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Result 255521-255540 of 319228
Concept of Liability, Legal Liability, and Budgetary Responsibility

Concept of Liability, Legal Liability, and Budgetary Responsibility

Concept of Liability, Legal Liability, and Budgetary Responsibility

Author(s): Ivana Pařízková / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: liability; legal responsibility; budgetary responsibility; budget; fiscal responsibility; Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic; public finances

Responsibility is a concept used in common communication but also as a technical term, especially in the legal sciences, but also in psychology, ethics and sociology, philosophy, and theology. In many languages, the etymology of the term is based on the Latin respondeo, which means answering someone, giving an account, or simply giving an answer to a question. In law, responsibility is understood as the necessity to bear the consequences foreseen by law for the actions of the responsible entity or for the result attributed to the responsible entity. And at the same time, we can also state that legal responsibility is a legal relationship in which a secondary obligation arises for the responsible subject by violating his primary obligation.

Changes in the Regulation of Crypto Exchanges in Lithuania And Estonia

Changes in the Regulation of Crypto Exchanges in Lithuania And Estonia

Changes in the Regulation of Crypto Exchanges in Lithuania And Estonia

Author(s): Marek Bočánek / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: MiCA; crypto-assets; crypto exchange; crypto wallet; AML; payments

This article consults new regulations in Estonia and Lithuania where significant amendments have been adopted for the establishment and approval of crypto exchange services' providers. While Estonia has adopted an important amendment to the regulation of providers of crypto exchange services and of crypto wallet services, Lithuania has adopted a completely new regulation that has never been part of its legal system in any aspect. Despite these amendments, it's expectable that these regulations will have only temporary effect by the adoption of Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA), now only at the stage of working paper.

France and Poland’s Compliance with European Commitments Regarding Fiscal Rules

France and Poland’s Compliance with European Commitments Regarding Fiscal Rules

France and Poland’s Compliance with European Commitments Regarding Fiscal Rules

Author(s): Przemysław Panfil,Urszula Zawadzka-Pąk / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: fiscal rules; sustainability; public debt; deficit

This contribution deals with fiscal sustainability understood as “avoiding an excessive increase in government liabilities – a burden on future generations – while ensuring that the government can deliver the necessary public services, including the necessary safety net in times of hardship, and to adjust policy in response to new challenges”. The article aims the analysis of the legal framework for fiscal rules at the level of the EU and the national level in France and Poland. The research problem is to answer the question of how and whether the French and Polish regulations meet the international regulations in the field of fiscal sustainability. According to the research hypothesis, both countries only partially meet the EU requirements. The article is based on the detailed desk research method requiring analysis of the literature, statistical data, and EU and national legal regulations. The general conclusion is that both countries do not fully comply with EU commitments regarding fiscal rules.

Strengthening the Environment for Islamic Finance in Hong Kong – A Regulatory Analysis

Strengthening the Environment for Islamic Finance in Hong Kong – A Regulatory Analysis

Strengthening the Environment for Islamic Finance in Hong Kong – A Regulatory Analysis

Author(s): Klemens Katterbauer / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: fiscal rules; sustainability; public debt; deficit

This contribution deals with fiscal sustainability understood as “avoiding an excessive increase in government liabilities – a burden on future generations – while ensuring that the government can deliver the necessary public services, including the necessary safety net in times of hardship, and to adjust policy in response to new challenges”. The article aims the analysis of the legal framework for fiscal rules at the level of the EU and the national level in France and Poland. The research problem is to answer the question of how and whether the French and Polish regulations meet the international regulations in the field of fiscal sustainability. According to the research hypothesis, both countries only partially meet the EU requirements. The article is based on the detailed desk research method requiring analysis of the literature, statistical data, and EU and national legal regulations. The general conclusion is that both countries do not fully comply with EU commitments regarding fiscal rules.

