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Result 255741-255760 of 317410
Between Stagnation and Modernisation.
Economic and Social Transformations of Countryside
in the Polish-Ruthenian Border in the Late Middle Ages
(Example of Hrubieszów County)

Between Stagnation and Modernisation. Economic and Social Transformations of Countryside in the Polish-Ruthenian Border in the Late Middle Ages (Example of Hrubieszów County)

Between Stagnation and Modernisation. Economic and Social Transformations of Countryside in the Polish-Ruthenian Border in the Late Middle Ages (Example of Hrubieszów County)

Author(s): Grzegorz Jawor,Małgorzata Kołacz-Chmiel / Language(s): English / Issue: 51/2021

Keywords: Hrubieszów; Polish-Ruthenian frontier; medieval village; occidentalisation; German law; Ruthenian law

The presented article aims at showing legal, structural, economic, and social changes taking place in villages situated in the areas on the Polish-Ruthenian border, with the example of Hrubieszów County in Chełm Land. On the basis of the analysis of the surviving sources (in particular the land registry with records of yearly courts in Hrubieszów, which so far has been used very rarely), the authors present means of permeation of the new model of village functioning on the basis of the German law into the socio-economic structures preserved in the areas of the Ruthenian lands. In the light of the conducted studies, emerges an area that was under the influence of new solutions coming from the west; it was partially adapted, but simultaneously, the former method of organizing a village was to a large extent preserved. The problem is all the more complex since confronting these two economic solutions was overlapped with the religious and ethnic divisions. Therefore, it was necessary to shed some light on the connections between these transformations and the influx of foreign, migrating population. The article also presents factors that determined either the intensification or weakening of the ongoing changes.

Treasury Contracts for Sambor Crown Estate in the Second Half of 17th and 18th Centuries

Treasury Contracts for Sambor Crown Estate in the Second Half of 17th and 18th Centuries

Treasury Contracts for Sambor Crown Estate in the Second Half of 17th and 18th Centuries

Author(s): Grzegorz Wrona / Language(s): English / Issue: 51/2021

Keywords: Sambor crown estate; crown lands; royal demesne; treasury contracts; leasehold; leaseholders; saltworks

The purpose of the article is to analyse the treasury contracts for Sambor crown estate from the 17th and 18th centuries. The focus is on the conditions under which the monarchs decided to lease or give into administration to the faithful hands („ad fideles manus”) the lands of „Samborszczyzna”. The historical sources have allowed to describe the role of the contrahents in the scope of organization and functioning of crown estate, the appointment of the members in the control and management apparatus as well as in the judicial system. Their duties to the property and the people living in it, activities aimed at guaranteeing the integrity of the crown lands and its profitability, as well as the consequences resulting from non-compliance with the conditions of the contracts were presented as well. The considerations are based mainly on the manuscripts stored in the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw, supported by the documents from the Scientific Library of the Ivan Franko National University in Lviv and Central National Historical Archives in Lviv.

The Piarist School in Raseiniai

The Piarist School in Raseiniai

The Piarist School in Raseiniai

Author(s): Mariusz Ausz / Language(s): English / Issue: 51/2021

Keywords: Piarists; Piarist schools; education; Raseiniai

The article is on the history of the Piarist school in Raseiniai. In terms of administration,it belonged to the Lithuanian province. Not many sources on this institutionare preserved, particularly those from the 18th century, and therefore its history is litt leknown. It was one of the last collegia established by this Order. After the Third Partition,it became part of the Russian state. The aim of this article is to present the school’sactivity; archival materials were used, which were found as a result of an inquiry in thecountry and the National Lithuanian Historical Archive in Vilnius and the General Archiveof the Piarist Order in Rome. They have never been used by Polish scholars before. Thisallowed to verify and – to a great extent – supplement the current research on this school.The collegium was founded around 1743, and a school was opened at the collegium. Thecollegium together with the school were closed in 1833.

