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Reviews: Hanifa Kapidzic-Osmanagic: A New Beckett ( Radomir Konstantinović: Beket prijatelj, Otkrovenje, Beograd 2000.) Dejan Djuricković: Marko’s Montenegrins (Marko Vešović: Moj svijete izgubljeni, Cetinje 2000.) Željko Ivanković: Fin de Siecle of Bosnia-Herzegovina (Željko Grahovac: Ponestaje prostora, Panorama najnovije bosanskohercegova~ke poezije, Delta, Bihać, 2000.) Marko Vešović: One Novel and Three Novels (Jasna Šamić, Soba sa pogledom na okean, Centar za kulturu i obrazovanje, Tešanj, 2001) Zeljko Ivanković: A Complete Lexicographical Incompetence (Mirko Marjanović: Leksikon hrvatskih književnika Bosne i Hercegovine od najstarijih vremena do danas; Matica hrvatska, Sarajevo, HKD Napredak, Sarajevo, 2001.) Nenad Radanović: War Stories of Dragoslav Janjić [Dragoslav Janjić: Trovanje šampanjcem, SPKD “Prosvjeta”, Sarajevo, 2000. godina)
"Work" as a central concept in social sciences was and it is used to define the "gender differences" in the society. Therefore it is necessary to understand the "alternative meanings" of work which were build as counterparts at the official and patriarchal signification of it. The different meaninngs of work are analysed with a direct reference to Romania, using two sets of sociological data: the quantitative ones and the qualitative approach to the social realities. The article presents the debate concerning the labour concept from a social perspective "sensitive to gender".
Observing thesimultaneous transformation into the family sphere and into the sphere of work, the article focuses on analysing the family - work report in the contemporary society, especially in canada and Romania (suggesting some comparison). Relations between demographic transformation which determine veritable family mutation in the past 30 years, economical transformation and market transformation at the same time are integrated into unitary analytical perspective using different sociological studies of the family.
Initially, the profession of a secretary was a masculine job, but the last decades womanised it and the term "secretary" is always feminine in Romanian. The evolution continues and modifies the secretary status: the change of mentality, new technologies and new work methids - the manager assistant has new abilities (organisation and communication). These impose new quality standards in the ways of training the secretary at the working place. New roles, diversity, future connected to the telework, founding of a secretary professional association whose purpose would be to establish the identitiy of this profession.
This article has focused on the practical implementation of the principle of equal opportunities into a Romanian institution, the Direction for Equal Opportunities from the Ministry of labor and Social Protection. The institution was established soon after the Women's World Conference form Beijing in October 1995. The history of this institution is short but tempestuous. The main direction fost which the institution is seen are: the context of the establishment, the objectives chosen, the changes of the institution place in the ministry structure, the team and activities. One of the most important issues revealed here is the change process. Caught into the process of Ministry of labor changes, the Direction for Equal Opportunities was lost in the struggle of power.
The economic and social situation in Romania has increased the number of unemployed and the possibilities of professional reorientation quite a few. Women represent one of the most disadvantaged categories, as they are not offered viable alternatives on the job market. Another consequence of the present day economic situation is the high rate of the abandonement of the children that cannot be raised by their mothers in their own families. This includes the diminishing, even anihilation of the maternal feelingand of the maternal instinct of carrying the responsibility of own's child. This article aims at raising some questions: if motherhood became a profession, why should we not create a "school" for the biological mothers and so reduce the huge problems, even disasters in the families?
The woman emancipation in Romania related to the economical development and technical progress. Historical review (1879 - 1913). Articles and statistis from this period.