What are the models of development policies, and what are their results in practice? The paper gives a brief history of economic thought from the 15th century to the present day. We then investigate the ruling neoclassical school of economics and neoliberalism and, based on it, the policies of the Washington Consensus. The paper also presents the alternative development models such as the one of the Swedish Nobel Prize winner Кarl Gunnar Myrdal, who criticized the neoclassical theory and who the representatives of the so-called institutional approach, and whose ideas and political engagement had a major role in the creation of the Swedish model of the welfare state. The paper provides examples of the application of neoliberal policies in transition countries in Central and Eastern Europe as well as the interventionist government policies in the countries of East Asia. Although there is no single recipe for development, analysis of successful examples of economic development shows that what is common to successful countries is balance between the state regulation and market mechanisms and that the active, competent and pragmatic government played a key role in development.