Around the Bloc: Gorbachev Banned From Ukraine
Former Soviet leader won’t be able to visit for five years because of support for Crimea annexation.
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Former Soviet leader won’t be able to visit for five years because of support for Crimea annexation.
Police brutally arrest man for alleged extremist online activity.
The aim of the study was to analyse how a social hierarchy among inmates in Czech prisons is formed and reinforced. The data presented in this paper is based on the original ethnographic research conducted in Czech prisons. The data for analysis was collected from qualitative interviews with selected participants of the prison environment, observations carried out inside the prisons and from documents related to the Czech prison service. The findings indicate that the formation of inmate hierarchy in Czech prisons is strongly influenced by both endogenous (physical strength, psychological manipulation, economic capital, criminal history) and exogenous (effect of prison authority) factors.
As few information is kown regarding the situation of the prisons from Galaţi during the period of the Règlements Organiques, this paper brings to the fore two interesting testimonies regarding the condition of the prisoners from Galaţi: the unpublished reports written by the British vice-consul at Galaţi, Charles Cunningham, and by doctor Wagner, who accompanied the British official in his visit to the local prison, in March 1845, after the death of a British citizen in the prison of Galaţi, and the details provided in his travel journal by Benjamin Nicolas Marie Appert, general chief of the French prisons, who visited the Romanian Principalities in 1851.
If the Moldovan women erotic webchat operators are providing virtual ‘sexual services,’ then under the law, their bosses could be considered ‘pimps.’
The paper examines the main common issues of crimes against the person, and some other situations of more favorable criminal law enforcement. The innovations consist in the conducted examination and the views expressed on some situations in which the more favorable criminal law should be applied. The main change with a strong preventive feature is to introduce the two institutions, name-ly, the renunciation of applying the punishment and postponing the punishment, which generally is given a favoring regime to physi-cal or legal entities being at their first conflict with the law or in the case of committing crimes whose degree of seriousness is re-duced. The paper continues other papers published in the field, and it can be useful both to academics and practitioners in the domain of preventing and combating crime of this kind.
In this paper, we attempt to highlight the condition of prison, as well as the purpose for applying preventive measures involving deprivation of liberty and punishment, in a historical exploration of this institution of criminal law and procedural law. This study aims at revealing, alongside this historic exploration of the evolution of the punishment system within the criminal process, additional elements which, even though regulated since ancient times, can still be found in the current criminal and procedural regulations.
For the past couple of years, Serbia has become a transit country for the ever in-creasing number of migrants from Africa and Asia, travelling towards the EU. As part of the process of approaching the EU – first achieving the liberalization of the visa regime for entry into the Schengen area in 2009 and then getting the official status of a candidate member in 2012 – Serbia needed to harmonize its policies with those of the EU, especially in the areas of border control and migration man-agement. As a result, Serbia adopted a series of laws and policies which effectively illegalize migrants. In this paper, we first look into how migrant “illegality” is pro-duced by Serbian migration legislation and policy, and second, we look at the con-sequences of this illegalization. The first set of consequences are those that are felt by migrants themselves, as they are its principle target. The second set of conse-quences affects those persons that come into contact with the illegalized migrants. We speak of contagiousness of illegalization, which affects those people who are providing professional services to illegalized persons. Under the threat of possible criminalization, pressure is put on them to conduct “legality” checks and thus re-produce borders far away from the actual state border. We look particularly at reproduction of borders in the area of accommodation of migrants, taking as a case study a Belgrade youth hostel.
Automobile accidents are representing one of the most common cause of damages. In order to protect the driver against the risk of causing the automobile accident, and especially to protect the innocent victims of the accident - third aggrieved party, most modern legal systems introduced the institute of compulsory automobile insurance. However, this institute does not provide protection to all persons whose suffered damages in traffic accidents. Whose injured parties are entitled to require compensation from the automobile liability insurer? How is the third parties circle specified in the Act of automobile liability insurance F BIH? Are these Act provisions being harmonized with EU regulations? These are some questions that this paper will attempt to answer. The aim is to determine as precisely as possible who has right to get compensation from insurers, since the legal provisions in this regard are not accurate.