The Stremoukhovs. Local Nobility and Administrative Apparatus of the Russian Empire in the 19th-early 20th Century

The Stremoukhovs. Local Nobility and Administrative Apparatus of the Russian Empire in the 19th-early 20th Century

The Stremoukhovs. Local Nobility and Administrative Apparatus of the Russian Empire in the 19th-early 20th Century

Author(s): Stanislav Bogdanov / Language(s): English / Issue: 51/2021

Keywords: landed nobility; state apparatus; forms of participation of the nobility in the state administration; service for the nobility elections; administrative services; transformation of the ruling elite

Using the example of the old Stremoukhov family, which belonged to the provincial aristocracy, the author tries to illustrate the peculiarities of the relationship between the state power apparatus and the nobility. The nobility in the social system of the Russian state existed as a class that monopolized property rights to manage the state. The economic and social well-being of the entire nobility and its individual members was directly related to the membership in this class and the position held in it, the degree of well-being depended on the position held within the apparatus of power and personal merits, which a given member achieved for it. The collapse of the old system of relations between the state and the nobility at the beginning of the 18th century leads to the transformation of the nobility from a class to an estate, membership in which was conditioned by birth rights. The land, which was the economic basis of the nobility, undergone a transformation from being a temporary property to an inheritable one. Although the nobility gained in that way independence from the burden of state service, the state service continued to have existential significance for the nobility, which is reflected in Russian noble heraldry. The decline of the nobility as a class is associated with the reforms of the state apparatus in the first half of the 19th century, which paved the way into it for the educated representatives of the unprivileged estates, and the agrarian crisis in the second half of the 19th century, which undermined the economic basis of the nobility. The aristocratic local nobility begins to be removed from the state administration apparatus by a proletarianized bureaucracy formed by impoverished old nobility and landless raznochintsy, who has become the new ruling class. The history of the Stremoukhov family, spread over five centuries, demonstrates, in many ways common to all Russian nobility, the processes of transformation of the Moscow nobles into provincial landowners, then into professional bureaucrats and declassified nobles.

The Polish and Jewish People in the Work of Peasant Self-Government in the Right-Bank Ukraine in the Second Half of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Centuries

The Polish and Jewish People in the Work of Peasant Self-Government in the Right-Bank Ukraine in the Second Half of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Centuries

The Polish and Jewish People in the Work of Peasant Self-Government in the Right-Bank Ukraine in the Second Half of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Centuries

Author(s): Kateryna Melnychuk / Language(s): English / Issue: 51/2021

Keywords: peasant self-government; volost; rural community; the right-bank Ukraine; South-Western region; the Polish and Jewish people; myrovyi poserednyk; governor

The abolition of serfdom in 1861 was the beginning of global reformations that dealt with the administrative and territorial division of the empire. According to the new division, the lowest territorial unit was a rural community (territorial community) in Kyiv, Podolia and Volhynia guberniyas, the highest – volost. The control of rural communities was performed by peasant self-government – volost and rural government which were formed and provided by peasants (members of the community). However, excepting community affairs, the legislator charged the peasant self-government to execute a number of urgent functions in the government (fiscal, legal, police, static and educative functions). For that reason, the peasant authorities were degraded to the position of the lowest link in the hierarchy of the government. The peasant self-government was restricted by the resolutions and circulars of Ministry of Interior, general-governor, general, governor in peasant affairs and „myrovyi poserednyk”. As a matter of fact, the talent acquisition to the peasant self-government office was implemented with a number of restrictions established by the „Regulation on the peasants withdrawal from serfdom” in 1861. The specific characteristic of the right-bank Ukraine was the diversity of area, after the Ukrainians the second most populated were the Jewish people, the third – Polish. An impressive part of Polish and Jewish nationalities lived in peasant community so that there was a problem of their participation in the work of peasant self-government. Avoiding putting „chuzhynziv” (people who were not the members of peasant community) in the main positions of rural administration, the restrictions were implemented on the spot. Still, the position of clerk (pisar) was accessible for those wishing to work in volost or rural government. The article deals with the problem of human resourcing and the presence of Polish and Jewish nationalities in the peasant self-government in the South-Western region1 of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries. The way of rotating workers in the rural administration, their level of education, professional achievements, employment and remuneration terms are emphasized in the article. Moreover, certain cases of working Jewish and Polish as clerks in rural administrations are described.

Linguistic (?) Image of the Past (?), i.e. What is Hidden Behind Historical Narrative...

Linguistic (?) Image of the Past (?), i.e. What is Hidden Behind Historical Narrative...

Linguistic (?) Image of the Past (?), i.e. What is Hidden Behind Historical Narrative...