English-Sourced Direct and Indirect Borrowings in a New Lexicon of Polish Anglicisms

English-Sourced Direct and Indirect Borrowings in a New Lexicon of Polish Anglicisms

English-Sourced Direct and Indirect Borrowings in a New Lexicon of Polish Anglicisms

Author(s): Agnieszka Cierpich-Kozieł,Elżbieta Mańczak-Wohlfeld,Alicja Witalisz / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Anglicism; loanword; loan translation; calque; lexicography; dictionary; corpus

In recent decades, Polish has experienced an unprecedented influx of English-sourced borrowings, both overt (loanwords) and covert (calques). This linguistic influence echoes the social, technological, environmental and ideological transformations, with these changes reflected in the Polish lexicon. The paper describes a lexicographic project aimed at updating the Słownik zapożyczeń angielskich w polszczyźnie (A Dictionary of Anglicisms in Polish) that was published in 2010. We discuss the theoretical assumptions, the content and the sources of the data for a new, corpus-based dictionary that is in the making, and illustrate the lexicographic solutions we adopted with regard to both well-established and the most recent direct and indirect Anglicisms. We also address the issue of the frequency and the usage of the latter in present-day Polish.

Responding to Omicron: Speaker Commitment and Legitimisation in COVID-related Press Conferences

Responding to Omicron: Speaker Commitment and Legitimisation in COVID-related Press Conferences

Responding to Omicron: Speaker Commitment and Legitimisation in COVID-related Press Conferences

Author(s): Magdalena Szczyrbak,Anna Tereszkiewicz / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: legitimisation; speaker commitment; stance; press conference; COVID restrictions

This paper examines the ways in which New Zealand and Polish government officials communicated the easing of COVID restrictions to the general public. The study aimed to identify legitimising strategies used to justify the lifting of restrictions and related measures, and to establish how agency and responsibility were discursively constructed in the subgenre of political press conference in two different socio-political settings. Informed by the notions of legitimisation (Chilton 2004), speaker commitment and stance (Marín Arrese 2011, 2015, 2021), the research looked into the linguistic marking of effective stance (deonticity, assessments, attitudinals and directives) and epistemic stance (epistemic modality, truth-factual validity as well as experiential, cognitive and communicative stance), considering both the subjectivity/intersubjectivity dimension and the explicitness/implicitness of the speaker’s role. In addition, the study considered the key discursive strategies used to (de)construct agency in the discourses of NZ and Polish policymakers seen as proponents of divergent public health policies. As the findings indicate, the Polish officials conveyed chiefly experiential stance and projected less involvement, whereas the NZ Prime Minister favoured cognitive stance and deonticity as well as direct appeals to the audience. The analysis shows that the speaker’s (dis)identification with the respective policy finds reflection in the varying degrees of speaker commitment and the (de)construction of agency.

Professional burnout syndrome among nurses and midwives depending on the place of work

Professional burnout syndrome among nurses and midwives depending on the place of work

Professional burnout syndrome among nurses and midwives depending on the place of work

Author(s): Katarzyna Filipiak,Kinga Martynowska,Karolina Szczypta,Patrycja Ostrogórska-Gonszewska / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: professional burnout; nurses; midwives

Professional burnout is a common problem occurring among employees whose job is related to other people, and additionally involves providing them with assistance. Therefore, one of such risk groups is the medical personnel, especially nurses and midwives. Scientific research shows that various factors have a different effect on the occurrence of professional burnout. The aim of the study was to review Polish and foreign scientific literature on the syndrome of professional burnout among nurses and midwives. On the basis of the literature review, it has been shown that the occurrence of professional burnout depends not only on education, seniority and salary, but also on human interactions at the workplace, level of social competence, and methods of coping with stress. It would not be possible to identify these factors if it wasn’t for the use of research tools in form of various types of questionnaires, e.g. Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). It is extremely important to undertake preventive and prophylactic activities to protect the medical personnel against this phenomenon.

A diachronic approach to perceptions of success and failure in language education

A diachronic approach to perceptions of success and failure in language education

A diachronic approach to perceptions of success and failure in language education

Author(s): Hanna Komorowska / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: language learning; language teaching; norms; assessment; teacher education

The paper is an article of reflection which aims to critically analyze the concept of success as viewed from an individual’s perspective as well as through the lenses of others. Historically and socially dependent norms and values regulating psychological and sociological approaches to success and failure are also considered and their personal and social consequences examined. Against this background the postwar concepts of a successful language learner and a successful language teacher are examined from both diachronic and synchronic perspectives. A model with six stages is proposed, the function of which is to estimate their approximate duration as well as to identify criteria adopted in order to distinguish between success and failure in particular periods. Terminology, drawn from the philosophy of law, relating to norms and expectations is presented to examine methodological issues in evaluation and assessment. Implications for language teacher education are also considered.

