international realm. As regards the former, our contributors predominantly deal with the problem of legitimacy of the kind of judicial activity whose impact extends well beyond mere passing decisions on individual legal cases; in particular, they focus on the activity of the Czech Constitutional Court.
Natural capital is the collective term both for the products of the natural assets of our planet and for the ecosystemic services that result from the interaction of these assets, services that support life on our planet. In fact, the ecosystemic services resulting from the activity of the Natural Capital constitute the fundament of the entire activity of the socio-economic system and include food, water, energy, climate security and other services essential for all. Unfortunately, often, the value of the natural capital was forgotten in the traditional methods used for measuring economic performance. This non-recognition of the importance of the natural capital has, in the end, a damaging effect on the ecosystems, biodiversity and natural environments in general and can trigger a loss of the essential services of the ecosystems. The value of the natural capital becomes acknowledged increasingly more as critical for economic success and economic sustainability. Many decision-makers and organizations have begun to focus on the way value can be attributed with precision to the natural capital and in connection to economic policies. The result hoped for is a better decision-making to manage, preserve and improve our natural environments. Moreover, the identification and quantification of the natural capital and of the ecosystemic goods and services offers a supplementary economic justification for the efficient management of the natural resources. As the scientific research has noticed and supports increasingly more, the attribution of value to the natural capital and to the ecosystemic services can be a positive step in the prevention of their exhaustion by promoting a better understanding of the true economic value of the ecosystemic services and by providing economic tools able to consider this value adequately.
Motivation has the potential to make a difference in terms of results both individually and organizationally. Motivation based on classical processes, such as the theory of hope, the theory of goal setting and the theory of equity. In the social context of governmental organizations, public values have the potential to infuse the value structures of organizations and individuals, leading to forms of prosocial motivation that focus on supporting the public interest and helping citizens. The management of human resources has evolved considerably since this function was named the Personnel Administration. Currently, organizations do not only manage resources, but focus in particular on the proper management of human capital. There are many aspects of human resources management, all of which are just as important for the development of an organization.
The European Commission (EC) has established through European regulations that at each Member State an independent body, generically called the Audit Authority (AA), who will ensure the external public audit function for each operational program financed by the European grants. Each Member State was free to set up its audit authority, subject to the above-mentioned conditions.The Romanian Audit Authority was set up at the level of the Romanian Court of Accounts, being established by national law as a body without juridical personality, operationally independent from the rest of the public audit activity. This audit body performs the external audit function for all operational programs financed by the European grants.The present article aims to present the Romanian Audit Authority, its institutional and organizational capacity to fulfil the legal requirements of the European legislation and the extent to which its results can provide a reasonable assurance to the European Commission that the management and control system (MCS) functions in way to prevent, detect and correct deficiencies and financial sanctions. One of the challenges of the audit is whether its recommendations can prevent malfunctions in the MCS, and in the event of irregularities, the managing authority (MA) and the certifying authority (CA) can correct them in time before the European Commission is declared expenditure. It will also present the procedure established by the legal framework on how audit recommendations are implemented by the other entities within the management and control system.Although it is part of the Court of Auditors, the Audit Authority has its own working procedures, which must reflect the requirements of European regulations and guidelines, and the results of its verifications are communicated to the European Institutions. The manner in which the EC uses the audit reports will also be the subject of this article.
Sustainable development approaches the concept of quality of life in all its complexity, from an economic, social and environmental point of view, promoting the idea of the balance between economic development, social equity, efficient use and conservation of the environment.By its very nature, sustainable development represents the need for responsibility and education for environmental protection, and this aspect is reflected in the evolution of community policy in recent years, a policy marked by the transition from an approach based on constraint and sanction, to a more flexible, based one on incentives. Thus, it is acting in the direction of a voluntary approach, in order to promote this environmental responsibility and to encourage the use of environmental management systems.The environmental policy does not act independently, but reflects the interest of civil society in this direction, manifested by the creation of numerous environmental movements and organizations. Moreover, in some countries the creation and development of "green" political parties has been achieved, with real success in the political arena. However, resistance - or, more properly, the restraint and inertia that manifests itself, should not be forgotten, when environmental objectives seem to limit industrial competitiveness and economic growth; but this aspect only emphasizes once again the need for a concerted approach at European level and the need for an active and integrated environmental policy, capable of responding to the challenges that appear economically.The European environmental policy is based on the principles of precaution, prevention, correction of pollution at source and "polluter pays". The precautionary principle is a risk management tool that can be invoked if there is scientific uncertainty about a possible risk to human health or the environment, arising from a particular action or policy.