Author(s): Marek Woźniak / Language(s): English / Issue: 51/2021

Keywords: past; image of the past; language; historical narrative; language turn

The article addresses problems concerning consequences of the so-called „language turn” for the reflections on broadly understood historical narrative. In general remarks indicate reasons for changes that have taken place (and are still ongoing) in the area of historiography/historical writing, mainly those related to the inclusion of the nonclassical approach – based on different principles than the classical/traditional ones – to the language of historical narrative/historical writing/historiography, and the related consequences for the historians’ research practice. I also point out one of the (possible) ways which serves to explain the changes that took place in the field of historiography in the last decades, being in fact the consequence of discussions/reflections on the foundations of (scholarly) cognition that is/can be a reference to a certain rivalry between an objectivist and constructivist model of cognition. Simplifying the problem quite considerably, I argue that one of the most important, and – subsequently – also meaningful, elements of dispute between the objectivist model of cognition and the constructivist model of cognition was the discussion/reflection on the role of language in cognition (including the learning of the past). I assume that the possible answers – should the title of the article be recognised as a question – are dependent on a complex notion of culture and language, and the interest of historians in the narrative’s language shifted scholars’ interest from „reconstruction of the past” to the linguistic (language understood broadly there as a cultural code) images of history. Researchers’ interests in the „images of the past”/”linguistic images of the past” allowed not only to notice and refl ect on the limitations of historical knowledge (also in order to identify and marginalise them) or to rationalise the adopted (consciously or not) assumptions/prejudices, but simultaneously opened historical field towards new research areas, thus broadening the cognitive horizon of historiography.

From „Catholic Red Banners” to the Christian Social Association. The Evolution of the Understanding
of the Socio-Political Tasks of Catholicism in the Political Reflection of Jan Frankowski (1912–1976)

From „Catholic Red Banners” to the Christian Social Association. The Evolution of the Understanding of the Socio-Political Tasks of Catholicism in the Political Reflection of Jan Frankowski (1912–1976)

From „Catholic Red Banners” to the Christian Social Association. The Evolution of the Understanding of the Socio-Political Tasks of Catholicism in the Political Reflection of Jan Frankowski (1912–1976)

Author(s): Ariel Orzełek / Language(s): English / Issue: 51/2021

Keywords: Christian Social Association; Jan Frankowski; Catholic Social Teaching; Third Way; „PAX” Association

One of the most important elements of the political thought of the Polish Catholic activist, Jan Frankowski, was a reflection on the social and economic tasks of Catholicism in the modern world. However, it depended on the volatile political conditions. In the Second Polish Republic, Frankowski, cooperating with the „young conservatives” movement, called for the renewal of the Church and increase in the activity of the laity. They were to replace, in respect of many issues, the listless clergy, seeking and finding the answer He, himself, believed that it cannot be found in slogans: corporatism and solidarity, but it should be sought in the creative interpretation of the papal encyclicals in accordance with the „third way” and personalism. However, his thought was rather „against” certain elements than „in support” of other, he tried to pave the way for new ideas. During the Second World War, Frankowski was cooperating with „Unia” Catholic group, but as early as in 1944, he commenced cooperation with communist authorities. Despite the fact that he distanced himself from many aspects of operation of „Dziś i Jutro” group and „PAX” Association, he cooperated with them, trying to, unsuccessfully, adjust the „third way” to the new conditions. In 1956, he left „PAX”. However, he opposed the concept of „nonpartisan democratic left”, causing the split of „Za i Przeciw” weekly group and creating the Christian Social Association. It was, in general, a group with no ideology, based on the cooperation with authorities and the guarantee of basic rights of Church in Poland. Not only did Frankowski not succeed as a creator of great concepts, but he also did not achieved much as a politician with limited ambitions. In 1968, he lost the position of the chairperson of the Christian Social Association. He died 8 years later as an almost completely forgot en activist. This situation resulted also from his decision to discontinue bold ideological reflections.

