Kratka istorija antiratnog otpora u Srbiji 1991 – 1992
Mala čitanka za feministički diskusioni kružok „Od materinske politike mira do feminističkog antimilitarizma“.
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Mala čitanka za feministički diskusioni kružok „Od materinske politike mira do feminističkog antimilitarizma“.
W ramach wspólnej polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa Unia Europejska stosuje sankcje mające wspomóc egzekwowanie jej celów, a zwłaszcza przestrzegania praw człowieka, demokracji i praworządności. Celem artykułu jest analiza skuteczności polityki sankcji Unii Europejskiej wobec Islamskiej Republiki Iranu. Zastosowaną metodą badawczą jest analiza porównawcza. Pierwsza część artykułu została poświęcona teoretycznemu ujęciu sankcji oraz czynnikom mającym wpływ na ich skuteczność. W następnym opisano podstawy systemowe wspólnej polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa Unii Europejskiej oraz zastosowanie sankcji jako jej elementu. W trzeciej części przedstawiono próbę oceny efektywności unijnej polityki sankcji wobec Iranu.
Neka od najtežih kršenja ljudskih prava mogu počiniti one institucije države čija je zadaća i svrha postojanja zaštita građana od nasilja i nepravdi. U pravnoj državi te institucije su, prije svega, policija i sudovi. Postupci korumpiranih policajaca i sudaca s pravom se doživljavaju kao posebno nepravedni i nemoralni. Ljudi koji su školovani i plaćeni da nepravde spriječe i ispravljaju, koriste se svojim znanjem i položajem da nepravdu ozakone i, često, da joj daju svoj doprinos. Pod korumpiranošću se obično podrazumijeva pristrano postupanje protivno pravilima i zakonima na koje se osoba javno poziva i koje je prema svom položaju dužna poštovati zato što je podmićena novcem. Osim materijalnog koristoljublja, pristrano postupanje protivno postojećim pravilima, zakonima i moralnim načelima može biti potaknuto sviješću da je takvo postupanje politički podobno, a da je ostajanje pri moralnim načelima nezdravo za karijeru. Taj oblik ‘’legalizirane korupcije’’ mnogo je opasniji jer predstavlja bolest društva, a ne samo izolirane slučajeve nepoštenih i nemoralnih pojedinaca.
Đurđa Gmaz rođena je 1950. godine u Sisku. Suprug joj je bio jedan od suosnivača HDZ-a u tom gradu. Od 1991. radila je u MUP-u Hrvatske. Kada je počeo rat u njezinom kraju, s obitelji je ostala u selu koje se nalazilo na crti razdvajanja sa srpskom stranom. Dana 16. srpnja 1993. godine kćer Đurđe Gmaz, koja se kupala s dvadesetak druge djece na Kupi, ubijena je rafalnim mecima koji su došli s druge strane Kupe, gdje su se nalazile srpske snage. Sin joj je tom prilikom teško ozlijeđen. Aktivna je u Udruzi civilnih žrtava stradalnika Domovinskog rata i godinama se zauzima za ostvarivanje prava civilnih žrtava rata.
