Полицијски систем БиХ - од Дејтона до данас
The starting point of this work are the provisions of the Dayton Peace Agreement relating to the establishment of a secure environment in BiH, after which the cross section of the post-war security system in BiH. After that, given the constitutional framework of security and policing system in BiH, from 1995 until today, with all the changes in this domain, including domestic and international initiatives for change (reform). The aforementioned monitors display the relevant parties and actors who take part in what will be called ‘police reform in BiH, with the introduction of the most important elements of the given proposal. It is inevitable that in this segment of the show and the role of the international community and the OHR. At the end, the review of the current legislative and institutional framework of the police system in BiH, as well as suggestions to improve current methods of cooperation of police subjects in BiH.