Reception of the Ancient Symbolism of Hannibal’s Dream Based on the Example of Jan Miel’s Painting ‘Il Sonno di Annibale fra gl’Iberi’

Reception of the Ancient Symbolism of Hannibal’s Dream Based on the Example of Jan Miel’s Painting ‘Il Sonno di Annibale fra gl’Iberi’

Reception of the Ancient Symbolism of Hannibal’s Dream Based on the Example of Jan Miel’s Painting ‘Il Sonno di Annibale fra gl’Iberi’

Author(s): Miron Wolny / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: Reception of Antiquity; paintings; Jan Miel; Hannibal’s dream; Sylius Italicus; ancient literature

The submitted work is an attempt to interpret the combination of Hannibal’s dream symbolism derived from ancient literary sources with the image depicted in the painting ‘Il Sonno di Annibale fra gl’Iberi’ by Jan Miel, placed in Sala del Consiglio of the Turin Palazzo Reale. These considerations are consistent with the problems of the reception of the ancient motif, creatively used by Christian tradition. The author of the article points out that the individual elements of the painting consist in a coherent entirety and aim at communicating a specific message to the recipient. The motto of the work, ‘Genius quo ducit eundum’, aimed at communicating the work of the divine will, serves this purpose in particular. The author of the article points out that an important role in distributing the story of Hannibal’s dream must have been played by the poem by Silius Italicus, depicting a mature composition of the motifs of ancient literature. The author also wonders for what reason Hannibal became the hero of the work, coming to the conclusion that the Carthaginian included in the Baroque painting is a clear symbol – an opponent of pagan Rome. A hero who opposed the corruption of Rome. Although Livy referred to Hannibal as an unfaithful man, he had never broken his oath to high gods – for he had never become a friend of the Romans. Thus Hannibal becomes a symbol of the lack of consent to acceptance of evil. His determination expressed in Jan Miel’s work appears as an inspiring and necessary component for Europe.

Biographic Entries on the Governors of Arabia (c. 356–363 AD). An Attempt in Reconsideration of Libanius’ Letters

Biographic Entries on the Governors of Arabia (c. 356–363 AD). An Attempt in Reconsideration of Libanius’ Letters

Biographic Entries on the Governors of Arabia (c. 356–363 AD). An Attempt in Reconsideration of Libanius’ Letters

Author(s): Paweł Filipczak / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: Libanius; Arabia; province; governor

The surviving sources provide very little detail on the governors of Arabia in Late Antiquity (AD 284–641). The best documented period is the late 350s and early 360s, for which most information comes from several letters of Libanius of Antioch; a number of writings by that renowned rhetorician are at the core of all present-day lists and biographical notes on the governors of Arabia in that period. A closer look at Libanius’ letters, for all their ambiguity, does nevertheless invite a revision of the current state of knowledge, either through confirming earlier findings, or correcting and supplementing them.

Cultural Change and Ethnic Change in the Early Middle Ages – the Example of Central and Eastern Europe in the Context of Contemporary Biological Studies of the Continent’s Past Populations
of the Continent’s Past Populations

Cultural Change and Ethnic Change in the Early Middle Ages – the Example of Central and Eastern Europe in the Context of Contemporary Biological Studies of the Continent’s Past Populations of the Continent’s Past Populations

Cultural Change and Ethnic Change in the Early Middle Ages – the Example of Central and Eastern Europe in the Context of Contemporary Biological Studies of the Continent’s Past Populations

Author(s): Andrzej Pleszczyński / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: early Middle Ages; Central and Eastern Europe; cultural change; ethnic change; population genetics

The author of the article aims at revealing the serious difference that has emerged between the traditional interpretations of the history of Central and Eastern Europe, present in the works of historians and archaeologists, and the new data brought by the DNA research of the past populations of this area. The former, based on the results of archaeological research pointing to cultural changes, assume a thorough population exchange that supposedly took place in the early Middle Ages, while the latter indicate the continuity of the same biological population peopling the region since over a thousand years BC. The author tries to explain these discrepancies by pointing to the cases of cultural and even ethnic changes within the large population taking place under the influence of small groups of strangers.

