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An aggressive Russia, a divided and unsettled Europe, and a distracted and unpredictable United States have created an unprecedented and perilous confluence of events that could undermine the European security architecture and the liberal-democratic order. Ultimately, it is conceivable that the Western allies and Russia could achieve through dialogue some kind of constructive modus vivendi whereby Russia becomes a less paranoid power that respects the independence of its former empire. A long shot to begin with, such a rapprochement is less achievable if Europe and the United States appear disorganized and vulnerable.
The mobilization of bias is considered a contemporary but also important political phenomenon in the democratizing world. This paper intends to find the organizational bases that precondition the mobilization of bias, having understood that the level of democracy inside a political society is the crucial determinant on the latter phenomenon. At the outset, this paper discusses the mobilization of bias phenomenon, by specifically being based in the Bachrach & Baratz scholarship, given the explanation of the tension between pluralism and elitism. Following that, the paper shows some of the instruments the elites use to mobilize the bias. Finally, in its body the paper builds a set of organizational / systemic bases which arguably precondition or give terrain to the mobilization-of-bias practice.
Despite the fact that more than 60 years have passed since the death of Joseph Stalin, the leader of the USSR from 1922 to 1953, the memory of him remains alive. For several years running Stalin has topped the ranking of the most remarkable figures in Russia’s history. Portraits of him appear at political demonstrations and religious events; new monuments to the dictator are erected. The Kremlin’s official rhetoric increasingly refers to the positive aspects of the Soviet era, in particular to the victory in World War II. Representatives of the state’s administration and the Orthodox Church have been making favourable comments about Stalin.
Published between 1930 and 1934 as No 6 of the series "Политическа библиотека". It presents a biography of Mihail Takev (1864-1920), a Bulgarian major and politician, one of the leaders of the Democratic Party in Bulgaria.
MIKSER, Saša Ćirić: O jugoslovenskim labudovima i pionirima; ŠTRAFTA Redakcija ULUS-a: Zimski radovi; ARMATURA, Jelena Veljić: Redovno pranje ruku; BLOK BR. V, Studiostrip: Primeri
MIXER, Arben Idrizi: Popa; antiCEMENT Saša Ćirić: Jezik ljubavi i jezik usamljenosti; CEMENT, Đorđe Krajišnik: Šega, šala, cigla; PREDRAG LUCIĆ, lirika utoke / 19. 11. 2014: Malvina
Since its inception, the security studies represent the core of the International Relations, predominantly dealing with the issues of war and peace. In the years following the Second World War security studies have become a synonym for Strategic Studies with a distinct focus on the military sector. However, with the growing complexity of the international relations` agenda, namely with the rise of economic and environmental challenges count, emergence of the new security challenges, risks and threats, emergence of the new international relations` actors, the traditional view of the sole concept of security, that is, its essence, has become too narrow … The question is whether there is a generally accepted definition of the meaning of concept of security in theory and whether it should be regarded as an “essentially contested concept“ (Baldwin, 1997: 5) or it is more suitable to say that the concept itself is insufficiently explained and blurry. Anyway, the security concept can be “dangerously ambiguous” (Wolfers 1952) should it be used without additional specifications.
The state, through public authorities and institutions, must be concerned with knowing and keeping records of its inhabitants. The adaptation of the public administration to the evolution of the Romanian society determined measures that were realized through changes and transformations, also in the field of personal records. European influences determined the militarized system of records of persons to impose the acceleration of the establishment of public services of records of persons at the level of the public administration, which transformed the management of these entities. Between the two systems, administrative and internal (personal records), the central place was occupied by the citizen, the only beneficiary of the reorganization of the activity of the personal records services and who managed to impose his ideas in front of the authorities and public institutions, regarding the way of exercising the duties in the field of records of persons. The management practiced at the level of public services in the field of personal records has demonstrated the effective merging of two different systems (administrative and military), supported by the political one for the benefit of citizens.
The methodology of English for specific purposes has long been employed and developed, capitalizing on the latest language research and linguistic traits. Using semantic analysis and more specifically semantic frames (in the sense of Fillmore ) to deconstruct the meanings of a lexical unit or word is a complex and rewarding methodological approach; this can facilitate the comprehension of cultural and social concepts behind the lexical units, contrasting concepts and situations and contextualizing them with more semantic precision. Law enforcement concepts favour this approach due to the social and historical complexity of law enforcement systems and their impact on cross-cultural communication. This paper explores two semantic frames of law enforcement concepts – ‘Criminal attempts’ and the ‘Power to stop and search’ - to demonstrate the rationale and applicability of frame semantics to English law enforcement vocabulary teaching.
