Simbolismul și revirimentul literaturilor slave (recenzie la volumul „Simbolismul în literaturile slave”)
Review of: Camelia Dinu (ed.), Simbolismul în literaturile slave, București, Pro Universitaria, 2020, 263p., ISBN 978-606-26-1233-7
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Review of: Camelia Dinu (ed.), Simbolismul în literaturile slave, București, Pro Universitaria, 2020, 263p., ISBN 978-606-26-1233-7
Review of: Lipi Ghosh (Editor), Rabindranath Tagore in South-East Asia. Culture, Connectivity and Bridge Making, New Delhi: Primus Books, 2016, 138 pp., ISBN: 978-93-84082-80-2.
In her monograph "Zpřetrhané životy: Československé ženy v nacistickém koncentračním táboře Ravensbrück v letech 1939–1945" [Broken Lives: Czechoslovak Women in the Nazi Concentration Camp of Ravensbrück, 1939–1945], Pavla Plachá focuses on the fate of women imprisoned in this camp who were citizens of the Czechoslovak Republic before 1 October 1938. This framework allows her to comprehensively and at the same time diversely examine women from diverse ethnic, social, cultural and territorial backgrounds: from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, from the Czech borderlands occupied by the Germans after the Munich dictatorship, from the wartime Slovak Republic, and from the areas rewarded to Hungary after the First Vienna Arbitration. In the first part, Plachá traces the transformations of memorial culture in relation to Ravensbrück in different periods of post-war Czechoslovakia – which was selectively shaped according to the interests of the communist regime – focusing her research on the then overlooked groups of imprisoned women. In the second part, she presents the history of the Ravensbrück camp and various aspects of the status and camp life of the imprisoned women, not avoiding sensitive topics such as sexualized violence, homosexual relations and prostitution, pregnancy and abortion, and the violence and conflicts in the immediate aftermath of liberation. In the central third part, she categorizes and systematically examines Czechoslovak women in Ravensbrück, separately singling out groups of political convicts, the “anti-social and criminal”, Jews, Roma and Sinti, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. She enriches the collective analysis with dense biographies of selected women prisoners. The reviewer evaluates the monograph asa significant “Czechoslovak” contribution to international research on the history of the Ravensbrück concentration camp, cultures of memory of the Second World War and the Holocaust, as well as gender studies.
Review of: Wunderkombināts I: Latvijas mākslas gadagrāmata 2022 Galvenā redaktore Santa Hirša Tekstu autori: Hīto Šteierle, Andris Šuvajevs, Maija Rudovska, Šelda Puķīte, Inga Lāce, Iļļa Levčenko, Zane Zajančkauska, Jānis Taurens, Jānis Ozoliņš un Kārlis Vērdiņš, Krišs Salmanis Rīga: Biedrība “Wunder Kombinat”, 2022. 144 lpp., il. ISBN 9789934914607 The book review examines the bilingual collection of articles "Wunderkombināts I: Latvijas mākslas gadagrāmata 2022 = Latvian Art Yearbook 2022 (Riga: Wunder Kombinat, 2022) edited by art critic Santa Hirša. The book consists mainly of Latvian authors' reflections plus two translated texts about various little-studied aspects of art, its interpretation as well as relevant economic, social and political contexts.
The publication of the international volume dedicated to the conflict on the Dniester, ”The Armed Conflict of the Dniester. Three Decades Later”, published by the prestigious Peter Lang Publishing Group in the series "South-East European History" represents the crowning of a sustained effort of almost three years from several editors and researchers from Romania, the United States of America, Germany, Turkey and the Republic of Moldova coordinated as volume editor by Professor Eugen Străuţiu. The current context of regional and international security makes studying and deeply understanding the dynamics of the Transnistrian settlement an asset for anyone who wants to understand the overall picture of our geopolitical region.
