Husovec, M.; Mesarčík, M.; Andraško, J.: Právo informačných a komunikačných technológií
Book review on a monograph concerning Slovak ICT law
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Book review on a monograph concerning Slovak ICT law
Short summaries of current case law in the field of ICT law.
With a continuous advance of technological development, we can observe their gradual introduction into the legal proceedings and court rooms where they fulfil different judge supporting roles. The extent to which this role can be expanded is not only technological, but legal question as well. The basic legal framework for any advances in judicial decision making is set mostly by the right to a fair trial. This right is then the primary focus of the work, analysing the impact of automation on the timeliness of proceedings, and access to a court. With the analysis of im- partiality and bias this work introduces technical aspects of these issues, following up with the analysis of the right to a public hearing and the remaining collection of fair trial rights. In the last category, the right to a reasoned judgement is to focal point. Jointly, these aspects represent the right to a fair trial and any form of technological advancement in this field must be compliant with it.
W artykule przedstawiono historię i przebieg opiniowania sądowo-lekarskiego w Królestwie Prus w XVIII wieku. Opisano działalność pierwszych instytucji zajmujących się sprawami z zakresu medycyny publicznej w kraju, w tym medyczno-sądowymi. W artykule przedstawiono działalność uczelni i wydziałów medycznych, pionierskie badania wybitnych profesorów medycyny, a także najważniejsze regulacje prawne dotyczące orzecznictwa sądowo-lekarskiego. Omówiono problematykę udziału biegłych lekarzy w postępowaniu sądowym w celu rozstrzygnięcia kwestii związanych z oceną stanu zdrowia i życia. Opiniowanie sądowo-lekarskie w Prusach rozwijało się niezwykle prężnie w XVIII stuleciu (szczególnie na tle innych krajów europejskich), zaś swoją tradycją sięga czasów Lex Caroliny z 1532 roku oraz Lex Bambergiany z 1508 roku. [The article presents the history and the course of medicolegal opinions in the Kingdom of Prussia in the 18th century. The activities of the first institutions dealing with matters in the field of public medicine in the country, including medico-forensics, are described. The article presents the activities of universities and medical faculties, pioneering research by eminent professors of medicine, as well as the most important legal regulations concerning medicolegal judgments. The issue of the participation of expert doctors in court proceedings in order to resolve issues related to the assessment of health and life was discussed. Medicolegal opinions in Prussia developed very dynamically in the 18th century (especially compared to other European countries), and its tradition dates back to the times of Lex Carolina from 1532 and Lex Bambergiana from 1508.]
In 1942, a trial of almost 15 years ended, in which it was proved that the judges were still dominated by the memory of Alexandru Marghiloman’s personality, as shown by the long terms granted and the agreement with the wife of the great missing person, who was given the opportunity to solve in time the serious problems of succession. Unfortunately, his managerial incompetence and disinterest in some of the problems that overwhelmed her, caused the imposing Villa Albatros to be ruined, the facilities at the Hippodrome to be lost forever, and the famous stud farm, the pride of Alexandru Marghiloman, to be sold.
In the Ottoman, in the second half of the sixteenth century; The "Jelali Revolts" had gained intensity especially in villages. Bandit gangs, who emerged towards the later period of Suleiman the Magnificent, expedited the exploratory missions during the reign of Selim II, and their intensity increased as the Ottoman law code deteriorated during the period of Murat III, they increased their intensity with the deterioration of the supreme legal system, and in the period of Mehmet III, they turned their looting and plunder into depression with their lawlessness. The bandits, followed by the law enforcement, were able to escape each time by taking shelter in free tımars when they got stuck; thus, the tımar owners allowed them to become stronger. In addition, the fact that the mercenaries were bandits and knew military strategy and tactics fueled the fire of rebellion. In coping with bandits; The fact that the people skilled in the "art of war" and the unemployed (suhte) formed the human resource of bandits caused difficulties. Although there have been many studies on the Jelalis, the lack of an independent study on the place of "free tımars" in the development and exacerbation of banditry has necessitated the investigation of this subject. Since the decisions about the bandits taking shelter in free tımars in the imperial court were investigated, mühimme records were used as the main source.
