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Words of Greetings of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Joschka Fischer on the Occasion of Celebrating 50 Years of The Southeast Europe Association
"They say that the Republic of Moldova would be a country without a future. Many political commentators believe in this supposition. The same situation applies to a majority of the population and to a large part of the youth in this country. The most conclusive demonstration took place during the election of the 23rd of February 2001 only two political parties were elected to the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova the Communist Party (left wing party, the adept in rehabilitation of the former Soviet Union) and the Popular Christian Democratic Party (right wing party, the adept in union with Romania). The population refused the political parties, which chose maintaining and consolidating the Republic of Moldova as a state, expressing a dangerous state of spirit. In this situation, I find myself in unequal conditions compared to other authors, who will easily make some prognosis related to their countries. It will be difficult for me to remain optimistic in this study, keeping in account that my country became one of the poorest countries in Europe and at the same time, the unique European country in which Communism was restored in a democratic way."[...]
Taj je simpozij organiziralo društvo Komitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zur Förderung der Slavischen Studien (Komitet Savezne republike Njemačke za unapređivanje slavističkih studija). Osnivanje, ciljevi i djelatnost udruženja prikazani su u predgovoru prvom svesku specijalne serije izdanja (Schriften) Komiteta, zborniku pod naslovom Beiträge zu den europäischen Bezügen der Kunst in Rußland (Studije o evropskim vezama umjetnosti u Rusiji), objavljenom u Gießenu god. 1979; izdavač mu je profesor slavistike u Bonnu Hans Rothe. Spomenuti Komitet dio je organizacije UNESCO-a Association interruztioruzle pour l'étude et la diffusion des cultures slaves (ruska kratica MAIRSK) i u njoj je Komitet predstavnik zapadno- 131 njemačke slavistike.
Les procédés stylistiques basés sur des sons dans la poésie croate contemporaine nous informent tout d'abord de la créativité poétique: les choix virtuels (pour emprunter les termes de Giacomo Devoto ) dépassent largement, en nombre et en qualité, les chox réels: l'emploi des onomatopées est très restreint par rapport à d'autres procédés stylistiques basés sur des sons; et ce sont ces derniers qui confirment la créativité poétique.
Der Aufsatz geht aus von dem in jüngster Zeit zunehmenden Interesse für grundsätzliche Fragen der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung und erörtert die Möglichkeit, der Literarhistorie einen spezifischen Aufgabenbereich in der Systematik der Literaturwissenschaft zuzuweisen. Als Voraussetzung wird die Notwendigkeit angesehen, sämtliche Bemühungen der Literaturgeschichte auf einen zentralen Punkt auszurichten: der Sinn der Literarhistorie steht und fällt mit der Bereitschaft, die Ursachen, aber auch die spezifischen Modalitäten der Veränderungen im Leben der Literatur zu erforschen. Eine Theorie endogener Literaturgeschichte, wie sie etwa von den russischen Fonnalisten angestrebt worden ist, ist unzulänglich, weil sie der ,,Dynamik" der Literatur ein mechanisch verstandenes Abnützungsphänomen zugrunde legt. In Auseinandersetzung mit Staigers Überlegungen zum Problem des "Stilwandels" wird gezeigt, daß ohne die Berücksichtigung exogener Faktoren Veränderungen nicht angemessen begriffen werden können - wobei die Besonderheiten der Produktionsfonn Literatur, der institutionellen Erscheinungen, der Traditionen usw. keineswegs geleugnet werden. Erst in der Zusarnmenschau von Stil und Geschichte findet die Literarhistorie ihren eigentlichen Grund.
