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The work presents a mobile web application that was developed to serve as assistant for people learning English, in particular - usage of idiomatic expressions. In the design and development of the application are followed principles and recommendations of the Mobile First approach to ensure best performance on mobile devices. At this stage, the application contains a minimum set of the most common idiomatic expressions, users are able to add idioms, and after approval by the editor-philologist they become part of the dictionary.
The digital recording of Cultural Heritage (CH) and its metadata relates to the concept for data warehousing systems and their lifecycle. It uses models and development tools of ETL packages. The tasks used to extract metadata from raw digitized CH data often include hard computing problems, including NP-complete problems. This paper describes the current state of digital preservation of Cultural Heritage with an accent on data integration and performance optimization of processes. We show our vision for further solutions for automated optimization of resource utilization in ETL jobs cutting development cost. In parallel, we describe our experiment that uses quantum computation (in simulation mode) to solve hard combinatorial problems as multiple query optimization.
In the following article main results are going to be summarized about three-dimensional web development and technologies. An introduction to 3D representation methods that are applied on the featured three-dimensional webpage is going to be presented. Transformation techniques will be described, which convert a traditional two-dimensional webpage into a fully functional three-dimensional platform. The methods and concepts used are based on technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The principle of automatic conversion is going to be showed, upon which almost any two-dimensional webpage can be converted into a 3D website, including minimal manual interaction. Future concept and conclusions are also described.
The increasing needs to expand access to research results and insufficient opportunities for publication in printed issues put a serious challenge to the scientific community. The aim of the paper is to mark the first step towards solving this problem in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the Veliko Tarnovo University by building a repository of digital documents using open source software.
A particularly important role in shaping the image of cultural institutions to the public certainly belongs to cultural policies of each institution. In this context, this paper will show cultural policy of archives and its impact on the formation of the overall image which archives have in the public and how to occupy its attention. In addition to the cultural politics of the archive, as a factor shaping the final image of an archive, the paper will discuss the organization of cultural and educational activities - what they are, or what they should be. Cultural and educational activities are an essential element in forming the cultural identity of each institution, so in this topic we should not ignore their synergy with the overall policy of the archive to the formation of public awareness of the role and importance of archives.
The modern archive building with modern designed storage space and physical - technical security documents is a basic prerequisite for good protection of archival material. In Serbia, unfortunately, this issue is not given due attention, which is far behind countries with developed archival activity, such as the UK, Germany, Australia and the United States. The theme of this paper is to highlight the importance of a dedicated facility designed archival building, featured by which standards are fulfilled conditions necessary for the functionality of the archive building, as well as how and to what extent these standards are used in the construction of the new building of the Historical Archives of the City of Novi Sad.
Since the establishment of the sovereign Republic of Croatia and since the change of social and political system, archival activities and work of state archives have been influenced by various processes: transition, democratization, introduction of information technology, globalization, mod ernization of state administration, dissemination of neeliberal economy, development of information society and many others. Archives have been faced with enormous quantities of archival records on which they were not specifically focused in the previous period, and also with issues concerning transfer, arranging use, ownership relations and other problems concerning that material. Expansion of the framework of activities, development of new services and adaptation of traditional tasks to market conditions and modern social trends, all additionally pointed out the old, so far unresolved problems and led to the appearance of new ones. This paper shows some of the fac tors considered prerequisites for the successful work of Croatian archives in the modern environment unification and standardization of business pro cesses, fulfillment of supervising function in relation to the creators, develop ment of information role of the archive and implementation of a integrated national archival system.
MATRA Program is the bilateral pre-access technical assistance pro- gram of the Dutch government for pre-access aid for European collaboration and institutional support projects whose goal is the adoption and application of the legal legacy of the EU, only in terms of technical assistance. At this level, the Netherlands has approved two projects, one of them is a project of Administrative and management reform of Croatian archival service. This project took place in several distinct segments, divided into three main areas: legislative, institutional strengthening and professional archival services and pilot projects are the most important areas of archival services.The project was implemented in the period between 2007.-2009, and its purpose was to support the Ministry of Culture and archival services in the Republic of Croatia to ensure the adequacy of the structure and operation of business records service as a whole, adoption and implementation of policies and recommendations of the European Union, and ultimately achieving the competencies for collaboration and participation in European programs and projects.
One of the most important and most extensive registry or creators records in the jurisdiction of the Archive of Tuzla Canton is Clinical Center Tuzla. This institution is paid great attention to the issue of office and archival operations and this area is arranged in accordance with the legislation. Special importance is devoted to the realization of human and civil rights, which is reflected in the character of arrangement current records (medical and other documentation) that occurs in the work of the institution, as well as areas of cooperation with customers. Therefore, it was necessary to create a regulated system, which included arranging of archival material and the regulation of office management so the needs of consumers can be satisfy. The organization of the office and archival operations within the institution is governed by a system of monitoring and information management, which is very important when using them. Today, the institution current records are properly arranged and creator carried out measures provided by low for recording, protecting and handling. Results in this area are clearly visible, because properly conditions for accommodation of material are created.
The article gives a brief overview of the history development and the emergence of international standards of archival description, focusing on two new standards, officially adopted at XVI. Congress of the International Council on Archives: ISDF - The international standard for the description of the function of creators of material and ISDIAH - International standard for the description of institutions possess archival material. It also shows their relationship with two previously adopted standards: ISAD (G) and ISAAR (CPF), and connectivity options descriptions generated by their use.
Archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina (at least one of them) under- stand the importance of opening to the public and communication with the public. Internet in the field of archivistics in Bosnia and Herzegovina is still the "new-old" media. New is because all archives are not applied for the pur- pose of their presentation, so for them it remains new and its old because in fact it no longer represents a novelty in the field of communications. Web pages provide basic information about the role, importance, the function of archives, their organization and activities, but there is still room for more fully informing the public. Technical possibilities of creating web pages are not fully used. Re- sults are not particularly original solutions, mostly it is a simple, graphical unimaginative pages. Browsers that exist on some web sites do not always provide the requested information (the text does not match the specific term or period). No pages allow the search and use of available funds electronically (by registered users who pre-paid membership fees or any other form of monetary compensation). The Internet is a medium suitable for permanent data actualization; with the Internet you can always be in touch with newest events and timely inform the public - the advantage that is not being used by all the archives: pages are not updated, information is outdated, news can not be called news anymore because the date is from several years ago, for individual events is is not surely known if they occurred, or they will happen in the future. Capabilities of presenting the Archive via Web page are infinite, the refinement and application of new technological solutions is a process that will allow these institutions to fully adapt to the trend of modern business.
Internet has become the biggest, best and cheapest means of advertising, which is being used more and more in recent years in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Historical Archive of Sarajevo first web page was set in May 2003. Because of its static nature and the inability to update the page by Archive's employees, soon we began to think about its redesign, and finding a better system for site maintenance since one of the keys to the success of the site is fresh, updated content. Transfer has been made towards the new technology, in this case to the Joomla! CMS - a system for managing web content, which is expensive, but also more efficient. The overall organization of the site has been improved, the color and graphics refreshed, as well as complete visual appearance itself.
The efforts of Bosnian society to approach and follows the developed countries through information technology has led to the development of information technologies in various spheres of our society, including the judiciary of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The use of paper documents into business generates significant limitations, costs and risks. Circulation of paper documents is slower than the flow of information processes supported by modern software applications, and negatively affects the speed and quality of the process. In addition, the manipulation of paper documents, particularly in dislocated environment is causing damage and loss of documents, which can have significant consequences. Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina will meet with these and similar systems management documents, which requires a certain adjustment in the work of Service for protection of archival material outside the archives.
Historical archive of Novi Sad has been working for years in order to form awareness regarding importance of proper and standardized leading system of registry and archival dealings regardless of material state in certain organs of state administration. Providing professional help to maker's of archival material is legal obligation, but extra effort is being put so state of archival material outside of the archive could be marked as satisfactory. New law about archival material that is currently in making says that personnel in charge of protecting the archival material must pass expert exam, to prove their ability to protect the material, and work to improve organization and methods. The law also anticipates creation of unique tehnical and tehnological demands for electronic preservation of documents in electronic form, at the republic level. Makers of the material should also, if they are able to, secure, as well as adapt old space intended to serve as storage for documents, and ensure standardization of procedures in this work process.
The publication reflects the results of a survey on “Personal bibliographic indexes”, conducted in the period from 02/01/2019 to 08/31/2019. The questions to the respondents are aimed at obtaining information about their library software, the standards for bibliographic description they use in the preparation of personal bibliographic indexes, the type, form, access and information enrichment of the indexes, information about bibliographic databases, etc. The results of the survey outline conclusions and provide guidelines for future decisions regarding the creation, organization, presentation and access to bibliographic resources, in particular personal bibliographic indexes.
Bibliographic data produced by different cultural organizations are essential part of the web. Many of these data aren’t available for indexing and retrieval by searching engines. The new approach of Link Data on the web is a possibility to change this state. How this is possible and what are the ways to put the bibliographic data on the semantic web are the main questions which answer try to find this paper. Bulgarian libraries must be part of the new processes in world of chancing data on the web.
In this research, prior findings were cumulated indicating that spatial and edge computing technologies, artificial intelligence-based decision support and bio-inspired swarm robotic systems, 5G communication network and machinelearning-based wireless system operations, and multiphysics simulation and urban analytics tools assist multimedia immersive environments. A quantitative literature review of ProQuest, Scopus, and the Web of Science was carried out throughout June 2024, with search terms including “immersive 3D and robotic simulation environments” + “context modeling and urban Internet of Things sensing tools,” “spatio-temporal fusion and deep learning image segmentation algorithms,” and “metaverse and digital twin technologies.” As research published in 2022 and 2023 was inspected, only 167 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria, and 31 mainly empirical sources were selected. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AMSTAR, Colandr, PICO Portal, ROBIS, SluRp, and Systematic Review Accelerator.
The objective of this paper is to systematically review Internet of Things-based smart city environments. The findings and analyses highlight that spatial computing and big data-driven forecasting algorithms, remote sensing data, cloud computing and virtual modeling technologies, and deep generative and digital twin modeling tools can be deployed in spatial planning processes across immersive interoperable environments. Throughout June 2024, a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases was performed, with search terms including “immersive interoperable environments” + “3D urban modeling and data mining tools,” “visual sensing and perception systems,” and “virtual reality and geospatial mapping technologies.” As research published in 2022 and 2023 was inspected, only 166 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria, and 20 mainly empirical sources were selected. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: CASP, R package and Shiny app citationchaser, Eppi-Reviewer, JBI SUMARI, Litstream, SWIFT-Active Screener