Abaterea constând în consumul de alcool în incita societăţii sau la punctele de lucru nu este condiţionată de săvârşirea acesteia în timpul programului de lucru, susţinerile reclamantului cu privire la aflarea în afara orelor de program neavând nicio relevanţă sub aspectul existenţei faptei.
ÎNALTA CURTE, deliberând asupra recursului în interesul legii, constată următoarele: I. Sesizarea Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie şi obiectul recursului în interesul legii 10. Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie a fost învestită prin sesizarea formulată de procurorul general al Parchetului de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie cu soluţionarea recursului în interesul legii ce vizează următoarea problemă de drept: Interpretarea şi aplicarea dispoziţiilor art. 1 alin. (1) şi (3) din Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 9/2017 privind unele măsuri bugetare în anul 2017, prorogarea unor termene, precum şi modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative, aprobată cu modificări şi completări prin Legea nr. 115/2017, cu modificările ulterioare, art. 7 alin. (4) şi (5) din Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 99/2016 privind unele măsuri pentru salarizarea personalului plătit din fonduri publice, prorogarea unor termene, precum şi unele măsuri fiscal‑bugetare, aprobată prin Legea nr. 152/2017, şi art. 12 alin. (8) şi (9) din Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 83/2014 privind salarizarea personalului plătit din fonduri publice în anul 2015, precum şi alte măsuri în domeniul cheltuielilor publice...
During a tax audit conducted by Romanian authorities, there was a serious debate on whether income obtained from the rental of tows in Spain by a Romanian citizen that was resident in Spain can be qualified as “royalty” and taxed as such under the Double Taxation Agreement between Romania and Spain. National tax courts established that such income is in fact rental income, as determined by the Romanian Tax Code. Given its nature, it never fell under the definition of “royalty” from the double taxation agreement. However, shall there be any difference between the national Tax Code and the double taxation agreement, the latter would prevail.
Ratko Mladić, bivši komandant Glavnog štaba Vojske Republike Srpske pravomoćno je osuđen od strane Međunarodnog krivičnog suda za bivšu Jugoslaviju (MKSJ) zbog učešća u izvršenju: a) zločina genocida nad muslimanskim (bošnjačkim) stanovništvom Srebrenice tokom jula 1995. godine, b) pojedinih oblika zločina protiv čovječnosti (progon, ubistva, istrebljenje, deportacija i prisilno premještanje) koji su izvršeni nad bosanskim Muslimanima i bosanskim Hrvatima u općinama: Banja Luka, Bijeljina, Foča, Kalinovik, Ključ, Kotor-Varoš, Novi Grad, Prijedor, Rogatica, Sanski Most, Sokolac i Vlasenica, te Sarajevo (ubistvo kao oblik ovog zločina), te c) pojedinih dijela (terorisanja i protivpravnih napada na civile) koji su počinjena u okviru kampanje snajperskog djelovanja i granatiranja Sarajeva, kao i djelo uzimanja talaca (pripadnika mirovnih snaga UN), a koja djela čine alternativne radnje učinjenja (oblike) zločina kršenja zakona i običaja ratovanja. Nadležna sudska vijeća MKSJ fundirala su krivičnu odgovornost Ratka Mladića na njegovom učeću i znatnom doprinosu u ostvarenju četiri udružena zločinačka poduhvata (UZP), čiji su idejni kreatori i učesnici bili predstavnici najvišeg političkog i vojnog rukovodstva bosanskih Srba, koji su koristeći pozicije političkog i vojnog autoriteta podsticali i koristili pripadnike Vojske Republike Srpske, Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srpske, te u nekim slučajevima pripadnike pojedinih paravojnih formacija, Teritorijalne odbrane i regionalnih i općinskih vlasti Republike Srpske radi izvršenja sistematskih zločina apokaliptičke naravi nad stanovništvom bosanskih Muslimana (Bošnjaka) i bosanskih Hrvata tokom oružanog sukoba u Bosni i Hercegovini u periodu od 1992. Do 1995. godine. Zbog svega navedenog, Ratko Mladić je osuđen na kaznu doživotnog zatvora. Ovakva presuda donijela je izvjesnu satisfakciju žrtvama spomenutih zločina, no nažalost značajan dio javnosti u bosansko-hercegovačkom entitetu Republika Srpska, kao i u susjednoj Srbiji presudu smatra nepravednom, kao i cjelokupno pravno naslijeđe MKSJ, percipirajući ga „dijelom globalne zavjere protiv Srba“. Štaviše, tokom zadnje decenije u javnom prostoru Republike Srpske i susjedne Srbije uočavaju se planske kampanje i monstruozni narativi negiranja prirode i razmjera spomenutih