Personaje demonice în basme magice găgăuze
Depending on the origin, the enemies of the protagonist can be conditionally divided into two groups: 1) fantastic creatures of mythological character – Cadı-Babusu,dev, tepägöz, ajder, balaur, evrem, rusali, şeytan, long-beardold dwarf; 2) negative personages, such as padishah, step-mother with her daughter, envious brothers and sisters and others are true to life and give the fairytale a brightly pronounced social acuteness and satirical coloring. These names are related to the following fairytale plots: Conqueror of the snake (AT 300 A), Three underground Kingdoms (AT 301), Roll-peas (ICS 312 D), Wonderful Flight(AT 313), Milk of a Beast (ICS 315). In a rather true way, Gagauz fairytale illustrates demonic personages. These are opposed to the protagonist – a honest, strong and fearless man, who, in every respect, stands higher than wicked and cruel, boasting and silly, ugly and immoral fairytale personages. Observing the principle of history and investigating archives and field material, also the rich scientificliterature, the author concluded that demonic personages in the Gagauz fairytale, as the result of social and cultural evolution during a long historical period, contains in it the influence of different epochs and peoples.