Intenţia noastră în cadrul acestui studiu este aceea de a analiza modul în care s‑a raportat clasa politică românească în perioada 1875‑1878 la ceea ce ar putea fi numit „problema sudului Basarabiei”, adică a judeţelor Cahul, Ismail şi Bolgrad revenite în trupul Moldovei prin Congresul de la Paris din 1856 şi pierdute de către statul român în urma reuniunii internaționale de la Berlin (1878).
Actul unirii Basarabiei cu România implică atât o discuție istorică, cât şi una politică. Intersectarea istorică dintre Rusia şi România este una dintre cele mai complexe din Estul Europei. Practic, în cadrul relațiilor bilaterale regăsim episoade pe care le putem caracteriza drept pagini albe, fără a exagera. Problema anexării Basarabiei în 1812, cea a Tezaurului de la Moscova sau a notelor ultimative din iunie 1940 sunt câteva dintre cele mai importante în acest sens. Pornind de la aceste premise, vom încerca să analizăm poziția diplomației franceze în cadrul dezbaterilor din 1920, observând încă de la început că susținerea Franței a fost una continuă, dar amplitudinea ei oscilantă. Demersul nostru se bazează, în mare parte, pe documentele diplomatice franceze, iar inițiativa nu se vrea una exhaustivă. De altfel, modesta încercare de față îşi propune nu aducerea unor informații absolut noi, atitudinea diplomației franceze fiind cunoscută 8 , ci mai ales, o viziune proprie
Realizarea unirii din 1918, un mare succes pentru naţiunea română, favorizat şi de conjunctura internaţională care a dus la prăbuşirea imperiilor multinaţionale din Europa, nu a însemnat, totuşi, şi o stabilizare a situaţiei politice a României, în context continental. Ataşându-şi noile provincii, Vechiul Regat era obligat să ducă o campanie politică şi diplomatică permanentă la nivel internaţional, pentru a obţine conservarea graniţelor şi păstrarea unui statu-quo teritorial favorabil, în Europa de Est. Acest lucru nu era nicidecum facil, în condiţiile în care ţările vecine, care pierduseră regiuni întregi la finalul războiului, nu se puteau abţine de la strategii revizioniste şi de la acţiuni provocatoare, care ţineau într-o alertă permanentă statul român. Din acest motiv, Bucureştiul trebuia să-şi consolideze, în continuare, legăturile cu foştii aliaţi, şi pentru a-i convinge că unirea „a corespuns unor puternice realităţi istorice şi etno-politice care pătrunseseră în conştiinţa tuturor.
După cum se poate observa, interesul SUA pentru potenţialele evoluţii de la frontiera răsăriteană a României (şi nu numai, analizele de la începutul războiului fiind ample şi fac referire la complexitatea vieţii politice interne şi la opţiunile de politică externă) a fost unul aproape permanent, pentru perioada de început a războiului (1939 – 1940). Mai mult, convingerile exprimate au fost mult mai aproape de realitatea prezentă, uneori anticipând, fără a greşi, evoluţii viitoare. Îndrăznim să apreciem că opiniile formulate, în rapoartele lor, de diplomaţii americani de la Bucureşti, Moscova sau de membri ai Departamentului de Stat au dat dovadă de o luciditate sporită faţă de cele ale autorităţilor române cu care, într-un moment sau altul, s-a realizat un schimb de vederi cu privire la situaţia acelui moment.
Atunci când, arareori, istoriografia – fie că ne referim la cea românească postcomunistă, finlandeză sau occidentală – s-a oprit asupra cazului Finlandei şi al României în perioada celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial, aceasta a remarcat faptul că cele două state au fost victime ale Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov, s-au văzut obligate la dureroase cesiuni teritoriale, motiv pentru care acestea au devenit „camarazi de arme” în Războiul din Răsărit (1941-1944).
Pactul dintre Hitler şi Stalin, semnat la 23 august 1939, stipula într-un protocol secret interesele sovietice de a anexa Țările Baltice, estul Poloniei şi estul României – teritorii care niciodată nu i-au aparţinut. La 28 iunie 1940, Armata Roşie a trecut Nistrul ocupând Basarabia, nordul Bucovinei şi ţinutul Herţa. Ceva mai târziu, la 2 august, ignorând interesele populaţiei băştinaşe şi încălcând legislaţia internaţională, chiar şi pe cea sovietică, o parte din teritoriul Basarabiei – şase judeţe: Bălţi, Tighina, Chişinău, Cahul, Orhei şi Soroca – şi şase din cele 13 raioane ale R.A.S.S.M. – Tiraspol, Grigoriopol, Dubăsari, Camenca, Râbniţa şi Slobozia – sunt incluse forţat în componenţa Republicii Sovietice Socialiste Moldoveneşti. În acelaşi timp, teritoriile româneşti din nordul Bucovinei, ţinutului Herţa, nordului şi sudului Basarabiei, pe baza aceluiaşi scenariu, sunt incluse în componenţa Republicii Sovietice Socialiste Ucrainene.
