Possibilities for Real-Time Monitoring of COVID-19 Pandemics
Pandemics have been a real challenge for all humanity since time immemorial, leading to the finding of scientific and medical solutions for long-term monitoring, the development of solutions for pharmaceuticals and equipment specialized in their treatment and healing, but also in the storage of information in the form of spatial data sets necessary for the analysis and study of the phenomenon of their transmission on the entire globe.The contemporary world is currently facing the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is, from our point of view, probably one of the greatest disasters caused by human intelligence from World War II to the present day.This paper aims to reproduce and, why not, to propose at the international level the realization of a unique global real-time monitoring system of pandemics through geodetic sciences, using in this sense the technology based on GNSS systems for real-time monitoring of individuals invested with a certain type of virus, using technical equipment that includes systems that allow the use of GNSS technology who, through the interconnection between them and a digital database created in the GIS environment based on metadata, individuals invested and suspects can be monitored by existing specialized institutions at international, national and local levels, which can transmit useful information to each other in the fight against the pandemic created by COVID-19.