A note on the Lycian tabahaza

A note on the Lycian tabahaza

A note on the Lycian tabahaza

Author(s): Marcel Nowakowski / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: Anatolian; etymology; semantics; reconstruction; vowel assimilation

In this short text, I examine the usage of the Lycian word tabahaza, highlight its possible Anatolian cognates, such as the Hittite nēpiš- ‘heaven’ and the Cuneiform Luwian tappaš- ‘id.’, analyze and address the problems arising from this connection, while also reconstructing the intermediate phases between Proto-Indo-European, as well as other proto- and attested languages, in relation to the development of the form in question.

Erazm Rykaczewski’s Dokładny słownik polsko- angielski… (1851) and its examples of usage: Inverting the translation principle

Erazm Rykaczewski’s Dokładny słownik polsko- angielski… (1851) and its examples of usage: Inverting the translation principle

Erazm Rykaczewski’s Dokładny słownik polsko- angielski… (1851) and its examples of usage: Inverting the translation principle

Author(s): Mirosława Podhajecka / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: dictionary; English; Polish; translation; examples of usage

Erazm Rykaczewski’s Dokładny słownik polsko-angielski… (1851) was the first Polish- English dictionary. As well as English equivalents for Polish headwords, it offered a rich selection of Polish illustrative examples paired with their English counterparts to provide the user with information on the way the headwords are used in context. While making a bilingual dictionary requires fluency in both languages, Rykaczewski’s knowledge of English was somewhat less than perfect. In the light of the above, how he compiled the volume’s English side remains largely unresolved. This paper empirically tests the hypothesis that he drew on the works of other lexicographers. The research methodology was twofold. Firstly, Fleming and Tibbins’s Royal dictionary (1844-1845) was examined to ascertain whether it formed a part of Rykaczewski’s background material and, if so, to what extent. Secondly, English examples of usage unrecorded in the Royal dictionary were verified against Google Books, a gigantic corpus of texts, to identify potential sources.

From Object-Level Meaning to Metatextual Meaning. The Case of Polish Particles

From Object-Level Meaning to Metatextual Meaning. The Case of Polish Particles

From Object-Level Meaning to Metatextual Meaning. The Case of Polish Particles

Author(s): Krystyna Kleszczowa / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: parts of speech; functional expressions; metatext; particle; language change

The article focuses on particles derived from object-level expressions, but operating at a higher, metatextual level. Such particles are sourced chiefly from speaker-oriented parentheticals composed of verba dicendi and verba sentiendi. Following the elision of parentheticals and other expressions, functional homonymy arises: a particle/a different part of speech (most commonly an adverb). This results in an uncertainty regarding the status of particles. The understanding of particles as parts of speech is also problematic due to the linguistic tradition which relies on the Latin name particula, meaning ‘a little part’/‘a particle’. The classification of expressions operating both at the object and the metatextual level creates further concerns. The meaning of particles does not change, as at most they may undergo a phonetic change (cf. bodaj ‘probably’, ponoć ‘they say’/‘apparently’, oczywiście ‘of course’). The discrepancy between the two levels is brought about mainly by changes taking place at the object level (e.g. mówię w prawdzie ‘I am telling the truth’ ˃ wprawdzie ‘admittedly’; wiem za pewne ‘I know for sure’ > zapewne ‘probably’). Thus, a class of particles is being formed that is a separate and formally distinct part of speech.

Morphopragmatic View on the Ironic Use of Diminutives in Polish

Morphopragmatic View on the Ironic Use of Diminutives in Polish

Morphopragmatic View on the Ironic Use of Diminutives in Polish

Author(s): Paulina Polak / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: diminutives; morphopragmatics; irony; evaluation; conversation; perception

This paper focuses on the use of diminutives in Polish to express irony. The phenomenon is analyzed from the perspective of morphopragmatics (Dressler, Merlini Barbaresi 1994; Merlini Barbaresi 2015; Nagórko 2015) and reports on the results of a small-scale informant-based study, in which twelve respondents described their evaluation of the pragmatic meaning contributed by diminutives in three naturally-occurring spoken sentences. In most cases, there was a negative reaction to the diminutives as it was considered they represent an arrogant type of irony.

