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The report focuses on the effectiveness of defence expenditures in Bulgaria. Problem areas that prevent this important indicator from being raised are noted. Attention is also paid to the public interest in the public sector, what is happening in it and more specifically the public good of defence, all of which is considered and linked to the effectiveness of defence spending.
Purpose: The study analyses the history and the peculiarities of the current system of customs simplifications in Poland and offers proposals for the use of automation of customs processes as a simplification for honest economic operators to reduce the losses related to the planned cancellation of simplified procedure in export. Design/methodology/approach: general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, description); private and academic (interpretation, formal–legal). Findings: The study findings have provided argument for the critical need and relevance to find solutions ensuring the supply chain fluence and simplified movement of goods in export. The author proves that Polish customs administration should develop automated systems based on best practice that use risk management to identify cargo that pose a potential risk to security and release all other shipments for export without undue delay.
Purpose: The introduction of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in Poland heralds a new era in environmental policy and trade dynamics. This chapter delves into the objectives of CBAM within the Polish context, examining its potential impact on the national economy, trade relations, and environmental commitments. Employing a comprehensive analysis, the chapter evaluates the methods by which CBAM aims to level the playing field for domestic industries while encouraging entities importing high-emission goods to develop and adopt rigorous carbon emission reduction strategies. Preliminary findings underscore the mechanism’s potential to bolster Poland’s green transition, albeit with reservations regarding challenges associated with the implementation of CBAM by entities importing high-emission goods and the resulting oversight and administrative sanctions. Design/methodology/approach: In the presented work, a qualitative approach was employed, focusing on the analysis of legal regulations related to the CBAM mechanism. The study is primarily based on a meticulous examination of legal documents. Additionally, an analysis of practical challenges associated with the implementation of CBAM in the context of real market cases was conducted to understand the potential challenges and benefits associated with this mechanism. Findings: During the analysis of the implementation of CBAM obligations, several practical challenges emerged that significantly impact the entities subject to these requirements. From a practical standpoint, many entities face hurdles in securing accurate data on emissions from their supply chains. This lack of readily available information complicates the process of compliance and introduces uncertainties in reporting. Another notable challenge is the ambiguity surrounding the transition period. The absence of clear guidelines or established procedures adds to the complexity, leaving these entities uncertain about the appropriate methods and sources for data collection. Addressing these challenges will require concerted efforts, clear guidance, and potentially revised strategies to ensure effective and efficient compliance.