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Conference summary
Laudation speech delivered at the ceremony in honour of acad. Antonio Fernandez de Bujan y Fernandez as Doctor Honoris Causa of New Bulgarian University
Marginalization and the combination of political extremism with ethno-social conflicts can easily lead to extremism questioning rule of law and the basis of our liberal thinking parliamentary democracy. Hungary was facing many of these challenges after the political-economic transformation of 1989 and 1990. The risk of marginalization in a market economy is quite high and widening the gap among people is a still existing problem which will remain with us in the near future for sure. The last decade showed examples of dissatisfaction among certain social groups where extreme thoughts could be transformed into aggressive movements what we have experienced in Hungary following both a political crisis in 2006 and an economic depression in 2008.
Because of the increased health risk, psychosocial factors and their assessment methods are among the top research priorities for the health and safety at work. The purpose is to present a complex questionnaire with several sections (author’s work) for wide use by practitioners in the field of HSW. A questionnaire was developed to assess the psychosocial health risk at work, adapted and validated in many studies in different professional groups over the course of 20 years. The main modules are: independent factors – general load characteristics, psychosocial characteristics and stressors, and dependent outcomes (health complaints, job satisfaction) as well as suggestions for improvements to an employer. Illustrated are some research results and data processing by modules. The method has proven to be an economical and reliable tool to differentiate between different professions and jobs
Our contribution aims at highlighting the main issues of metaphorical neology, as well as the semantic and discursive dynamics that occur in the use of technical terminologies stemming from a shared conceptual metaphor. Most notably, through the analysis of a terminological corpus, we will analyse the evolution of these conceptual metaphors and the underlying ideologies in the translation process from English to French in a highly metaphorical domain, such as financial language, in relation to the language policies of the DGLFLF.