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The author focuses on the tasks of statistics, as a science which serves the knowledge of the world and better and safer functioning of a human. Among the challenges the author mentioned an analysis of the large sized databases and their archiving, as well as the development of the functional data analysis (FDA).
The 59th World Statistics Congress organized by the International Statistical Institute, which is one of the oldest scientific organization in the world, allowed to present achievements of statistics representatives from many countries and in various areas of research, as well as to exchange information on the direction of future activities. The Congress program included scientific sessions, short courses, administrative and satellite meetings which presented not only the achievements of statistics as a scientific discipline, but also its practical applications in many areas of life, and above all, determined the perspective of the development of statistics. During the Congress also the experience of Polish statistics was presented, which was an excellent opportunity to promote the activity of the CSO and the academic community in important areas of international statistics. Much attention was paid to modern organization of censuses, multifaceted use of Big Data as well as the quality of life in its broad sense. The specific challenge for public statistics is also multidimensional nature of crossborder processes. The results of research in these areas are the source of inspiration for the modernization of public statistics, and thus define the direction of its long-term transformation. The Congress program devoted much attention to young statisticians for whom numerous sessions and satellite conferences were organized, primarily in order to create a network for communication and contacts between young statisticians from different statistical organizations around the world.
The author discusses the importance of Jacob Bernoulli's theorem, published in 1713, for the development of sample surveys, next mentioning the many prominent mathematicians, statisticians and other scientists who developed the idea of the methods used in implementation of the modern sample surveys in the last three hundred years. He starts with showing on the basis of this theorem, why a sample from a population should be selected, using random numbers, to generalize the estimates for the whole population with a certain precision. Next, different methods of sample selection, estimation methods, modes of data collection, using data from different sources, and methods of data analysis in the last three hundred years are generally discussed. At the end some conclusions related to data quality undertaken by Eurostat are given.
It is difficult to understand the executioners of the genocide in Srebrenica. What were they doing? Why were they doing it? What were they thinking? How could they have done what they did? In Srebrenica MCMXCV [2017], Emir Suljagić recounts a testimony from an executioner told to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia after a massacre near Srebrenica in July 1995: From that pile, that heap of dead bodies that did not resemble human bodies any more, a human being emerged. I said human being, but it was actually a boy, five or six years old. It was unbelievable. Unbelievable. A human being came out and started walking towards a path, a path along which men were standing, doing their job, carrying automatic rifles… And then, out of nowhere they all put their guns down and all of them were just paralysed. And it was only a child in front of them. . . . And this child was covered in the tissue and intestines of other humans . . . And this child emerged from the pile of executed people, calling: «Babo»…. this is their word for father. The boy said, «Babo, where are you?»
The aim of this paper is to examine the monograph titled Thinking in the Network (2018), written by Miroslav Marcelli. The monograph is a contribution to a better understanding of the phenomenon of collective intelligence that is formed under the influence of new digital media, and one that could help us solve national or global problems. Marcelli emphasizes that collective intelligence needs to be cultivated. The author agrees and adds that it may be a new evolution of humanity, because the cognitive abilities have to adapt to collective thinking under the influence of digital media and communication in the cyberspace.