Consideraţii ecologice şi geografice privind potenţialul eco-energetic al României
The chapter presents several ecological and geographical considerations on and geospatial analyses of the eco-energy potential of Romania.
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The chapter presents several ecological and geographical considerations on and geospatial analyses of the eco-energy potential of Romania.
The United Nations Global Compact represents one of the biggest voluntary initiatives under the United Nations organisation. This initiative was founded in 2000. It is strongly connected with Corporate Social Responsibility and efforts in achieving sustainability as it is a call for businesses worldwide to contribute towards sustainable world development in economic, social as well as environmental areas. Until last year, when the UNGC celebrated its 20th anniversary, it already had over 11,500 participants all around the world. This fact can have significant impact on achieving its goals which were set in the form of 10 principles divided into 4 main areas, where the positive and sustainable operating of business as well as other types of organisations is much than needed today. Therefore, in the text of this subchapter, the basic information about the very Global Compact initiative is presented, as well as its 10 universal principles set in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environment and anti-corruption, through which the participants are required to take strategic actions in achieving broader societal goals, mainly current Sustainable Development Goals,the interconnection of which is also presented and highlighted. The aim is to help understand the importance of this UN initiative for creating a better and sustainable world by incorporating business and other organisations.
This presentation provides evidence of the influential role of urban planning in directing human activity, which, if not adequately studied, may lead to instability in identity and social integration, and the role of urban planning in transforming cohesive groups into dispersed social groups, distinguished by class, creed, or wealth, and their direct role in fueling hatred futurism is a concrete prelude to conflict. Also, it presents some international examples applied in this field.
The Russia-Ukraine conflict has considerably slowed the construction sector's recovery from the global COVID-19 lockdown. Because of rising debt levels, the short-term picture is uncertain. Both public and private sector initiatives will face challenges, with government funds devoted to efforts to address acute socioeconomic crises, and high building material prices rendering private sector projects unviable. Global climate change and global warming are problems that affect everyone, every country, and everything alive. It is a challenge felt in every sector, from agriculture to water supply and sustainable land management, from unemployment to economic stability, from democracy to security, and especially in the health sectorThe current decade has been defined by the fight against inequality, epidemics, and climate change. Technological advancements, such as digitalization and automation, will continue to have an impact on all parts of our life.
It is well known that weapons of mass destruction and the possibility of using chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear substances called CBRN are a risk of the century we live in and a threat that some state and even non-state actors are very interested to bring to the attention of international public opinion. The effects of these substances have a particular impact on environmental factors (for example, air, water, soil) and consequently on the health of the population or, as the case may be, the military actors involved. Of particular interest to specialists in the field are, on the one hand, the possibility of obtaining or, where appropriate, developing devices to determine CBRN contamination and, on the other hand, response mechanisms to ensure credible protection of those who may be affected.The issue of CBRN protection, as defined according to the NATO Crisis Response Manual, conjunction with the requirements for resilience - the initial requirements through civil emergency response measures - including the preparedness and protection of the civilian population, critical infrastructure and vital resources against CBRN threats must be elements of national interest
The state, through public authorities and institutions, must be concerned with knowing and keeping records of its inhabitants. The adaptation of the public administration to the evolution of the Romanian society determined measures that were realized through changes and transformations, also in the field of personal records. European influences determined the militarized system of records of persons to impose the acceleration of the establishment of public services of records of persons at the level of the public administration, which transformed the management of these entities. Between the two systems, administrative and internal (personal records), the central place was occupied by the citizen, the only beneficiary of the reorganization of the activity of the personal records services and who managed to impose his ideas in front of the authorities and public institutions, regarding the way of exercising the duties in the field of records of persons. The management practiced at the level of public services in the field of personal records has demonstrated the effective merging of two different systems (administrative and military), supported by the political one for the benefit of citizens.
