Heil-Aberglaube der Zigeuner
re-digitized issue 31 from March, 1936 of the house journal of pharmaceutical Company CIBA
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re-digitized issue 31 from March, 1936 of the house journal of pharmaceutical Company CIBA
booklet published by the "Jugoslav Association for the League of Nations". Content: Language - Religion - Traditions - POlitical Aspects - Current State of the Art - Conclusion
Text of the author's introduction: "Since years I have tried to work in the "Prussian Yearbooks" for a better understanding of the Polish question among the German people. Finally the real events have have set the ball rolling and wide circles of the public started to turn their attention to the complex problem. I considered it as appropriatze, therefore, to compile the thesis which, up to now, I have published in the "Political Correspondences" of the "Prussian Yearbooks" into a general view, to put them in the context of the current developments and to offer them to the public in form of a small booklet." Please note: The original booklet re-digitized here was printed in German FRAKTURA characters!
Radio speech of Moša Pijade broadcasted on November 29, 1948 Printed with a postface of the author by "Borba" in 1948
Foreword and translation from Russian by Veljko Ribar. Published in Yugoslavia by KULTURA in 1959
Extract from the issue 1/1938 of the journal Znanost i život
article from iussue 1/1938 of the journal »ŽIVOT. ČASOPIS ZAPOPULARIZACIJU NAUKE«, there pp. 37 to 51
Voici un petit précis de l’histoire du bolchevisme et de la Révolution communiste russe qu’il im-porte de recommander aux ouvriers français tant à cause de sa grande clarté que de sa vérité irréfutable. L’on y voit d’une façon décisive comment fut entreprise par les révolutionnaires russes l’oeuvre à la fois gigantesque et grandiose qui ne peut subsister dans sa totalité et qui ne peut être achevée que par les prolétaires d’Allemagne, d’Autriche, de France, d’Angleterre et d’Italie etc... // La dictature du prolétariat nous apparaît non seulement comme une nécessité, mais comme une oeuvre de justice. Il est impossible, en effet, de détruire en un jour le capitalisme spoliateur et exploiteur. La dictature du prolétariat est une période transitoire sans laquelle il serait impossible de parachever et de consolider l'oeuvre du socialisme.
The present pamphlet, as is evident from the text, was written at the end of September and was finished on October 1, 1917. The October 25 Revolution has transferred the question raised in this pamphlet from the sphere of theory to the sphere of practice. This question must now be answered by deeds, not words. The theoretical arguments advanced against the Bolsheviks taking power were feeble in the extreme. These arguments have been shot to pieces. The task now is for the advanced class—the proletariat— to prove in practice the viability of the workers' and peasants' government. All class-conscious workers, all the active and honest peasants, all working and exploited people, will do everything they can to solve the immense historic question in practice. // To work, everybody to work, the cause of the world socialist revolution must and will triumph. (from the preface written by Lenin, St. Petersburg, November 9, 1917.)
The year 1937 saw numerous military maneuvers of the armies all over Europe. The booklet lists the various states and the maneuver-activities of their armies and tries to develop an interpretation of the respective political backgrounds and contexts, together with some conclusions for the near future. Published in 1938 by the Bulgarian Military Printing
Inspired by passions and diverse interests, these studies on Bessarabia are often far from edifying public opinion. We will therefore endeavor to shed light on this issue, by supporting the following pages with authentic dates and documents, excluding any prevention and any special interest. Published by Cartea Romaneasca, Iaşi, 1926
Special edition of the »Political Monthly for the Young Germany«, published by Heinrich Heiß // see as well: Martin Spahn, Volk und Reich, vol 1 (1925), and the chapter “Mitteleuropa” (pages 2-38) // (The PDF-file shows the text as printed in German FRAKTURA types)
contributions to a conference held on 22nd and 23rd of June 1987 in the Academy of the Protestant Church in Mülheim/Ruhr. The paper has been published by the Academy under the ISBN 3-926188-02-2 Main contributions by: Dieter Bach, Karl-Heinz Ruffmann, Günther von Norden, Alexander Fischer, Hans-Adolf Jacobsen, Herbert Straeten
The research recognised both the progress in the respect of LGBTI rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the deep-rooted problems that LGBTI people face in our society, including lack of access to health care, lack of social support and economic opportunities, and deficiencies in legislation that fails to provide adequate protection. Although the research findings point to the need for broader education of society about LGBTI issues to reduce stigma and increase acceptance, they also point to certain positive developments.