Review of: Mahmud Derviš, SABRANA DJELA, POEZIJA, I-IV, prijevod s arapskog: Džemo Redžematović, Horizonti – centar za međukulturno razumijevanje, Podgorica 2022, 510+478+400+278 str. Olga Vladimirovna Sarıgöz, Praktičeskaja grammatika sovremennogo tureckogo jazyka (v dialogah i tablično-shematičeskih objasnenijah) // Praktična gramatika suvremenoga turskog jezika (u dijalozima i tabličnim objašnjenima//, URSS, Moskva, LENAND 2022, treće prerađeno izdanje, 426 str. Amina Šiljak-Jesenković, RE/KONSTRUKCIJA PRIČE O LJ/ljUBAVI: FABULE I IZBOR STIHOVA IZ MESNEVIJA U PRIJEVODU NA BOSANSKI JEZIK, Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Orijentalni institut, Posebna izdanja LXVIII, Sarajevo, 2023, 570 str. Emrah Seljaci, POEZIJA FEVZIJA MOSTARCA NA OSMANSKOM TURSKOM JEZIKU, Fondacija “Baština duhovnosti”, Mostar, 1444/2023, 105 str. Aladin Husić, DEVŠIRMA U BOSNI (O REGRUTACIJI BOSANACA U JANJIČARE), Posebna izdanja LXIX, Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Orijentalni institut, Sarajevo, 2023, 164 str. Elma Korić, OBLIKOVANJE GRANICA BOSNE: BOSNA U AHDNAMAMA I HUDUDNAMAMA IZ 16. I 17. STOLJEĆA, Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Orijentalni institut, Posebna izdanja LXVII, Sarajevo, 2022, 174 str. Faruk Taslidža, IZMEĐU RATOVA – NA GRANICI SVJETOVA: DRUŠTVENO-PRIVREDNI ODNOSI HERCEGOVAČKOG SANDŽAKA U PRVOJ POLOVINI XVII STOLJEĆA (1606–1645), BZK Preporod, Mostar, 2022, 233 str. Hana Younis, A QADI IN THE CHRISTIAN EMPIRE: THE STAFF AND WORK OF THE SHARIA COURTS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 1878–1914, Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Institut za historiju, Sarajevo, 2023, 430 str. Dijana Pinjuh, Anđelko Vlašić, TRAGOM EVLIJE ČELEBIJA KROZ HERCEGOVAČKI SANDŽAK, Srednja Europa, Zagreb 2023, 290 str. ULOGA I ZNAČAJ GAZI HUSREV-BEGA U HISTORIJI BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE: Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa “Uloga i značaj Gazi Husrev-bega u historiji Bosne i Hercegovine”, Sarajevo, 22. septembar 2021. godine, Gazi Husrev-begova biblioteka u Sarajevu, Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Orijentalni institut, Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Institut za historiju, Historijski arhiv Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 2022, 305 str. ZAMIŠLJANJE ŽENE: O IDEOLOŠKIM I KULTURNIM KONCEPTIMA ŽENSKOG RODA U POVIJESTI BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE, ur. Sabina Veladžić, Aida Ličina Ramić, Fondacija Heinrich Böll, Sarajevo, 2023. Dženita Karić, BOSNIAN HAJJ LITERATURE: MULTIPLE PATHS TO THE HOLY, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2023, 256 str. Katalog arapskih, turskih, perzijskih i bosanskih rukopisa, Svezak treći. Obradio Hamza Lavić. Historijski arhiv Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 2022, 370 str.
Martin Ivanov, Book review
Review of: Milada Vilímková: Le ghetto de Prague. Prague, Artia 1990, 231 pages; Josef Krása, České iluminované rukopisy 13./16. století (Böhumische illuminierte Handschriften des 13./16. Jahrhunderts) - Praha, Odeon, 1990, 456 Seiten; Milan Kuna, Hudba na hranici života (Musik an der Grenze des Lebens) Praha, Naše vojsko, 199; Martin Buber, Chasídská vyprávění (Récits hassidiques) Traduit de l’allemand par Alena Bláhová, Prague 1990, éditions Kalich, 575 page; Vladimir Lipscher: Zwischen Kaiser, Fiskus, Adel, Zünften: Die Juden im Habsburgerreich des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel Böhmens und Mährens. Abhandlung zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultät I der Universität Zürich. Zürich, Zentralstelle der Studentenschaft, 1983, 298 Seite; The Feast and the Fast. The dramatic personal story of the Tosfos Yom Tov Zt”L. Prepared by Rabbi C.U. Lipschitz and Dr. Neil Rosenstein, New York — Jerusalem 1984, 75 pp., 41 genealogical charts; Kieval, Hillel J.: The Making of Czech Jewry. National Conflict and Jewish Society in Bohemia 1870—1918. New York — Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1988, 279 pp. The Kaufmann Haggadah. A 14th Century Hebrew Manuscript from the Oriental Collection of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Budapest, Kultura International, 1990. (Facsimile, 60 folios; introductory study by Gabrielle Sed-Rajna, 23 pp.)
