Ochrona zdrowia dziecka i jego rodziny a realizacja obowiązku nauki w sytuacji stanu epidemii
The purpose of this article is to analyze the rights and obligations of parents resulting from the care of the child, limited for the purposes of the research conducted to the issue of protecting the child's health and ensuring its safety. Such a limited duty of care is analyzed in the context of the implementation of compulsory education in the situation of an epidemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19). The issues raised in the article are part of the discussion on the determination of the limits of parents' interference in the necessity for the child to fulfill the compulsory schooling in a situation of an epidemic, when direct contact of a child attending school may cause a significant risk of infection. In a broader sense, the considerations deal with the problem of the child's health safety and family members who are less resistant to disease, assessed in terms of two general clauses: the best interests of the child and the good of the family.