Методологически подходи и рефлексивност при социоаналитични изследвания на уязвимостта
Starting from outlining the context within which the project “'I have no one to turn to!’ - socioanalytical dimensions of vulnerability” is located, the article presents the theoretical and methodological explorations and solutions of the project team in the course of preparation and carrying out of the socioanalytic study of nine cases. The focus of the text is on the presentation of the main aspects retained by the team of researchers in the development, field approbation and editing of a methodological instrument for the socioanalytic study of cases of socially generated suffering and vulnerability – the Project for a Socioanalytic Protocol. These aspects are summarized as follows: 1. Practice of understanding in the socioanalytic conversation; 2. Analytic techniques of microscopic practical-logical analyses of data; 3. Socioanalytic interpretation of the socioanalysis-relevant data on the practical logic of the studied persons; 4. Reflexivity and self-reflexivity of the methodology and of the socioanalyst. Finally, the article presents summaries of the upcoming problems, the achieved results and the drawn conclusions in the theoretical, methodological and research work of the team that make contributions to the development of the larger theoretical project on the socioanalysis of the self-inheritance of agents who have fractalized personal identities.