Reviews of: 1. Medieval Judaeo-Czech 2. Elias Katz: Tres semestri seu duodeviginti menses, Antwort zur Bemerkung K. Dolistas: Anni tres et menses sex. (Judaica Bohemiae HI, 1967, S. 135/6.) 3. Magyar-zsidó aklevéltár (Monumenta Hungariae Judaica), tome 10 (1150-1766). L’édition préparée par les soins de Sandor Schreiber et ses collaborateurs, Budapest. A magyar izraeliták országos képviseletének kiadâsa 1967. 615 pages de texte, 7 illustrations 4. Jan Herman: Židovské hřbitovy na Moravě (Les cimetières juifs en Moravie) (Památková péče, 1968/3, pp. 81-87) 5. Dagmar Hejdová-Bořivoj Nechvátal: Studie o středověkém skle v Cechách (Etude sur le verre du Moyen âge en Bohême) Památky archeologické, LVIII, No. 2, pp. 433-491, Prague 6. Franz Kafka: Dopisy Mileně (Lettres à Milena) Prague, Academia 1968. 261 pages, 21 illustrations. Traduit par Hana Žantovská 7. Franz Kafka: Briefe an Felice. Herausgegeben von Erich Heller und Jürgen Born Frankfurt a. M., S. Fischer Verlag 1967. 784 s. 8. Dagmar Hilarová: Hundert Farben hat der Regenbogen Aus dem Tschechischen übertragen von Rudolf Iltis und Günther Deicke Verlag der Nation, Berlin, 1966, 112 s. 9. Walter Pillich: Jüdische Goldschmiede unter Kaiser Rudolf II. Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Juden IV., 1967 Nr. 2/3, Seite 79-82. Herausgegeben von Hugo Gold in Tel Aviv. 10. Bernhard Brilling: Geschichte des jüdischen Goldschmiedegewerbes in Schlesien. Hamburger mittel- und ostdeutsche Forschungen Band VI. Verlag Ludwig Appel, Hamburg 22. 1967, S. 163-221. 11. Bernhard Brilling: Zur Geschichte der jüdischen Goldschmiedgewerbe in Prag. Die ersten Prager jüdischen Goldschmiede Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Juden Jhg. 1967, Nr. 1, Seite 21-26. Herausgegeben von Hugo Gold in Tel Aviv.
1. Pokorný Petr: Počátky gnose. Vznik gnostického mýtu o božstvu člověk. (Les commencements de la gnose. La naissance du mythe gnostique Dieu-Homme). Publications de l’Académie Tchécoslovaque des Sciences, série des Sciences sociales, 78/1968, Prague 1968, Academia, 68 pp. 2. Kestenberg-Gladstein, Ruth: Neuere Geschichte der Juden in den böhmischen Ländern, I., Das Zeitalter der Aufklärung 1780-1830, Tübingen, J. C. B. Mohr, 1969, 418 pp. (Un compte rendu détaillé paraîtra dans le prochain fascicule des Judaica Bohemiae) 3. Hrozinky a mandle. Výbor z jidiS povídek. (Raisins de Corinthe et amandes. Choix de contes en yiddish), Prague, Odeon, 1969, 480 pp. 4. Allegro, John: Rukopisy od Mrtvého moře. (Les Manuscripts de la Mer Morte), Prague, Mladá Fronta, 1969, 214 pp. 5. Petiška, Eduard: Golem a jiné židovské pověsti a pohádky ze staré Prahy. (Golem et autres contes et légendes juifs du Vieux Prague), Prague, Editions d’Etat du Livre pour enfants, 1968, 174 pages. 6. Černý Bohumil: Vražda v Polné. (Le meurtre de Polná), Prague, Editions „Magnet“ du Ministère de la Défense Nationale ,1968, 215 pages. 7. Fuks, Ladislav: Pan Theodor Mundstock. (Monsieur Théodore Mundstock), Prague, Ecrivain tchécoslovaque, 1969, 180 pages. 8. Fuks, Ladislav: Smrt morčete, sbírka povídek. (La mort d’un cobbaye. Choix de contes). Prague, Mladá Fronta, 153 pages. 9. Kříž, Ivan: Pravda o zkáze Sodomy. (La vérité sur la destruction de Sodomě), Ecrivain tchécoslovaque, 1968, 733 pages. 10. Hostovský, Egon: Všeobecné spiknutí. (La conspiration générale), Prague, Melantrich 1969, 345 pages.
Review of: Music, Language and Identity in Greece. Defining a National Art Music in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Edited by Polina Tambakaki, Panos Vlagopoulos, Katerina Levidou and Roderick Beaton. London and New York: Routledge 2020. ISBN 978-1-138-28002-1 xiv+318pp.