Na osnovi specifičnoga razvoja svoga mozga čovjek je, a time se misli reći svaki član ljudskoga roda, razvio tri speCifična oblika svoga odnosa prema svijetu koji ga okružuje, i svoga života u njemu: "sposobnost manipulacije oruđem, visoko diferencirane socijalne sisteme i razvijenu strukturu komunikacije unutar svoje vrste". To su tri komponente razvoja ljudske svijesti, kako se on postupno odvijao u prijelaznom području između čovjeka i životinje. Osnovna zagonetka ljudske svijesti leži u njezinoj sposobnosti da doživljava percepcije, pritom doživljavanju opreke, konstrasta, pripada osnovno značenje. Tek ljudska svijest omogućuje pojedincu da doživi opreku između sebe i svijeta što ga okružuje, a tek na osnovi toga doživljaja moguća je sustavna manipulacija oruđem. Razvoj samosvijesti pojedinca rezultat je svijesti pojedinoga Ja o njegovoj razlici od drugoga Ja.
International migration and development are among the most often cited issues in contemporary scholarly and political discussions. Reduction of socioeconomic disparities through development of economically less developed countries or liberalization of workforce movement are positioned very high on the political agendas of particular countries, as well as on those of supranational and international organizations. Therefore, it is not surprising that relations between migration and development attract more and more attention not only from the scientific community but from other individuals and organizations as well. In a limited amount of space, this paper uncovers the impacts of international migration, above all of the phenomenaons of remittances and skilled migration on the development of both receiving and sending countries. The article discusses the challenge of whether international migration is a better development strategy than traditional development tools such as Official Development Assistance (ODA) and argues against some traditional migration myths. This article wants to contribute to the discussion in the Czech Republic on relations between international migration and development with an emphasis on developing countries. The article is structured as follows. The first part is a brief description of international migration theories with development aspects in mind. The second part deals with international migration in the contemporary global world, stressing quantification of migration flows with respect to the level of development. Finally, the third chapter summarizes the most important findings from specific domains of relations between international migration and development (particularly remittances and skilled migration).
The essay deals with the development of theory in development economics as a subdiscipline of international economics, within the context of general economic theory. Although some authors believe that it started to develop during the 19th century (as some Latin American countries gained their independence at this time), most authors connect its origin with the decolonization process of the 1950s. The first part describes its rather “naive” beginnings, when it was believed that it is possible to discover a universal theory applicable to the whole “third world” – such as theories of vicious circles of poverty, the best ways and tools for breaking them, etc. The second phase of development economics, spanning approximately 1970–1990, was characterized by disillusionment and produced a lot of mostly analytical works dealing with partial problems. The third stage (1990 – present) has been characterized by a growing demand for the socalled new synthesis. As the authors believe, such a goal would be very difficult to achieve, but in essence, it is achievable by means of joint efforts based on the Millennium Development Goals, changes of international economic and political relations systems and changes in a wide range of global issues.
George B. N. Ayittey: Africa Unchained – The Blueprint for Africa’s Future. 1st ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, 483 stran, ISBN 1-4039-6359-2. (Vladimír Kváča) Mário Caetano João – Petr Jelínek – Aleš Knitl (eds.): Lusofonní Afrika 1975–2005. África lusófona 1975–2005. 1. vyd. Praha: Ústav mezinárodních vztahů, 2006, 207 stran, ISBN 80-86506-49-5. (Michael Romancov) Bjørn Olav Utvik: The Pious Road to any, 2006, XI + 287 stran, ISBN 1-85065-760-2 Development. Islamist Economics in Egypt. 1st ed. London: Hurst & Comp. (Jaroslav Bureš) Nancy Fraser: Rozvíjení radikální imaginace. Globální přerozdělování, uznání a reprezentace. Editor Marek Hrubec. 1. vyd. Praha: Filosofia, 2007, 182 stran, ISBN 978-80-7007-251-6. (Ondřej Lánský)
The article presents the concept of human development and its measurement using the Human Development Index (HDI). The first three parts explain the evolution of the human development concept and the methodology of the HDI and provide some analysis of HDI results. The focus of the article is to critically discuss the HDI as a measure of human development. Based on critical perspectives of selected authors, the article analyses the weak points (and by implication the strong ones as well) of the HDI, and it also discusses proposed changes in the HDI methodology. The combination of relative comprehensiveness of the scope of the indicator and relative simplicity of its methodology made the HDI more popular than its creators may have expected. Despite all the critical comments on the HDI, it may be used as a summary measure of development. However, it should be noted that it may serve only as a rough measure.