The aim of the article is to analyse the origin, course of inflation and scope of operation concerning the instruments of monetary and fiscal policy applied by the anti-inflation policy, as well as to evaluate their effectiveness for Poland’s economy in the years 2000–2021. To measure the relationship between decisions in the area of stabilisation policy and inflation, the authors carried out an econometric analysis using the dynamic autoregressive model with distributed lags. The parameters of the model confirmed that among the applied tools of monetary and fiscal policies, an anti-inflation nature was found between the monetary policy instruments and prices, and also linking budget expenditures with price level. Changes in budget incomes, according to the obtained results, were not conducive to price stabilisation in our economy. Anti-inflationary policy was dominated by monetary policy instruments. The anti-inflationary significance of fiscal policy has been much smaller since the beginning of the transformation of the Polish economy. Its anti-inflationary role increased in the period of difficulties related to the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular at the time of a strong increase in budget spending in the environment of rising price level.
Purpose: The aim of the study is to assess spatial cohesion of suburban areas in terms of balancing the volume of housing functions and accompanying functions in the gminas (communes) of the Poznań agglomeration in the years 2012–2016, based on the analysis of the functions of buildings under construction. Design/methodology/approach: The author has conducted the following tasks: reviewing the literature on suburbanisation processes, in particular in the Poznań agglomeration; performing a statistical analysis on the basis of data from Statistics Poland (GUS); assessing the volume of construction activity performing various functions in the area of the Poznań agglomeration; indicating the main function of newly constructed buildings and analysing measurable characteristics depicting the scale of construction activity, including the number and usable floor area of buildings or the number of dwellings (in the case of the residential function); assessing the relativised characteristics relating to the area and population numbers. Findings: The processes of suburbanisation and the implementation of the residential function are spatially diversified in the Poznań agglomeration. The balance of the housing and supplementary functions differs in individual gminas of the area under analysis. The relation between the usable area of newly completed buildings intended for non-residential purposes (supplementary functions) to the usable area of newly completed buildings intended for residential purposes in the Poznań agglomeration reflected the situation that took place all around Poland. The balance of the residential and supplementary functions depends on the following factors: the state of spatial development in the past (e.g. the presence of land that could be transformed for the needs of a new function), the existence of environmental or administrative development barriers (e.g. marshy ground, military training ground), thecurrent scale of the occurrence of individual functions (e.g. the degree of market saturationwith commercial space) or their location on important transport routes. Originality and value: In the face of the inevitability of the development processes, changing the spatial structure of areas surrounding large cities is a challenge for present and future generations, and in particular for local authorities. Even today, we may observe spatial changes affecting rural and rural-urban gminas neighbouring large cities. Under the pressure of the suburbanisation process, the developed residential function in such gminas forces them to take care of other functions that rural areas (so far unprepared to provide most ofthe functions characteristic of cities) perform or will perform in the future.
Purpose: The aim of the study is to characterise and interpret the impact of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) as an unexpected stimulus on the participants of the housing market. The research was designed not only to obtain knowledge about contemporary market trends (the cognitive aspect) but also to support market entities in shaping optimised investment and housing decisions (the practical aspect). Design/methodology/approach: The research is based on official statistical data describing transactions on the housing markets of two selected European countries and their cities – Poznań (Poland) and Varna (Bulgaria), in the period between 2018 and 2020. The methodology of comparative analysis has been applied to purpose fully selected case studies. Furthermore, the authors have drawn on the possibilities offered by the analysis of the activity and volatility of transaction prices on housing markets. Findings: The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant, yet short-term impact on the functioning of residential markets in Bulgaria and Poland in 2020 (based on Varna and Poznań). The dissemination of global information concerning the scale of the epidemic has most severely disrupted the activity on both the primary and secondary housing markets in Bulgaria. The secondary housing market in Poland reacted in a similar way, which resulted in a significant instability of the trend. The primary market in Poland turned out to be relatively most resistant to the stimuli related to the pandemic situation. What is common for both analysed countries and cities is a change in the shape of house price indexes in 2020 compared to 2018–2019. Originality and value: The research is a part of the contemporary trend of assessing the impact of atypical factors disrupting market trends. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the functioning of housing markets, forcing unprecedented global responses. The example ofthe comparative analysis of the two European countries presented in the article allows for indicating the directions and scale of rapid changes which reflect the process of sudden adaptation of societies to previously unknown conditions. Such analyses, which serve asex-post evaluation to some extent, allow for better preparation of specialists in the field of housing market activities to meet the needs created by unusual stimuli. They also allow for more effective planning of measures to mitigate the effects of market shocks in the sphere of housing.