zločina, posebno genocida u Srebrenici, od strane intelektualne i političke elite, ali i običnog populusa. U određenim slučajevima to negiranje zločina prerasta u još zloslutniju fazu trijumfalizma, koja se ogleda u slavljenju Ratka Mladića, kao i drugih osuđenih zločinaca, te glorificiranju njihovog zločinačkog nasljeđa, uz istovremeno ponižavanje žrtava. Jedan od kredibilnijih načina razobličavanja tog orkestriranog revizionizma i denijalizma jeste suprostavljanje istom putem formalne sudske istine sadržane u pravomoćnim sudskim odlukama nezavisnih i nepristrasnih sudova, kakav je (bio) Međunarodni krivični sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju, osnovan od strane Ujedinjenih Nacija. U tekstu koji slijedi data je hronologija suđenja Ratku Mladiću pred ovim sudom, te najznačajniji zaključci Pretresnog vijeća MKSJ o njegovom zločinačkom djelovanju tokom oružanog sukoba u Bosni i Hercegovini u periodu od 1992. go 1995. godine, a koji su pravomoćno potvrđeni i od strane Žalbenog vijeća.
The article presents the main aspects and challenges for the preparation of forensic psychological expert assessment of persons diagnosed with Bipolar Affective Disorder. Bipolar affective disorder is a recurrent chronic disorder that is characterized by fluctuations in mood and energy. It affects more than 1% of the world's population, regardless of nationality, ethnic origin or socio-economic status. This specific disorder is one of the main causes of impairment in the bio-psycho-social functioning of persons suffering from this diagnosis and their relatives. Differentiation of this disorder is difficult in clinical practice, as the onset is most often a depressive episode and there are sufficient clinical markers of unipolar depression. People with bipolar disorder are often misdiagnosed on initial presentation, most often with major depressive disorder. These patients may receive ineffective treatment, which in some cases actually worsens the outcome, either by causing manic or mixed conditions, or by raising mood. Accurate clinical evaluation by clinical and forensic specialists - psychiatrists and psychologists - must be exact in order to be able to distinguish bipolar disorder from other depressive states in order to prepare a forensic psychological examination.
Protecția consumatorilor. Directiva 93/13/CEE – Clauze abuzive – Contracte de credit. Împrumut exprimat în monedă străină rambursabil în moneda națională. Clauză contractuală care stabilește ca riscul de schimb valutar să fie suportat de consumator. Caracter abuziv al unei clauze care se referă la obiectul principal al contractului. Prejudiciu grav pentru consumator. Aviz fără caracter obligatoriu al instanței supreme. Posibilitatea de repunere a părților în situația în care acestea s‑ar fi aflat dacă acel contract nu ar fi fost încheiat/ Consumer's protection. Directive 93/13/CEE – Unfair clauses – Credit contracts. Loan denominated in foreign currency repayable in national currency. Contractual clause that stipulates that the currency exchange risk is borne by the consumer. Abusive nature of a clause that refers to the main object of the contract. Serious damage to the consumer. Non-binding opinion of the supreme court. The possibility of restoring the parties to the situation in which they would have been if that contract had not been concluded/ C.J.U.E., Camera a șasea, hotărârea din 31 martie 2022, cauza C‑472/20
Review of: T. Hrehovčîk, M. Bâzlik. Sudny preklad a tlmocenie. Bratislava, Iura Edition, 2009. 316 p. (T. Hrekhovchik, M. Bazlik. Judicial written and oral translation. Bratislava, Jura Eding, 2009, 316 pages)
Ratko Mladić, the former Commander of the Headquarters of the Republika Srpska Army, was convicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) for participating in a) crimes of genocide against the Muslim (Bosniak) population in Srebrenica in July 1995, b) certain crimes against humanity (persecution, murders, extermination, deportation and forcible transfer) carried out against Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Croats in the following municipalities: Banja Luka, Bijeljina, Foča, Kalinovik, Ključ, Kotor-Varoš, Novi Grad, Prijedor, Rogatica, Sanski Most, Sokolac and Vlasenica, and Sarajevo (muder as a form of this crime), and c) certain acts (terrorism and illegal attacks on civilians) committed as part of the sniping and shelling campaign in Sarajevo, as well as hostage-taking (members of the UN peacekeeping force), and which constitute alternative acts of committing (forms) of crimes of violation of the laws and customs