Created in 1945 primarily for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security, the United Nations (UN) plays a vital role in restoring and maintaining peace and stability in countries still affected by conflicts or large-scale crisis. This is achieved through peacekeeping missions and operations, which have constantly evolved and developed. Thus, there has been a gradual shift from the simpler, traditional missions and operations carried out in the spirit of Chapter VI of the UN Charter on the peaceful settlement of disputes, without any military objective or task, to today's multidimensional missions, which have to manage much more complex crisis situations. The United Nations is committed to promote cultural awareness and diversity in all its peacekeeping operations. In recent years, the United Nations has taken significant steps to improve the cultural awareness and sensitivity of its peacekeepers. This includes providing training on cultural competency and cross-cultural communication, as well as developing policies and guidelines that consider the unique needs of each mission. The UN perspective is that peacekeeping operations are often conducted in cultures very different from those of the peacekeepers themselves. As such, it is important for peacekeepers to be aware of the local culture and customs. By taking steps to promote cultural awareness and diversity, the UN is working to increase the efficiency of its peacekeeping forces.
The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 on the United States and generated a significant increase in legislation on the fight against terrorism at national and European level. Given the seriousness of these offences, judicial cooperation between States is indispensable. In this context, both substantial and procedural instruments are taken into account to provide the necessary measures to prevent and combat terrorism. These include the European Arrest Warrant within the European Union. However, there are two major risks associated with this supposed fight against terrorism. These include the European Arrest Warrant within the European Union. However, there are two major risks associated with this supposed fight against terrorism. The first risk is the creation of a so-called „criminal security law” that could undermine the legal safeguards and fundamental rights of individuals. The second risk is the questionable violation of human rights by some of these procedural measures. In the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters, judicial cooperation between Member States focuses mainly on the nature and characteristics of terrorism, an offence that does not respect territorial boundaries at all. The „criminal security law”, in the context of the war in Ukraine, has become, more than ever, a subject of great topicality.We will examine the provisions proposed by the draft EU Constitution on the material and procedural instruments used in the fight against terrorism in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. In this context, we believe that it is crucial to adopt alternative instruments that protect citizens' civil liberties and human rights. Only in this way will fair and equitable judicial cooperation between the various Member States be possible.
The war in Ukraine has raised the issue of the Wagner Group with regard to humanitarian law. Under humanitarian law, members of the Wagner Group should protect and respect the rights of civilians and others who do not participate in the fight, provide medical aid and respect the rights of prisoners of war. Also, members of the group should not commit war crimes, such as the murder and torture of civilians or prisoners of war.If members of the Wagner Group violate the rules of humanitarian law, they can be held criminally liable and tried in accordance with international law. Also, states that engage members of the Wagner Group in the conflict in Ukraine can be held responsible for violations of human rights and humanitarian law.Members of the Wagner Group involved in the conflict in Ukraine should abide by the rules of humanitarian law and provide protection to civilians and others who do not participate in the fight. Violations of these rules may lead to criminal liability actions and trials in accordance with international law.
Terrorist threats to European security in the context of globalisation are of major relevance because of their global implications at the psycho-socio-individual level. This article proposes a qualitative analysis of the two terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils on 17-18 August 2017, claimed by ISIS members of the Salafist insurgent group. The approach brings to attention the issue of transnational threats and the anomie of terror partisans. The characteristics of the terrorist's personality profile, the pyramidal structure of involvement within a group, motivation, dynamics of actions according to intra-cellular organization, sphere of interest according to geographical location, level of involvement, influence of social, economic, cultural realities are brought under the microscope of analysis. A detailed analysis reveals the meticulousness of the practices of the groups, with a view to prevention and increasing the solidarity of the responsible institutions and civil society in combating the phenomenon.
From 2022, an unprecedented armed conflict, in the last 50 years in this area of the world, is taking place on Romania's borders. Our country has shown a high level of generosity, hospitality and solidarity in its efforts to help Ukrainian refugees fleeing the armed conflicts in their homeland. The Romanian government has implemented policies and emergency measures to provide protection, access to vital services and social inclusion in national systems. As far as Romania is concerned, the characteristics of the refugee population have imposed an integrated approach to educational services. This approach was adapted to combat language barriers but also the reluctance of the refugees to call on educational services based on their personal conviction. Romania, through its leadership, realized on the occasion of the serious events that took place in 2022, that in the Romanian administrative systems the administrative barriers still remain significant and only through sustained and coordinated efforts (consisting of legislative interventions and changes in public policies and strategies) can they be overcome.
