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The aim of this work is to show the implementation of LoRa sensors in forest fire detection using fixed and mobile field gateways on watch towers and drones. The implementation of test sensors for particle matters, temperature, humidity, CO and CO2 is demonstrated. The best results are obtained for the sensors for particle matters while data related to the humidity and temperature could support forest fire risk analysis. The drone carries a mobile field gateway allowing collection of the data from sensors of difficult proximity. The concepts are proven in the field and main results are used for better network scaling and coverage planning. In parallel to the field experiments we perform simulation of the network scaling with up to 1000 sensors in clusters. The economic feasibility of the created solutions will be analysed after completion of all tests and simulations.
This text is primarily concerned with woman’s presence in some of the poetic texts written by the eminent Serbian author Dragan Jovanović Danilov. The very poems chosen here, we consider part of the heritage that proves that men can succeed in ‘digesting’ female nature. This text is profoundly grateful to the poet’s words for not confining women to the figures of the virgin heroine, the mother, the wife, the prostitute, the mistress, the spinster or the redundant middle-aged mother.
Book review: Tomasz Kwarciński, Agnieszka Wincewicz-Price (red.), Metaekonomia II. Zagadnienia z filozofii makroekonomii, Kraków, Copernicus Center Press 2019.
he breakthrough of 1956 in Poland has so far been analysed mainly from the perspective of politics. Jerzy Kochanowski has described selected social, economic and cultural aspects and consequences of the radical social change of 1956–57. The present article places Kochanowski’s study against a background of the existing literature on the subject, with the reviewer presenting its main theses and formulating some polemical remarks. The most important among them points to a risk of distorting the picture of the 1956 crisis caused by the fact that the author underestimates the impact of the political context of social processes.