Banning Russian aircraft from the airspace of Member States of the European Union in the light of international aviation law

Banning Russian aircraft from the airspace of Member States of the European Union in the light of international aviation law

Zakaz lotów rosyjskich statków powietrznych w przestrzeni powietrznej państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej a międzynarodowe prawo lotnicze

Author(s): Katarzyna Myszona-Kostrzewa / Language(s): English / Issue: 42 (1)/2023

Keywords: aviation law; aircraft; air carriers; restrictive measures; territory

On 24 February 2022, the President of the Russian Federation announced a military operation in Ukraine and Russian armed forces began an attack on Ukraine. The European Council condemned the Russian Federation’s military aggression against Ukraine. The Council introduced restrictive measures related to finance and aviation. The aim of this article is to analyse the compliance of the restrictive measures in the field of aviation, including prohibition of granting permission to land in, take off from, or overfly the European Union Member States’ territories to any aircraft operated by Russian air carriers, to any Russian-registered aircraft, and to non-Russian-registered aircraft which are owned or chartered, or otherwise controlled by a Russian legal or natural person, with international aviation law. The basic research method consisted in an analysis of the legal status in force, the established line of judicial decisions and views of legal scholars and commentators. It led to the conclusion that the prohibition of Russian aircraft from flying in the European Union member states’ territories did not violate international aviation law, in particular the provisions of the Chicago Convention of 1944. It was a consequence of the principle of territorial sovereignty generally accepted in contemporary aviation law. It was also justified by security reasons and the need to protect the inviolability of the borders of EU member states (with particular emphasis on the countries bordering Russia, Belarus and Ukraine).

75 Years of Transcontinental Diplomacy: Exploring Romania-India Bilateral Relations

75 Years of Transcontinental Diplomacy: Exploring Romania-India Bilateral Relations

75 Years of Transcontinental Diplomacy: Exploring Romania-India Bilateral Relations

Author(s): Alexandra-Iulia Nuc-Rosu / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Romania; India; diplomacy; Ambassadors; cultural exchange; bilateral relations;

In the last 75 years, Romania and India managed to follow common interests and created a strong partnership. Celebrating the fruitful cooperation between the two countries, His Excellency Mr. Rahul Shrivastava, the Ambassador of India to Romania, Albania and Moldova, and Her Excellency Mrs. Daniela Sezonov-Țane, the Ambassador of Romania to India, Nepal and Bangladesh were kind to address their perspectives on the evolution of relations between Romania and India, highlighting both the differences and similarities between the two countries, and also the latest challenges.

Cultural Diplomacy or Cultural Relations? Lost in Terminology and Rediscovering the Meaning of Culture

Cultural Diplomacy or Cultural Relations? Lost in Terminology and Rediscovering the Meaning of Culture

Cultural Diplomacy or Cultural Relations? Lost in Terminology and Rediscovering the Meaning of Culture

Author(s): Hilda-Hedvig Varga / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Cultural diplomacy; culture; India; Romania; traditions; politics;

When discussing such a complex concept as culture, it is forever interesting, even surprising, to find out what definitions people give to this all-encompassing notion; what better way to delve into Indian culture and the inner workings of cultural diplomacy and relations than to speak to someone most knowledgeable in the field, the Ambassador of India to Romania, Moldova and Albania, Mr. Rahul Shrivastava. His Excellency was kind enough to sacrifice his time in favor of cultural matters, despite his busy schedule.

Buddhist Concepts in Mihai Eminescu’s Poems

Buddhist Concepts in Mihai Eminescu’s Poems

Buddhist Concepts in Mihai Eminescu’s Poems

Author(s): Marinică Tiberiu Șchiopu / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Buddhism; Eminescu; Indianism; intertextuality; philosophy;

Mihai Eminescu’s indianism has been researched by scholars and critics like Amita Bhose or Mircea Itu, but the Buddhist component of his writings was not thoroughly analysed. The present study aims to investigate some fundamental Buddhist concepts that the Romanian writer recycled in his works. All of Mihai Eminescu’s friends knew about his keen interest in Buddhism, as Cătălin Cioabă’s book Mărturii despre Eminescu (2022) revealed to the public, and his fascination for this particular philosophical Indian system was reflected in his poems. The main research questions of this paper are: “Which are the Buddhist concepts that Mihai Eminescu intertextually used in his works?” and “Why did he choose those philosophical ideas?” In the analysis of the Buddhist dimension of Eminescu’s poetry, the following methods will be indispensable: close reading, hermeneutics, intertextuality and stylistics.