Nedostatak potpore državnih institucija, neprepoznavanje i nepriznavanje patnje žrtava seksualnog zlostavljanja u društvu te društvena stigmatizacija, često dovode do toga da same žrtve negiraju da su bile seksualno zlostavljane. U trenucima pisanja ove knjige, broj silovanih i seksualno zlostavljanih osoba na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske tijekom Domovinskog rata i dalje je nepoznat. Zabilježeno je 20-ak kaznenih predmeta za ratne zločine u kojima je dio inkriminacija bio vezan uza silovanje ili seksualno zlostavljanje. Prema navodima Državnog odvjetništva RH, Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova utvrdilo je da postoji sumnja da su tijekom Domovinskog rata nad 182 žrtve mogli biti počinjeni ratni zločini silovanjem ili drugim oblicima seksualnog zlostavljanja. Dodatnim provjerama utvrđeno je da su neke od potencijalnih žrtava u međuvremenu preminule, neke su državnim odvjetnicima izjavile da nad njima nije bilo počinjeno silovanje niti drugi oblik seksualnog zlostavljanja koje bi bilo moguće podvesti pod neko od obilježja kaznenog djela ratnog zločina počinjenog nečovječnim postupanjem, a neke od potencijalnih žrtava otklonile su svaku mogućnost davanja iskaza. Prema evidencijama nadležnih državnih odvjetništava, ratni zločin počinjen silovanjem sigurno je počinjen na štetu samo 57 žrtava, pretežno žena. Od toga su u odnosu na 36 žrtava pokrenuti kazneni postupci koji su u različitim stadijima. Zbog kaznenog djela ratnog zločina počinjenog silovanjem osuđeno je 15 počinitelja.
The study aims to analyze the reaction of legal systems to the convulsions in European society caused by the Covid-19 health crisis, the war in Ukraine and the revocation of abortion rights in the U.S. With a cross-cutting approach, the article seeks to leave in the reader's mind a non-exhaustive overview of the limits of his rights through the sometimes-disproportionate reactions of the state. Extraordinary events, however, they are not a novelty for humanity. The question therefore arises as to whether the "violence" of restrictive measures on fundamental human rights could be prevented. Then, by approaching a state of emergency as normal, have human rights undergone a transformation in their substance? From a subjective point of view, the study takes stock of the legal war waged by the international community against the armed war since the end of World War II. War sometimes waged in the name of human rights, through the belligerent events of Eastern Europe, proves to us that it is not over yet and new appropriate legal measures are required. What will be the legal consequences of these is another issue discussed in the article.
At present, when pandemic enters a new phase, the geopolitical confrontation between the adherents of unipolar and multipolar international security systems takes its new impetus. Besides the pandemic restrictions used widely as a tool of political pressure, the LGBT issue recently gained new importance. LGBTQ activists that announced pride in the Georgian capital have not taken to the main avenue of Tbilisi out of fears of violence. Instead,anti-LGBTQ groups' representatives used physical violence against media representatives because of their perceived pro-LGBTQ/Western stance. As it is known LGBTQ issue has become quite divisive not only in Georgia but in EU member countries. The present paper discusses developments in Georgia and the post-Soviet area as an example of a small proxy state of the former Soviet Union as an arena of struggle between the West and East on values shared by the most Western democracies.
The author analyses the legal content of the crime of rape, regulated by article 218 of the New Criminal Code, while an exam compared with other states and their law towards this matter.On this occasion, the author also presents some critical opinion and suggestions with a view on improving the society and the law itself.
The author examines general aspects regarding the crimes against life, aspects that are outlined by statistics and studies over the years. On this ocassion, the evolution of the Romanian Criminal Code is highlighted and compared to other states, such as France and Russia. The purpose of this study is to understand the importance of penal provisions in preserving the lives
Punishment has undergone fundamental transformations over time, probably more so than any other institution of criminal law. Many of the changes in society call into question some characteristics of punishment and even seem to require a rethinking of the entire sanctioning system. The way society reacts to the application of punishments has also gone through important transformations. Even if by law the public reaction does not have an immediate impact on the punishment, the legislator takes this aspect into account, with some limits imposed by the international regulations on human rights, but also by the specifics of criminal law, at least in terms of future legislative changes.
The war in Ukraine has raised the issue of the Wagner Group with regard to humanitarian law. Under humanitarian law, members of the Wagner Group should protect and respect the rights of civilians and others who do not participate in the fight, provide medical aid and respect the rights of prisoners of war. Also, members of the group should not commit war crimes, such as the murder and torture of civilians or prisoners of war.If members of the Wagner Group violate the rules of humanitarian law, they can be held criminally liable and tried in accordance with international law. Also, states that engage members of the Wagner Group in the conflict in Ukraine can be held responsible for violations of human rights and humanitarian law.Members of the Wagner Group involved in the conflict in Ukraine should abide by the rules of humanitarian law and provide protection to civilians and others who do not participate in the fight. Violations of these rules may lead to criminal liability actions and trials in accordance with international law.