The paper is devoted to research possible modes of legal protection through an insurance system for both, medical personnel who provides health services and for patients as the users of health care, with reference to the protection of medical personnel from civil liability for damages caused by medical errors. When it comes to liability insurance for damage caused by medical error, it is important to point out that, in insurance system, it presents one segment of legal protection from liability of medical personnel as members of so-called “intellectual professions”. Further in this paper, we were analyzing current mode of legal protection of medical personnel through the liability insurance of medical personnel in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We were also exploring and analyzing the existing modes of liability insurance for the other similar professional practice, such as the advocate and notary practice. In this paper, it is dedicated a special attention in finding acceptable modes of legal protection through the liability system insurance of medical institutions for damages caused in medical treatment, with reference to compulsory liability insurance as a mode of legal protection for damage liability.
U broju koji je ≫Nova Evropa≪, pre dve-i-po godine, posvetila uspomeni Kralja Petra (od 11. decembra 1921), ima i jedan članak upućen ≫Novome kralju≪. U njemu smo podigli molbu na Kralja, da uzme inicijativu u traženju revizije Solunskog Procesa, te da sa svog položaja — koji je izvan i iznad svih učesnika i svih sudija — ukloni jednu avet koja još uvek, iz mraka i neizvesnosti, preti novim trzavicama našoj mladoj državi. Tu smo molbu ponovili, s istim neuspehom, na godinu dana kasnije, u broju ≫Nove Evrope≪ posvećenu Solunskom Procesu (od 21. oktobra 1922), upravljajući tom prilikom apel na sve kojih se tiče i koji dolaze u obzir, da raščiste jednom za svagda Solunsku Aferu.
The paper is the outcome of extensive research carried out with regard to a technology applied on a daily basis by officers of the Prison Service, i.e. a technology that facilitates the execution of custodial sentences through various means of electronic supervision. The goal of the detailed enquiries made into the subject matter has been an attempt to characterise the idea of the electronic supervision system and to establish its potential and capabilities, as well as its drawbacks. The key research issue has been to provide the answer to the question of the current state of both theory and practice of applying the electronic supervision system in the daily work of Prison Service officers, and to verify the hypothesis of whether such systems that are currently in use ought to be modified, and if so – in what ways.
The text is devoted to the analysis of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi’s pedagogical concept of reforming criminal legislation, modernizing the prison system and dealing with convicts. Although this is not the main axis of his work and covers only a few texts, the message contained in them, supported by the author’s practical activity, makes him considered one of the main prison reformers of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the mental father of the first wave of Swiss penitentiary reforms and the protoplast of the educational view of the purpose of imprisonment. After a introduction, the importance of Pestalozzi’s work and activities for modernizing the prison system is presented, followed by an analysis of his proposals in this regard. However, not only a presentation of his views on the treatment of criminals and the handling of convicts was made, but also the contexts and references of his ideas were extensively outlined, referring to his literary works, his practical outreach and education activities, but also illustrating his immersion in the current of reforms of the time and references to figures with whom he worked and valued. The author hopes that this will put Pestalozzi’s visionary postulates into a broader perspective.
