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Recenzja książki: Bernd Heinrich, Umysł kruka. Badania i przygody w świecie wilczych ptaków, tł. M. Szczubiałka, Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wołowiec, 2018, ss. 504.
The early modern age dubbed itself a “new” era, distinguishing itself, in Christoph Cellarius’ description, from the middle age and antiquity. This novitas was marked by cultural, social, religious, and political changes, not always positively evaluated by their contemporaries. With the onset of mental changes at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the early modern era became a historical period preceding and preparing the coming of modernity.
The article analyses the legacy of Jerzy Jedlicki (1930–2018) as a historian of the nineteenth century. The analysis covers his books, his main articles and the most characteristic reviews, as well as archival materials from the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, where Jedlicki worked for his entire professional career. The following problems are emphasized: the evolution of his attitude to Marxism and historical determinism; his attempts to combine the methods of social history and the history of ideas; his approach to the main challenges of history as a social science and a discipline of the humanities; his individual authorial style and the function of irony as an interpretative tool. And finally, his attitude towards the main ideological currents in the nineteenth-century Poland.
Summary of the scientific philosophical conference "Transcendental Consciousness versus Phenomenological Unconscious"
Review of Boris Manov's book "Paradigms and doctrines in European political thinking"