The main goal of the article is to analyse the basic problems regarding the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) negotiations between the European Union (EU) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. The negotiations so far have been controversial, and discussions about them have been inconclusive. In the first section of the article, the negotiations are set within the context of global politics and are especially examined in the context of new regionalism/inter-regionalism and international trade relations to clarify the motives behind the EPAs. Then the negotiation parties are introduced and a brief overview of the ACP economies follows, since they all have a considerable impact on the EPA discussions. Next, an analysis of possible positive and negative impacts of the EPAs on the development of ACP countries follows.
The paper is an attempt to critical discuss of the evolution of transport planning notion in the research literature – including the geographical one. The author presents key points of this discipline and reviews the difficulties associated with qualitative research on mobility – a field usually characterized by rational behavior prompted by external factors and economic factors. The social sciences suggest that mobility results in outcomes driven by social and psychological needs. The author suggests that geography is an important element of the interdisciplinary approach needed to analyze transport behaviors in both qualitative and quantitative terms. Finally, the author discusses space syntax theory and its applicability in research on the effects of geographic space on mobility.
When Poland entered the European Union in 2004, the ethnic composition of Great Britain experienced a rather sudden change. The large number of immigrants from Poland made Polish immigrants a key ethnic group in Great Britain within a few years after enlargement Poland to the European Union.The purpose of the paper is to describe the principal areas of concentration of Polish immigrants in Great Britain as well as to describe the key factors determining the distribution of Polish immigrants. The paper is based on data obtained from British population registries and survey data collected in London in 2010. Research has shown that most Polish immigrants have settled in major cities, with London being the main concentration area. The main reason for this distribution is the presence of migration networks in major cities and more job opportunities as well.
The paper explores the issue of competitiveness in the field of tourism. Assuming an economic perspective and basing on a discussion of the issue with respect to tourist destinations, the paper looks at this type of analysis in the field of the geography of tourism. The paper utilizes systems analysis to create a competitiveness research model for multifunctional tourist destinations, which factors in a spectrum of determinants driving local tourist development.
In this paper methods for measuring susceptibility to social and landscape degradation in large post-socialist housing estates (L H Es ) are proposed. This type of housing was especially popular in post-war Central and Eastern Europe run by communist regimes. As a result, L H Es today constitute a significant part of this region’s housing stock, therefore, their eventual decline would affect millions of people as well as considerable urban areas. This paper is designed to have an applied dimension. The research included a survey of the residents of six housing estates in Katowice (Poland), fieldwork, and statistical analysis using the chi-squared test. On this basis, several factors are evaluated according to their ‘degradation potential’. This leads to the creation of a model illustrating degradation processes taking place at L H Es . The decline in the quality of life is used as an analytical starting point. Research has shown that the large size of a given estate appears to be the most significant factor stimulating its decline. Other key factors are: low aesthetic qualities, poor maintenance of public spaces, weak social bonds, relative lack of public safety, and insufficient social infrastructure. In contrast, issues such as pollution, noise, undesirable surroundings and general management of the area appeared to have the least importance. The final result of the research procedure is a rating of the six studied estates on the basis of their susceptibility to degradation.
The authors attempt to diagnose the contemporary situation of demographic development in Polish cities after the fall of socialism in 1989. The paper focuses on selected issues and processes related to major urbanisation tendencies during the period of Poland’s centrally planned economy. The depopulation of cities and urban shrinkage are presented in the context of suburbanisation, some aspects of internal migration (job migration in particular) as well as international migration. Special attention was paid to rates of population change in cities, which allowed the authors to distinguish several types of rates. Moreover, a variety of factors underlying demographic changes are also discussed.