Cet article vise à présenter les enjeux de la gestion de l'afflux de réfugiés dans le contexte de la crise en Ukraine et l'impact sur l'ordre et la sécurité publics. L'essence de la gestion du phénomène dans de telles situations réside dans la réaction rapide et appropriée aux événements qui menacent. Par conséquent, on peut dire que la gestion des situations de crise comprend l'ensemble des mesures adoptées à tous les niveaux du gouvernement, y compris les ministères, les conseils départementaux et locaux, afin d'assurer et de renforcer l'ordre et la sécurité publics. De ce fait, nous examinerons les causes de l'augmentation des valeurs de trafic aux points de passage frontaliers de l'État, les mesures adoptées dans le plan opérationnel afin de gérer l'afflux de réfugiés et l'impact sur l'ordre et la sécurité publics.
Organized crime groups are in full expansion and development, with ever-increasing revenues obtained from illicit activities. Drug trafficking represents an important source for these groups, constituting a permanent threat to the security of states. In smaller or larger proportions, each state is faced with this problem born from drug consumption and trafficking. The period 2010-2020 was a flourishing decade for the cocaine market, setting new records in terms of production, and a permanent increase in consumption among the population (the global area of coca leaf cultivation – 234,000 cultivated hectares, 1982 tons of cocaine pure produced – up by 11% compared to the previous year, 1424 tons of different purity confiscated by the authorities – up by 4.5%, the total number of consumers – 21 million.). The western and central European area represents the second market after North America (in Europe the cocaine market is the second largest after the cannabis market, only at the level of the European Union, in 2021 the number of consumers aged between 15 and 64 was 3.5 million (young consumers between the ages of 15 and 35 – 2.2 million), and the number of people who have consumed cocaine at least once in their life amounts to 14.4 million.). In the next article we will take a look at the global cocaine market; we will analyze the main producing countries: Colombia, Peru and Bolivia, we will also analyze the main traffic routes and methods, the key moments of the last years of the market, the European cocaine market and we will conclude with a series of conclusions.
Following the military invasion by the forces of the Russian army launched on 24.02.2022 in Ukraine, at the level of its neighboring states and beyond, there was a massive influx of people displaced from this country, the groups of people being made up both from Ukrainian citizens and and from citizens of other states that, at the time of the invasion, were living in or transiting Ukraine. This aspect determined the creation of a mechanism for quick and appropriate measures both at European and national level to manage this phenomenon. At the European level, on 04.03.2023, the Council issued the Decision (EU) 2022/382 and activated the temporary protection provided by Directive 2001/55/EC regarding the minimum standards for granting temporary protection, in the event of a massive influx of displaced persons, and the measures to promote a balance between the efforts of the member states to welcome these people and bear the consequences of this reception, all displaced persons from Ukraine, who entered the territory of the EU after 24.02.2022, benefiting from this measure. At the national level, on 18.03.2022, it was issued the Government Decision no. 367 regarding the establishment of conditions for ensuring temporary protection as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts in the field of foreigners, which regulated the granting of temporary protection on the territory of Romania. Temporary protection is an emergency mechanism that applies in the event of a massive influx of people and aims to provide immediate and collective protection. The aim is to ease pressure on national asylum systems and allow displaced people to enjoy harmonized rights across the European Union.
This paper analyses the political representation of youth in the Western Balkans and their participation in political parties, elections, intra-party quota systems, and whether the political parties find quotas as a best solution for increasing political participation of youth and their political credibility. The literature review of other countries that use youth quotas as inclusion-instruments to ensure a wider perspective on how youth political representation should look and where should it derive from is also presented Balkan countries did not institutionalize quota systems in their public institutions or introduced it as a criterion for the creation of election lists. However, most parties voluntarily include representatives of their youth wing organizations in their election lists. Nevertheless, there are very few successful outcomes of such practice where young candidates got elected and represented youth interests in high level institutions such as the Parliament. This comparative report shows that countries that used youth quotas faced similar problems, as the young candidates who got elected as the result of the implemented quota system often did not have proper political influence and they were influenced by their more experienced fellow party members. Aside from quotas, one of the final recommendations of this research is that political parties should introduce mechanisms of informal education that will provide knowledge and experience to young candidates so that they can handle better the situations that are likely to occur within the party and during election campaigns.