Started in February 2022, through a military aggression by Russia, the war in Ukraine represents a threat to international security, but it can affect, without reaching the generalization of the conflict, the public security of the states of Europe, but especially of the states near the area of conflict.Like any military conflict, it generates a series of crises in the economic, social, humanitarian, public order etc. The huge wave of refugees transited the states bordering the conflict, to take shelter from the war, generating a series of social problems in the destination countries.The challenges to public security must be analysed from multiple perspectives: of crime, of public pressure determined by the population of the destination countries, of the economic and social impact that the European Union states must sustain for supporting the Ukrainian war effort, and subsequently for reconstruction of affected areas.In creating scenarios of crisis evolution, past events must be considered. The refugee crisis caused by emigrants from North Africa and the Middle East has caused a series of economic and social problems in Europe, sometimes culminating in population protest movements against population that have committed delicts or crimes.Refugees or migrants are not always just helpless people running from war or repression in their countries of origin; elements that are part of organized crime networks or, why not, terrorist can easily infiltrate among them.Starting from some certain aspects, the article wants to identify and analyse potential aspects that could affect public security, in the context of the Ukrainian crisis.
This study provides an in-depth analysis of the public-private partnership in the execution of custodial sentences, focusing on the ethical, legal, and operational implications associated with this collaborative model. The research emphasizes the fundamental role of the public service in ensuring law compliance and the protection of the fundamental rights of prisoners, while also highlighting the need for careful management of the partnership in accordance with the ethical and deontological principles specific to the correctional profession.The detailed analysis highlights numerous benefits associated with the public-private partnership, including the improvement of the quality of correctional services, the optimization of financial and technological resources utilization, and increased operational efficiency. The involvement of private companies in prison management brings innovative perspectives and specialized expertise, contributing to the continuous development of the correctional system. Furthermore, collaboration between the public and private sectors can support the implementation of advanced programs for social reintegration and rehabilitation of prisoners, thereby facilitating the rehabilitation process and reducing recidivism rates.However, the public-private partnership also presents significant challenges. One notable drawback is the risk of the private sector being primarily motivated by profit-seeking, potentially leading to a decline in the quality of services provided to prisoners. Additionally, the increase in costs borne by the government is questioned, as private companies may demand higher remuneration than necessary to cover the actual costs. Contract management and monitoring activities within the partnership pose complex challenges, particularly when the interests of the two parties diverge significantly.
The new geopolitical and geostrategic realities in the context of the war in Ukraine led to the exacerbation of common law crime and white collar crime and they represent a threat to National Security by making the integrated defence systems of National Security and public order vulnerable. An increase of corruption among civil servants and law enforcements led to the development of some unlawful underground economies powered by the war of Ukraine. Consequently, it results in a “sick” economy with direct effects on the regular citizen amplified by the arisal of new methods and forms of committing a crime in the context of the globalization of criminality which represent both a plague of this millenium and the biggest threat to the “healthy” development of a democratic state. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the legislative acquis and the system of public order and national security in order to fight against criminality in the context of new challenges that feed the anomie in society.
We can state that with each passing day, our world is becoming increasingly digitized and the accessibility of the population to information resources and computer systems is becoming more and more diversified, while awareness and education regarding online security are not, unfortunately, a priority discussed on the agenda, yet. As technology advances, people become more dependent on it, and preventing and combating cybercrime becomes an increasingly pressing issue. International police cooperation is essential in addressing this type of often organized crime, as most cybercrimes surpass conventional borders. Thus, strong and efficient collaboration among law enforcement agencies from different countries can contribute to identifying and pursuing criminals who exploit computer systems, as well as exchanging vital information for preventing future cyber attacks. This requires the development of common protocols and procedures, open and transparent communication, and a shared commitment to protecting citizens and public institutions. Additionally, public education and awareness are of paramount importance in preventing crimes within the realm of cybercrime. In an increasingly interconnected world, we must ensure that a significant portion of the population understands the risks associated with technology usage and is prepared to protect themselves or detect and report violations of rights in the online environment.