Seen as a form of social deviance, delinquency represents a complex social problem as a result of the conjugated interaction between the individual and the environment. In fact, at the level of each society, it exists in one greater or lesser proportion, manifestations of transgression a norms that can take shape by relating them to certain criteria deviance or/and delinquency. The delinquent appears to us as an individual with a deficiency social maturation and at the same time, with social integration difficulties, which comes into conflict with the requirements of a certain value-normative system, including the legal norms.There is a difference between minors and juvenile delinquents, depending on capacity for criminal liability. We have minors who are not criminally liable and minors who are subject to criminal law sanctions. We also have non-custodial sanctions and restrictive or custodial sanctions.The reintegration of all minors who break the law is a sensitive issue. Reintegration services are designed to facilitate a youth’s transition from an out-of-home placement back to the community and family environment through collaboration between the youth and community service providers, and family to ensure the delivery of needed services and supervision. The overall goal is to assist the youth in becoming a productive citizen.
From 2022, an unprecedented armed conflict, in the last 50 years in this area of the world, is taking place on Romania's borders. Our country has shown a high level of generosity, hospitality and solidarity in its efforts to help Ukrainian refugees fleeing the armed conflicts in their homeland. The Romanian government has implemented policies and emergency measures to provide protection, access to vital services and social inclusion in national systems. As far as Romania is concerned, the characteristics of the refugee population have imposed an integrated approach to educational services. This approach was adapted to combat language barriers but also the reluctance of the refugees to call on educational services based on their personal conviction. Romania, through its leadership, realized on the occasion of the serious events that took place in 2022, that in the Romanian administrative systems the administrative barriers still remain significant and only through sustained and coordinated efforts (consisting of legislative interventions and changes in public policies and strategies) can they be overcome.
This study provides an in-depth analysis of the public-private partnership in the execution of custodial sentences, focusing on the ethical, legal, and operational implications associated with this collaborative model. The research emphasizes the fundamental role of the public service in ensuring law compliance and the protection of the fundamental rights of prisoners, while also highlighting the need for careful management of the partnership in accordance with the ethical and deontological principles specific to the correctional profession.The detailed analysis highlights numerous benefits associated with the public-private partnership, including the improvement of the quality of correctional services, the optimization of financial and technological resources utilization, and increased operational efficiency. The involvement of private companies in prison management brings innovative perspectives and specialized expertise, contributing to the continuous development of the correctional system. Furthermore, collaboration between the public and private sectors can support the implementation of advanced programs for social reintegration and rehabilitation of prisoners, thereby facilitating the rehabilitation process and reducing recidivism rates.However, the public-private partnership also presents significant challenges. One notable drawback is the risk of the private sector being primarily motivated by profit-seeking, potentially leading to a decline in the quality of services provided to prisoners. Additionally, the increase in costs borne by the government is questioned, as private companies may demand higher remuneration than necessary to cover the actual costs. Contract management and monitoring activities within the partnership pose complex challenges, particularly when the interests of the two parties diverge significantly.
