Спазване на принципа за върховенство на правото в Европейския съюз от държавите-членки
For decades, the European Union has managed to exist and develop as the most successful supranational organization as a result of the observance of the European legal order and the basic European principles by the member states. The Union is a unique union of countries which, despite the diversity and diversity of their traditions, characteristics and legal order, respect and preserve the common European values, namely: respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for the rule of law, basic human rights. All the basic principles and values of the Union are important for the realization of the European idea. However, one of the basic principles has played a leading role in the existence of the Union and its survival throughout its long history. This is the principle of respect for the rule of law enshrined in the founding acts of the Community, in the acts of the European bodies and institutions, and in the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Today, in addition to numerous global challenges, such as the global COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union is forced to tackle very important internal problems. One of them is the non – compliance with the principle of the rule of European Union law by a Member State, in particular the Republic of Poland. In this sense, this report will analyze the decision of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, which rejects the supremacy of European Union law over national law.