Purpose: The aim of the study is to determine the impact of noise, treated as a phenomenon accompanying transport infrastructure, on the market value of residential real estate. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents a study of the seasonality of phenomena, which makes it possible to determine their cyclical character, e.g. price jumps on the market taking place for a specific period of time. The analysis of the dynamics of these phenomena allows to show changes in the economic situation, e.g. an increase or decrease in the price for 1 m2 of living or usable space. Additionally, the authors have also included a study of the interdependence of phenomena (correlation), which made it possible to determine the interrelationships between the phenomena (or their absence), i.e. the impact (or no impact) of noise on the price for 1 m2 of flat area in dwellings located in the civil or military flight zones. The compilation of the obtained data has been combined with the analysis of the structure of dwellings in terms of their area, floor on which they were located, number of rooms, as well as the age of the building. Findings: The conducted research has shown that noise is an important price factor on the housing market. A number of residential real estate offers have confirmed the relationship between the falling price and increasing noise, and vice versa – the lower the noise level, the higher the price. However, the amount of research into the effect of noise on the price still seems to be insufficient, which makes it difficult to forecast the impact of the noise level on the future value of dwellings. Therefore, it is problematic to determine the trend of such an impact. Originality and value: The noise factor is an important element not only in the decision-making process concerning the purchase of a dwelling, but also during investment activities carried out by developers. Locating an investment in the vicinity of a source of noise may significantly reduce the potential income from the sale of dwellings due to a drop in their value. Noise, which affects human life processes, is indirectly reflected in land and housing prices. The impact of the noise level on the decrease in the real estate value is determined by the noise depreciation index (NDI) or noise sensitivity depreciation index (NSDI). These indices show how a change of 1 dB in the noise level in the vicinity of a real estate affects its value.
Purpose: Comparing the values of residential real estate in individual countries is a complex task which requires taking into account a number of factors relating to both the economic situation and the quality of life in a given country. The aim of the study is to present an original and universal method of determining the index that allows to compare the value of residential real estate in cities located in different countries. Design/methodology/approach: In addition to the absolute average prices of a square meter, the approach to determining the above-mentioned index proposed by the authors utilises the analysis of parameters related to the quality of life, the level of public services offered to residents by a given country, as well as economic parameters. Findings: On the basis of the presented methodology, the authors have compared the values of residential real estate in two sample cities with similar population and characteristics, i.e. Poznań in Poland and Denver in the USA. The conducted research shows that the value of residential real estate in Poznań is higher by 6.14% in the city centre and 18% outside the city centre. Originality and value: The proposed method of comparison is original and universal in nature and may be successfully applied both in theoretical research and in practice, e.g.by investors.
The innovative budgeting methods are becoming a tool for achieving specific goals related to the impact of organizations on the environment. Green budgeting is a used for achieving environmental goals. Its role in public policy is essential, and the prospects for its application in the private sector are broad as well. However, science and practice in Bulgaria are lagging behind this trend. Thus, it is necessary for the private and the public sector to build expertise and gain experience in the field of green budgeting.
One of the basic aspects of the Solvency II Directive introduced in 2016 is the protection of the insured against the insolvency of insurance companies. For this purpose, by aggregating the solvency capital requirements for the specific types of risk to which the insurer is exposed, the solvency capital requirement (SCR) and the diversification effect (ED) are determined. Insurers are able to calculate the SCR using the Standard Formula given by the authors of the Directive or internal models developed by their insurance companies. The Standard Formula is based on the variance-covariance method, which assumes a constant correlation matrix that defines the relationships between aggregated risks to which the insurer is exposed. The aim of the research is to use, in internal models, pair-copula constructions in order to model the relationship between aggregated risk modules. The structure of the relationship between the aggregated risks is modeled with the use of C-vine and D-vine copula, while the range of possible SCRs resulting from various dependency modeling methods is determined using the ARA (Adaptive Rearrangement Algorithm). In the study, the author arbitrarily assumes loss distributions for the insurer’s five major risk modules, i.e. market, counterparty default, life, health, and non-life modules. The author compares the ED obtained by the variance-covariance method,the ED obtained with the use of copula and the ED corresponding to the upper limit of the SCR determined by the ARA algorithm. The conducted research shows how important in the SCR and ED determination process is the role played by the correct identification of the structure of the relationship between aggregated risks and presents the possibilities of using pair-copula constructions for this purpose.
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