Meeting general interest needs has always been a concern of public authorities. The performance of the activity, both in the public and in the private sector was challenged to continuous adjustment in order to meet social needs and to provide certain services. On this occasion, on first sight, public medical services stood out as important from the rest of the public services, due to the fact that the concern of the authorities for the protection of public health was globally highlighted in the foreground. From this point of view, it is all the more necessary to have a coherent legal framework to regulate in an unitary way the general legal regime of public services, as there is a tendency to digitize public administration. Therefore, we are urged by the regulation of public services in the Administrative Code to analyze the legislator’s perspective on this matter. At the same time, the states are concerned to transpose European normative acts, acts with binding legal force, into the national legislation. In this respect, this paperwork will be focused on certain public services, by way of a case study, namely it will analyze the way of transposing the European legislation on road transport into our national legislation. Finally, we will draw the conclusion that emerge from the documentation of the proposed topic.