The continuous increase in the demand for transport is in the constant attention of the European Commission, which has launched a "new visionary exercise" applicable to the future of all modes of transport, with an emphasis on continuing the process of liberalization and reducing the impact on the environment - the transport system consumes almost 30 % of energy generated in member villages – by reducing dependence on oil imports, greenhouse gas emissions and accidents. This article draws attention to the considerable challenges faced by the European Union and, implicitly, our country, in order to respond to permanent transport needs, in the context of demographic changes and the reorientation of investment capacities in the port field, all influenced by the maintenance of the situation determined by the evolution of the conflict in Ukraine.
Organized crime groups are in full expansion and development, with ever-increasing revenues obtained from illicit activities. Drug trafficking represents an important source for these groups, constituting a permanent threat to the security of states. In smaller or larger proportions, each state is faced with this problem born from drug consumption and trafficking. The period 2010-2020 was a flourishing decade for the cocaine market, setting new records in terms of production, and a permanent increase in consumption among the population (the global area of coca leaf cultivation – 234,000 cultivated hectares, 1982 tons of cocaine pure produced – up by 11% compared to the previous year, 1424 tons of different purity confiscated by the authorities – up by 4.5%, the total number of consumers – 21 million.). The western and central European area represents the second market after North America (in Europe the cocaine market is the second largest after the cannabis market, only at the level of the European Union, in 2021 the number of consumers aged between 15 and 64 was 3.5 million (young consumers between the ages of 15 and 35 – 2.2 million), and the number of people who have consumed cocaine at least once in their life amounts to 14.4 million.). In the next article we will take a look at the global cocaine market; we will analyze the main producing countries: Colombia, Peru and Bolivia, we will also analyze the main traffic routes and methods, the key moments of the last years of the market, the European cocaine market and we will conclude with a series of conclusions.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the personality of a boss in antithesis to the personality of a leader by defining and differentiating them. The methodology of the research carried out is to start from the initial emergence of these terms to the present day. The paper includes both a theoretical comparison of the two types of leadership and a practical comparison of two known historical personalities, and on the basis of the results obtained, leadership styles in emergency management are highlighted. The essential conclusion of this paper is the notion of innate leadership resulting from the analysis as well as the identical result of comparing the two typologies mentioned above regardless of the historical moment in which it takes place.
Spectrometry and measurements of radioactive background are used to detect and quantify levels of ionizing radiation in various environments, including air, water, and soil. These techniques allow the determination of the type and quantity of radionuclides present in a sample and can be used to evaluate the impact of radiation on human health and the environment. Spectrometry involves detecting and analyzing the radiation emitted by radioactive materials, while measurements of radioactive background refer to measuring the level of background radiation in a particular environment or location. Measurements of radioactive background are important in assessing the risks associated with exposure to radiation in a given environment. These measurements are carried out using measuring instruments such as dosimeters, radiation detectors, or spectrometers and allow the monitoring of radiation levels in various environments, including areas where there are natural or artificial sources of radiation. Overall, spectrometry and measurements of radioactive background are essential for evaluating the risks associated with exposure to radiation and for protecting human health and the environment.
From the emergence of the concept of sustainable development to the present day, this model of development has been a global policy with economic, social and environmental implications, of major importance for our common good. Achieving sustainable development goals requires a holistic, long-term approach. The realization of the sustainable development vision and the monitoring of progress are based on indicators of achievement that need to be linked to specific actions over a time horizon. Identifying the right indicators and interpreting them is crucial. This paper provides an overview of the challenge of measuring indicators for monitoring progress on sustainable development and is a starting point for future in-depth analysis of the indicators associated with the 17 SDGs and the criteria for their selection.