of war. The ICTY’s competent judicial councils have founded Ratko Mladić’s criminal responsibility for his participation and significant contribution to the realization of the four Joint Criminal Ventures (JCEs), whose creators and participants were representatives of Bosnian Serbs, who used positions of the highest-ranking political and miliatry authority and encouraged members of the Republika Srpska Army, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republika Srpska, and in some cases members of some of paramiliatry formations, Territorial Defense and regional and municipal authorities of the Republika Srpska to commit systematic apocalyptic crimes against the population of Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks) and Bosnian Croats during the armed conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the period from 1992 to 1995. Because of all of the above, Ratko Mladić was sentenced to life imprisonment. This sentence brought some satisfaction to the victims of the mentioned crimes, but unfortunately a significant part of the public in the 30 Bosnian-Herzegovinian entity Republika Srpska, as well as in neighboring Serbia, considers the verdict unjust, as well as the entire legal legacy of the ICTY, perceiving it as “part of a global conspiracy against the Serbs”. Furthermore, during the last decade in the public space of the Republika Srpska and neighboring Serbia, planned campaigns and monstrous narratives of denying the nature and scale of the mentioned crimes, especially the genocide in Srebrenica, have been observed by the intellectual and political elites, but also by the common people. In certain cases, this denial of crime turns into an even more ominous phase of triumphalism, which is reflected in the glorification of Ratko Mladić, as well as other convicted criminals, and the glorification of their criminal heritage, while at the same time humiliating the victims. One of the more credible ways of debunking that orchestrated revisionism and denialism is to confront with the same path the formal judicial truth contained in final judicial decisions of independent and impartial courts, such as (was) the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, established by the United Nations. In the text that follows, the chronology of Ratko Mladić’s trial before this court is given, as well as the most significant conclusions of the ICTY Trial Chamber about his criminal activities during the armed conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period from 1992 to 1995, which were legally confirmed by the Appellate Council.
The analysis was carried out on the Judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court of November 27, 2022 with reference number II SA/Sz 1182/21 concerning the provisions of the Act on family benefits (hereinafter referred to as the Act on differentiate the situation of persons with the right to family benefits), as clearly stated in Art. 17 sec. 1 u.ś.r., the benefit in question is addressed to people who do not take up or resign from employment or other gainful work in order to take care of a person who has a certificate of severe disability. The negation of the causal relationship between the applicant’s failure to take up employment and the care provided would have to be based on fully authoritative premises, clearly undermining this relationship in a subjective or objective aspect. caregivers of disabled people, consisting in the exclusion of the entire right to the care benefit of those caregivers who have an established right to one of the benefits listed in art. 17 sec. 5 point 1 lit. a u.ś.r., in a situation where this benefit is lower than the nursing benefit. First of all, it should be noted that the purpose of the nursing benefit is to compensate for the lack of income from gainful employment due to caring for a disabled family member. for this group of caregivers, despite the fact that while providing care after obtaining the right to retirement, the guardian may not take up gainful employment. 17 sec. 5 point 1 lit. and the Act on family benefits should be understood as a way to avoid the accumulation of received benefits, and not as the exclusion of the possibility of establishing the right to a nursing benefit in a situation where the person applying for this benefit meets the conditions for obtaining another benefit specified in this provision. to obtain a nursing benefit, it is not necessary to apply for the revocation of the decision establishing the right to a retirement pension, and it is sufficient to suspend its payment.
