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Review of: Krzysztof Fordoński - Mirosława Hanusiewicz-Lavallee, W stronę Albionu. Studia z dziejów polsko-brytyjskich związków literackich w dobie wczesnonowożytnej, Lublin 2017, Wydawnictwo KUL, ss. 351
Review of: Tomasz Pudłocki - Prawda historyczna a odpowiedzialność prawna za jej zniekształcanie, red. nauk. Arkadiusz Radwan, Marcin Berent, Warszawa 2019, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, ss. XL + 470
Review of: Sakina Shakil Gröppmaier - Democracy and Truth a Short History by Sophia Rosenfeld, 2018.
The author of this review article critically discusses the book Dzieciństwo w labiryncie getta. Recepcja mitu labiryntu w polskiej literaturze dziecięcej o Zagładzie [Childhood in the Labyrinth of the Ghetto: Reception of the Labyrinth Myth in Polish Children’s Literature about the Holocaust] by Krzysztof Rybak (2019). She examines the monograph in the context of, inter alia, the research already conducted in the field, literary works, architecture, memorials, the Holocaust victims’, survivors’, and witnesses’ testimonies, as well as in relation to the possible symbolic links of the Shoah and the antiquity. The paper’s conclusion is that children’s literature can hardly prevent the mythisation of the Holocaust, but Rybak’s book proves beyond doubt the perseverance of myth. The banalisation, simplification, and trivialisation of the Shoah, as well as the issues of appropriateness and memory, are also important concepts that frame the author’s reflections presented in this paper.
For millennia, philosophers have pondered the question, “Who are we?” It becomes a burning question at an age of scientific and technological civilization and a world full of conveniences, mainly because human life is still not comfortable. Adam Hart takes up the challenge of confronting the evolutionary achievements of the Homo species and the environment it has produced, showing that our life—for fundamental reasons—cannot be the realization of idyllic visions.
The article is a thematic review of the seventh volume of „Тhe Responsibility to Language“ series, published by the Department of Bulgarian Language at the University of Shumen “Bishop Konstantin Preslavski”. The included materials are dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Corresponding Member Prof. Dr. Todor Boyadzhiev, Rector and Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Shumen. Compilers and scientific editors are Dimitar Popov, Velka Popova, Kalina Yocheva, Aneta Tihova, Ani Angelova, Irina Ivanova. The publication includes scientific works of Bulgarian and foreign linguists.