This article proposes an in-depth analysis of the complex relationship between corruption, consciousness calibration, and its impact on the safety of the penitentiary system. Corruption, as a social phenomenon, entails the abusive use of power for personal gain and the acquisition of illegal advantages. The degree of corruption can be influenced by the level of consciousness among personnel, determined by ethical, moral, and cognitive factors. By employing contemporary paradigms such as social systems theory and the ethics of behavior paradigm, the complex mechanisms through which corruption interacts with the development and calibration of individual and collective consciousness are explored.In this context, the importance of education, training, and monitoring processes for professional integrity within the penitentiary system is highlighted, with the aim of fostering calibrated, ethical, and responsible consciousness. Additionally, the influence of corruption on the level of consciousness among personnel is revealed through complex psychological mechanisms such as cognitive justification and distortion of moral norms.To counteract the phenomenon of corruption and ensure the systematic safety of penitentiaries, an interdisciplinary approach is necessary, integrating knowledge and perspectives from the fields of social psychology, sociology, and ethics. The implementation of policies and strategies aimed at developing a higher level of consciousness and promoting a favorable institutional climate for integrity becomes crucial in strengthening and consolidating the Romanian penitentiary system, as well as facilitating the rehabilitation and reintegration of inmates into society.
Knowledge of the population is extremely important for specific policing activities as it can help to identify security problems and develop strategies to prevent anti-social crime. By knowing the population, police can better understand the culture, customs and values of the community. This knowledge can help identify vulnerable groups, those who may be vulnerable to crime or tempted to commit it. Knowledge of the population can also be useful in establishing effective communication between the police and the community. By understanding the needs and expectations of the community, the police can develop strategies to involve the community in crime prevention and crime fighting activities. In addition, knowledge of the population can help to identify high-risk areas, areas where offences against the law frequently occur or where there are public safety problems. In order to develop community-specific preventive strategies, the police need to identify and assess community-specific risk factors. Identifying and assessing risk factors are essential steps in the crime prevention process and can help to develop appropriate preventive strategies. One of the main objectives of population awareness in the work of preventing crimes harmful to society is to develop specific preventive measures tailored to the needs of the community.
Migration has been a feature of human existence for centuries. People have always migrated in groups or individually to seek freedom, to escape poverty, to find new economic opportunities, to flee religious intolerance or political repression and this process is impacting both countries of origin and countries of destination. The issue of migration is complex. Through a well-managed system, migration can contribute to growth, innovation and social dynamism. Both the safety of people seeking international protection or seeking a better life must be taken into account, as well as the concerns of destination countries who fear that migration pressures will exceed their capacities. Following the Refugee Crisis of 2015-2016 and the different way in which Member States were impacted, it was identified the need to build a system to manage and normalize migration in the long term and which is fully based on European values and the international law. In this sense, the steps for the action of the Pact on Migration and Asylum have been initiated, which specifies that no Member State should assume a disproportionate responsibility and that all Member States should constantly contribute to solidarity, aiming a solid and balanced management of migration flows that are looking for a better life on the territory of the European Union. This new common framework will set out the principles and structures needed for an integrated approach over the migration and asylum policy, in order to ensures a fair share of responsibility and effective management of mixed arrivals: both persons in need of international protection and persons that do not need such protection.
The creation of this profile will be considered discriminatory when the police will exercise its autority upon people, having principal reason or exclusively the race, the ethnicity or the religion of the persons concerned. The creation of ethnic profiles present a number of limits and, even if they can be considered an efficient instrument of crime's detection, in the short term, the profiles are predictable and avoidable. In police activity specific measure is applied, which diminishes or even eliminate the risk of creating a discriminatory ethnic profile. These measures will be adopted in both organizational and operational terms.
The region of Southeast and Central Europe faces several key risks in the context of ethno-religious peace and security. Ethno-religious conflicts pose a serious threat to the stability and security of the region. The diversity of ethnic and religious groups in the region can lead to tensions and breaches of the peace. Extremist and terrorist groups using religious motives are also a factor of concern. These groups can pose a serious security threat and violate human rights. The protection of religious freedom and human rights is essential. This principle includes the freedom of individuals to express and practice their religion or belief without discrimination. In addition, human rights include the right to express religious beliefs and convictions, as well as freedom of assembly and the right of conscience. These rights are inseparable from the security and stability of the region. They promote tolerance, diversity and respect for the rights and freedoms of every citizen, while guarding against conflicts and tensions related to religion.