The article is an attempt to confirm the changes made in Chapter XXXIV of the Penal Code, with particular emphasis on crimes against the credibility of documents. This mainly concerns changes resulting from the consolidated text of July 7, 2022, consolidated text. Jo-urnal of Laws of 2024, item 17, where the main purpose is to explain and provide a basic commentary specifying the changes made by the legislature for the proper understanding of the issue of material falsity of a document in the form of an invoice, specified in Art. 270a of the Penal Code. When analyzing the scope of legal regulations defining the crime of material forgery of a document in the form of an invoice or VAT invoices, it is advisable to discuss the subject of protection and the objective side, taking into account the concept of a document in the form of an invoice, the subject of the crime and the subjective side of § 1, § 2 and § 3 Art. 270a of the Penal Code.Pragmatic commentary and indepth descriptions of basic concepts, such as: counterfeiting a document, forging a document, using an invoice or criteria for a mi-nor accident, indicate the correct interpretation of the discussed content of the material falsity of the the form of an invoice. The argumentation presented in the article refers to the views of the doctrine and case law in the discussed subject area. The literature used in the study includes cited items and substantive publications for the commented article. The issues presented in the study cover the legal status as of today december 28, 2023
This article presents the outcomes of analysis of the conformity of public administration judicial con-trol models in the Visegrad Group countries with the standards arising from the Convention for theProtection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its derivative acts. It specifically consid-ers whether the structure of the judiciary systems in the V4 countries that deals with administrativematters aligns with the directives contained in Recommendation No. 20/2004 on judicial review ofadministrative acts. The starting point for this analysis is the assertion that the contemporary under-standing of the right to a fair trial is determined by the standards established in the European legalculture, which is largely the result of judicial dialogue. This dialogue needs the convergence of theinstitutional frameworks of the European judiciary structures.
The subject of this article are selected problems of Polish penitentiarypolicy considered against the background of certain trends in the area of penalpolicy. Between 2017 and 2023, it has become noticeable that there has been a movetoward greater rigor in the area of punishment, as well as the execution of prisonsentences. The flourishing of penal-populist rhetoric, as well as the reform of thePenal Code, are not insignificant for the environment of total institutions such asdetention centres and prisons. The changes implemented over the past few yearscreate a foundation of problems in the indicated areas, and in the long term maylead to the inefficiency of the penitentiary system. The purpose of the article is toidentify the currently most relevant problems of penitentiary policy. The articlediagnoses selected problems of Polish penal and penitentiary policy, and forecaststheir development in aspects such as the phenomenon of prisonization, learnedhelplessness, marginalization and social exclusion of convicts. In addition, to a lim-ited extent, it proposes different from the current policy directions for the executionof imprisonment in order to raise the level of its effectiveness and compliance withinternational standards of dealing with persons deprived of liberty. The researchproblem was formulated in the form of a question: what are currently the most significant problems of penitentiary policy, as well as their consequences? Institu-tional-legal and predictive methods were used. In addition, the research was alsobased on an analysis of the literature on the subject, legal acts and statistical data.
The study is devoted to the principles of implementing imprisonment for prisonerswho pose a serious social threat or a serious threat to the security of the facility, not re-gulated in the Executive Penal Code. It was indicated at the outset that the provisions ofthe Act regulate the title issue quite synthetically. The Act on the Prison Service specifi esthat the Director General of the Prison Service, as part of their duties, may issue orders,instructions or guidelines. Both of these legal acts specify in detail the provisions of theExecutive Penal Code, which are devoted to, e.g., the rules for implementing imprisonmentfor this particular category of convicts.
Halfway houses in the Norwegian penitentiary system have been operating forover twenty years. In recent years, this type of solution has become popular in Bulgaria,the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Lithuania, and Poland, thanks to EEA grants. Bearing in mind the diff erent legal, social and cultural orders of the indicated countries,the need for optimizing the process of social support for people leaving penitentiaryunits necessitates educating them about the conditions for the functioning of Norwegianhalfway houses. This will avoid possible adaptation and implementation problems increating analogous solutions in Poland.The study raises the issue of the location of transitional houses, the procedures forqualifying and directing convicts to this type of institution, organization and functioning,as well as the procedures of conduct in Norwegian halfway houses. The raised issues arepart of the scientifi c discourse on the need to conduct research on the eff ectiveness of theprocess of implementing halfway houses to Polish legal and social conditions.
The article examines issues concerning French penitentiary system. The articleattempts to systematize the key issues concerning the conditions of execution of a penal-ty of deprivation of liberty and organizing the French public prison service. The studyexamines the provisions of the French penal codes and other prison-related legislation.The paper also refers to regulations in the Polish penitentiary system to conduct a com-parative legal analysis. The theoretical considerations, supported by French penitentiarystatistics, illustrate the current challenges confronting the French penitentiary system.