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The article is a critical review of a book by Kamil Jakimowicz devoted to Lublin in the times of King Stanislaus Augustus. Although based on the rich source material and promising an innovative look at social life through the prism of the institutions operating in the city, the book poses a threat to the knowledge of the past. As a result of deficiencies in methodology, it introduces many erroneous contents to historiography
The COVID-19 pandemic is a traumatic experience that, unlike previous crises, affects all countries. A team of researchers from the Warsaw School of Economics undertook a preliminary study of its consequences. The author of the review introduces the assumptions of the monograph, its main goals and structure, and attempts to supplement the proposed research areas with further aspects that may be important from the point of view of political science.
The ideology of the free market, at the beginning of the transformation was used in a propagandistic manner that was similar to the one used in the communist period ofthe Polish history. The Author presents a convincing polemic debate with the neoliberaldogmas and myths. The Book also includes the lessons learnt from the Icelandic bankingcrisis that are relevant for any constitutional reformer. Finally, it offers a suggestive prospect to increase the efficacy of the Polish State.