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Intense competition forces companies to invest more and more into the formation of human capital that helps to improve the management of the company, the application of new technologies and the achievement of new strategic goals. Thus the standards of quality of investment in people rise. However, Lithuanian enterprises lack the systematic approach to the employee’s training and do not sufficiently invest into the development of human capital. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to analyse the role of employee’s training from the point of economics, human resource management and other theories. Another target of this paper is to discuss some tendencies and problems of employee’s training in Lithuania.
Implementing dedicated information systems within organizations is the most challenging part of IT strategies, since they significantly increase activity efficiency if properly implemented, and on the other hand, may cause major investment problems, otherwise. The paper focuses of the stages, principles and strategies of adequately implementing dedicated information systems. We sustain our statements by presenting a case study on our university. In Romania, the implementation of global management information systems which synthesize relevant information from all the organization’s compartments is still in its early to medium stages. Nevertheless, the use of such systems has proven to be extremely efficient in providing an electronic management board and assistant for designing management strategies and synthesizing the organization’s activity. It is essential to take into account the advantages that adequate information systems may bring into the organization and the importance in adopting efficient strategies in choosing and implementing such systems.
Beginning with an overview of the “basic” knowledge on Gypsies, the article develops further around different aspects of the issue of the “Roma culture”. The aim of the text is to clarify how a peculiar social and historical situation of this minority group has determined a specific form of its culture. Finally, the article puts into light the difficulties for the modernization of this group that are caused by the specific reactive form of its cultural traits.
L’étude met en évidence les fondements culturels du processus d’intégration européenne et soumet au débat des arguments culturels pour la modernisation et l’européanisation de la société roumaine. Elle reprend le débat tradition - modernité qui a fait une carrière intéressante tout au long du XIXème siècle ainsi qu’au début du XXème siècle et souligne la rupture, la parenthèse tragique introduite par le régime communiste dans l’évolution culturelle et profondément européenne de la Roumanie. Elle plaide pour une deuxième modernisation et européanisation par la culture dans la nouvelle période historique commencée en 1989 et introduit dans le débat le potentiel pratiquement inépuisable de l’intellectualité, de l’élite, dans le processus de l’intégration européenne de la société roumaine.
Entrepreneur Viktor Uspaskich's Labor Party wins the first round of parliamentary elections as expected. Now comes the wheeling and dealing.
The top Islamic governing body in Tajikistan has declared that women cannot attend mosque. What’s behind the sudden announcement?
In a tumultuous week, a presidential candidate withdraws, while the country moves closer to the EU.
Having opened the door to Turkey, the EU must now be willing to open the door to other unlikely candidates. But they must first follow Turkey’s example and bring about decisive change.
A proposed new Hungarian law on beverage containers is unlikely to stem the tide of plastic.
Abkhazia's first presidential election produces surprises and paradoxes.
As the government prepares to answer an EU questionnaire, the 7 November referendum on the government's redistricting plans is casting a shadow.
A new EU questionnaire helps focus minds on the dreadful state of the Macedonian economy.
Romanian students continue to hear conflicting and ambiguous messages about the mass murder of their country's Jewish citizens.
Belgrade gets more conciliatory in its dealings with the Hague tribunal--and is rewarded with a case transfer.
The article focuses on the image of the three rulers of the Lagid Dynasty: Ptolemy IV, Ptolemy VI and Ptolemy VIII, which was included in the sources, The Histories by Polybius in particular the ancient tradition is especially hostile towards Ptolemy IV and Ptolemy VIII, who are presented as the rulers neglecting state matters, concentrated on their own pleasures and, particularly in the case of Ptolemy VIII, cruel. Polybius’ most serious charge leveled against Ptolemy IV concerns his idleness as well as leading an inept foreign policy. In the light of the assessment of Ptolemy IV’s reign, Polybius’ opinion is not completely justified. On can judge that Ptolemy IV’s lifestyle decidedly influenced the opinion concerning his reign. It cannot be ruled out, however, that what we have to deal with in this case is the Ptolemies’ and the antique authors’ different understanding of the concept of tryphé (trufἠ). Affluence as a means of the possibilities of acting and the manifestation of splendour of the monarchy’s power was the idea that formed the basis of the concept of tryphé in the Ptolemies’ propaganda and ideology. Tryphé was the sign of the dynasty’s power, prosperity and constituted a complement of one of the most important elements of the Hellenistic kings’ propaganda, that is euergetism. The concept of tryphé was, nevertheless, ambiguous. In the light of the antique accounts, the understanding of the above concept was dominated by the pejorative aspects, such as a passion for luxury and a riotous lifestyle, which led to debauchery and effeminacy. At least a part of the opinions included in the antique sources can be explained just by the differences in the perception of the concept of tryphé on the part of the Ptolemies and Greek intellectuals. It does not concern only Ptolemy IV and Ptolemy VIII, but also Ptolemy VI, who was very positively presented in the antique tradition. Despite all his real liking for him, Polybius points out his tendency to live life to the full in an excessive manner. Tryphé constituted, however, a significant element of the Lagids’ ideology and it is difficult to suppose that the members of the dynasty consistently used the means which fell on barren ground. Even if the Ptolemies could not reach the intellectual elites in this way, the manifestation of tryphé brought results in the case of the other recipients, such as the ordinary subjects who were supposed to admire the splendour and affluence of the dynasty. When it comes to the representatives of culture and science, the Ptolemies successfully managed to get through to them in different ways, for instance by the acts of euergetism or by providing patronage for culture and science. Nonetheless, tryphé in a considerable way influenced the way in which the Ptolemies were perceived by ancient authors.
The paper is an analysis of the scene in Ant. XI, 8: the supposed meeting between Alexander the Great and the Jewish High Priest, revealing Alexander’s special status as a chosen of God. The analysis concentrates on two issues: the literary character of the description and the problem of Alexander’s kingship as presented in Jewish literature.
Many scholars believe that literary and artistic level of Book V of Vergil`s Aeneid is much lower than in the neighbouring books four and six. Nonetheless a detailed analysis of the contents and composition allows, in my opinion, to treat Book V as interesting and valuable. Vergil concentrated primarily on the sense of suffering which often befalls innocent people. The most vivid is the example of Palinurus whose undeserved and sacrificial death permits Aeneas to continue with his mission. The death of Palinurus and Dido is, I think, a symbolic farewell of Aeneas with the Trojan past and the wandering on the sea. The participants in the games are all secondary characters. By introducing them Vergil, I believe, wished to stress the importance of every man of Aeneas` crew in the fulfilling of the task set by destiny. The importance of fatum and fortuna increases exponentially in the instances where human strength and abilities fail.
The paper analyses the terms tyrannos and basileus in both Greek politics and Greek drama, taking under special scrutiny various connotations and associations of the terms tyrannos and tyrannis in the language of Attic tragedy.
The paper analyses the life and position of Antonia Caenis, a former slave and a long-time concubine of emperor Vespasian.