Publicystki lwowskiej „Awangardy” o „sprawach teatru, kina i radia”
In my article I present results of my research that has been done within the “pioneers with a camera” project, financed by the National Science Centre. The main goal of the article is to show women’s involvement in the film culture of Lviv in 1930s, embodied in the Film Club “Awangarda”. As active members of the “film society” consisted of film critics and researchers, but also artists and filmmakers, women were authors of numerous articles published in the “Awangarda” magazine on – as the title explained – the issue of cinema, radio and theatre”. The combination of research perspectives, including women’s studies and film studies, allowed me to examine archival press materials in terms of women’s creativity and emancipation, understood as openness for new technologies, and participation in visual culture, both as consumers and creators. What makes the Galician context important is the fact that that was the part of Poland where the first Polish cinematoscopes arrived and then developed at the highest rate, especially in Cracow and Lviv. My article and the project as a whole are particularly focused on women’s participation in the development of Polish cinema from the perspectives of film studies, history, culture and anthropology.