Новоразкрит надпис върху свитъка на пророчица Анна от църквата "Св. Петър" при село Беренде
In this brief report is published a newly uncovered mural inscription in the Church of St. Peter near the village of BerendØ, which can be seen on the scroll held by the prophetess Anne in the scene of Presentation of Christ in the Temple. In translation it reads: “This Infant created/strengthened the Heavens and the Earth.” It is established that the text in this form appeared in the above scene from the period of the Comnenes onwards and is identical with that of examples in Nerezi, Bachkovo, Mileßevo, Sopo ani, Arile, Staro Nagorichino, Graanica, Staniene, Deani, Ohrid, Kremikovtsi, Poganovo, and others. The author puts forward the assumption that its origins are linked to the homiletic tradition of the feast of Presentation of Christ in the Temple. In conclusion, certain linguistic features are discussed, pointing to links of the inscription to the West-Bulgarian orthographic tradition.