The Limitations of E-commerce Development in Full Operating Cycle Firms: V4 Countries Case
Financial efficiency of an entities operating in full operating cycle conditions is influenced by environmental characteristics. That paper analyzes one of the financial results measured by cash tied in inventories in e-commerce full operating cycle financially constrained V4 entities. In recent decades, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe there are significant changes in national economies. Many of them joined the European Union in 2004. Among the EU Member States noteworthy is the largest group of countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Czechia, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. On 15 February 1991 they have concluded an agreement on the formation of the Visegrad Group. It was aimed at expanding cooperation between these countries and in the initial phase of accession to the European Union and NATO. Analysis of the changes that have taken place in companies using online sales in the countries of the Visegrad Group is the subject of this article.