A Possible Theological-Philosophical Architecture of Interfaith Dialogue between Christianity and Hinduism

A Possible Theological-Philosophical Architecture of Interfaith Dialogue between Christianity and Hinduism

A Possible Theological-Philosophical Architecture of Interfaith Dialogue between Christianity and Hinduism

Author(s): Ioan Dura,Bogdan Dinoiu,Irinel Ciobotaru,Dumitru Ioan Beșliu / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Interreligious dialogue; Advaita Vedanta; Orthodox theology; experience;

The experience of the religious and cultural encounter of East and West was consummated. Both civilizations looked at each other, admired each other, criticized each other, appreciated each other, but could not avoid the continuous encounter on the social space. This encounter is translated into the everyday experience of a world in which religious-cultural boundaries are much more fluid and perishable because of the innovative complex of communication, mobility, and relationship. Extensive research has been produced exploring the stakes of this West-East encounter from historical, cultural, and religious perspectives. Books, studies, and projects have been written about the differences and common elements of this encounter. Our aim in this study is to project the possibility of a new architecture of the dialogue between Christianity and Hinduism, in particular between Orthodox theology and Advaita-Vedanta, one of the darśana in Hinduism, an architecture whose morphology is constituted by the density of the human experience with the divine.

Lipi Ghosh (Editor), Rabindranath Tagore in South-East Asia. Culture, Connectivity and Bridge Making, New Delhi: Primus Books, 2016, 138 pp., ISBN: 978-93-84082-80-2.

Lipi Ghosh (Editor), Rabindranath Tagore in South-East Asia. Culture, Connectivity and Bridge Making, New Delhi: Primus Books, 2016, 138 pp., ISBN: 978-93-84082-80-2.

Lipi Ghosh (Editor), Rabindranath Tagore in South-East Asia. Culture, Connectivity and Bridge Making, New Delhi: Primus Books, 2016, 138 pp., ISBN: 978-93-84082-80-2.

Author(s): Mihaela Gligor / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Review; Lipi Ghosh; Rabindranath Tagore;

Review of: Lipi Ghosh (Editor), Rabindranath Tagore in South-East Asia. Culture, Connectivity and Bridge Making, New Delhi: Primus Books, 2016, 138 pp., ISBN: 978-93-84082-80-2.

Mahasweta Devi, Our Santiniketan. Translated by Radha Chakravarty, London, New York, Calcutta: Seagull Books, 2022, 133 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8574-2-901-8.

Mahasweta Devi, Our Santiniketan. Translated by Radha Chakravarty, London, New York, Calcutta: Seagull Books, 2022, 133 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8574-2-901-8.

Mahasweta Devi, Our Santiniketan. Translated by Radha Chakravarty, London, New York, Calcutta: Seagull Books, 2022, 133 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8574-2-901-8.

Author(s): Mihaela Gligor / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Review; Mahasweta Devi;

Review of: Mahasweta Devi, Our Santiniketan. Translated by Radha Chakravarty, London, New York, Calcutta: Seagull Books, 2022, 133 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8574-2-901-8.

Sarvani Gooptu, Knowing Asia, Being Asian. Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism in Bengali Periodicals, 1860–1940, South Asia edition, New Delhi: Routledge, 2022, 276 pp., ISBN: 978-1-032-33229-1.

Sarvani Gooptu, Knowing Asia, Being Asian. Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism in Bengali Periodicals, 1860–1940, South Asia edition, New Delhi: Routledge, 2022, 276 pp., ISBN: 978-1-032-33229-1.

Sarvani Gooptu, Knowing Asia, Being Asian. Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism in Bengali Periodicals, 1860–1940, South Asia edition, New Delhi: Routledge, 2022, 276 pp., ISBN: 978-1-032-33229-1.

Author(s): Mihaela Gligor / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Review; Sarvani Gooptu;

Review of: Sarvani Gooptu, Knowing Asia, Being Asian. Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism in Bengali Periodicals, 1860–1940, South Asia edition, New Delhi: Routledge, 2022, 276 pp., ISBN: 978-1-032-33229-1.

Result 255521-255540 of 319228
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