On February 22 / March 6, 1821, a detachment of Greek insurgents under the leadership of Alexandru Ipsilanti clandestinely gathered in Bessarabia, crossed the border from the Prut River and, reaching Iaşi, triggered insurrectionary actions against the Ottoman domination. As a result, from March to September 1821, in Bessarabia came more than 40 thousand refugees from the Principality of Moldavia. Among them was the former great treasurer of Moldova, Iordache Ruset-Roznovanu, together with his family, as well as the Agha Iordache Ghica. During his stay in Chisinau, a trial arose between Iordache Ghica and Alecu/Alexandru Ruset-Roznovanu, the younger son of Iordache Ruset-Roznovanu, in connection with the claim that the former had submitted, to be reimbursed the sum of 23,900 Dutch thalers, which the latter owed him. The article follows the unfolding of the lawsuit filed by Iordache Ghica against Alecu Ruset-Roznovanu for debt recovery.
This paper represents the opinion elaborated in the name of the Faculty of Law from the West University of Timișoara, at the request of the Hight Court of Cassation and Justice, The panel for preliminary ruling on questions of law, made in court file no. 2482/1/2021, in which Decision no. 84/2021 was delivered, preceded by the presentation of the questions of law and followed by a brief assessment of the reasoning of the High Court.
Hotărârea Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene din data de 28 aprilie 2022, pronunţată în cauza C‑612/20, Hotărârea Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene din data de 28 aprilie 2022, pronunţată în cauza C‑637/20, Hotărârea Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene din data de 7 aprilie 2022, pronunţată în cauza C‑228/20, Hotărârea Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene din data de 7 aprilie 2022, pronunţată în cauza C‑333/20, Hotărârea Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene din data de 7 aprilie 2022, pronunţată în cauza C‑489/20, Hotărârea Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene din data de 7 aprilie 2022, pronunţată în cauza C‑342/20, Hotărârea Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene din data de 7 aprilie 2022, pronunţată în cauza C‑668/20, Hotărârea Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene din data de 24 martie 2022, pronunţată în cauza C‑711/20, Hotărârea Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene din data de 24 martie 2022, pronunţată în cauza C‑697/20,
Horowitz rejects reparations for African Americans. We demonstrate that their heirs are entitled to the property illegitimately obtained by the slave owners. When we operate under the libertarian homesteading principle, the land should be redistributed back to the people who worked and tilled it first. That is, the black slaves. Horowitz’s claims against reparations serve as a poor refutation towards the reparations argument. African Americans are entitled to the “40 acres and a mule” that was promised, yet never fulfilled. We rely upon libertarian theory to clearly understand the case for reparations.
The paper addresses the recent issue of interference with an object of religious worship in the context of criminal liability for the crime under Art. 196 of the Penal Code (PC). It is based on events known to the public that have been assessed in the context of criminal liability for such an act (e.g., destruction of the Bible at a concert, dissemination of an image of the Mother of God with a rainbow halo, or the chopping down of a roadside cross). The paper discusses the issue of the protection of religious feelings, which is reflected in the criminalization of conduct consisting in insulting an object of religious worship. In particular, attention is paid to the multifaceted view of what an object of religious worship is, including not only its physical (material) form but also its spiritual (metaphysical) aspect. In this regard, an analysis was carried out to answer the question of whether interfering with a certain symbolism and violating the specific canon in which an object of religious worship is presented can constitute the crime of offending religious feelings. It was assumed that, taking into account the subjective aspect of the crime under Art. 196 PC, criminal liability in this respect is possible. The paper also considers the so-called justification of art, which is supposed to lead to the exclusion of the unlawfulness of behaviours that involve artistic expression and are based on the freedom of expression. The paper employs primarily the dogmatic method, and to a limited extent also the historical method.