Late Medieval Krakow Astrological Prognostics Concerning Health, Disease and Treatment Methods

Late Medieval Krakow Astrological Prognostics Concerning Health, Disease and Treatment Methods

Late Medieval Krakow Astrological Prognostics Concerning Health, Disease and Treatment Methods

Author(s): Sylwia Konarska-Zimnicka / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: astrology in the Middle Ages; prognostics; calendars; almanacs; the University of Krakow

Late medieval astrological predictive texts (iudicia, calendars, almanacs etc.) are an interesting source of knowledge about the past. The practice of publishing such texts was a result of the development of the so-called Krakow school of astronomy and astrology. The Krakow masters, who held the position of professors at the chair of astronomy and astrology, were obliged to prepare the said predictive texts annually. The publications included astrological predictions based on forthcoming positions of heavenly bodies and concerned almost every sphere of life of the contemporary society. They referred to trade and agriculture, including prognoses of abundant or failed harvests. They covered political issues, but also problems pertaining to marriage, as well as to children and their upbringing. Vast passages were devoted to weather forecasting, that is, astrometeorology. However, special emphasis was put on the medical topics, as health and disease were an issue of key importance for the representatives of all social strata. Astrological predictive texts, indicating the best (from the viewpoint of astrology) time for attempts to maintain or regain health, were meant to interpret theoretical knowledge with recommendations concerning the practice, which was difficult to verify with regard to sources.

On ‘Attributes of Companions or Guardians’ during Educational Travels for Young People in the Modern Era – in the Light of Apodemic Literature and Parental Instructions

On ‘Attributes of Companions or Guardians’ during Educational Travels for Young People in the Modern Era – in the Light of Apodemic Literature and Parental Instructions

On ‘Attributes of Companions or Guardians’ during Educational Travels for Young People in the Modern Era – in the Light of Apodemic Literature and Parental Instructions

Author(s): Dorota Żołądź-Strzelczyk / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: preceptor; tutor; educational trips; the modern era; ars apodemica; parental instructions

From the beginning of the 16th to the end of the 18th century, the custom of sending young people for broadly understood educational purposes was practiced throughout Europe. In travels, which sometimes lasted several years, young peregrins were accompanied by a smaller or larger, depending on the financial capabilities and rank of the family, retinue. The most important role among the people who made up this procession was the maiordomus or preceptor. In a sense, he took over parental functions during the journey. The article discusses the features and permissions of such a guardian, using for this purpose sources related to traveling. The article is based on two types of sources. The first is apodemic treatises, the second: parental instructions written for young people and their carers setting out to study from home. Apodemics are general guidelines, while instructions are specific to particular individuals and peregrinations. In the first case, treatises written by Teodor Zwinger, Samuel Neugebauer, Richard Lassels and Piotr Mieszkowski were used to show what the theoretical views on the role of supervisor were, the features that he should be characterized. The second uses the recommendations found in the instructions written by Krzysztof Radziwiłł, Jakub Sobieski, Piotr Myszkowski, Stanisław Jabłonowski, Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski, Anna Radziwiłłowa née Sanguszków, and Wacław Rzewuski. Both types of sources emphasized the importance of the role of a supervisor a young person was entrusted to. The parents' task was primarily to choose the right man and instruct their son to obey him.

Book Authors and Users in Letters of Dedication of the Lublin Jesuit Printing House

Book Authors and Users in Letters of Dedication of the Lublin Jesuit Printing House

Book Authors and Users in Letters of Dedication of the Lublin Jesuit Printing House

Author(s): Maria Juda / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: historical bibliology; dedicatory letter; Jesuit Printing House in Lublin; author; addressee; user

The letter of dedication constitutes an important element of the editorial framework of the old printed book. It was a tool meant to serve its author or publisher to achieve specific goals relevant to them. It was also frequently found in the publications of the Lublin Jesuit Printing House. Content analysis of this type of texts provides us knowledge about the circle of authors and addressees, the relationships between them, the environments from which they come, as well as the reasons for their writing activity. The biographical data included in them is a valuable source allowing for gaining a fuller understanding of the profiles of more or less recognized figures coming from different environments of the former Commonwealth of Poland.

The Kiev, Bratslav, Chernihiv Exiles and the Policy of John III Sobieski in the Years 1692–1695

The Kiev, Bratslav, Chernihiv Exiles and the Policy of John III Sobieski in the Years 1692–1695

The Kiev, Bratslav, Chernihiv Exiles and the Policy of John III Sobieski in the Years 1692–1695

Author(s): Robert Kołodziej / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: John III Sobieski; dietine; diet; Kiev count; Bratslav count; Chernihiv count; exile; Ukraine

The article discusses the political positions of Ukrainian’s nobles from three dietines in exile, of counties (voivodships) of Kiev, Bratslav and Chernihiv between 1692 and 1695. These assemblies met together in Volodymyr-Volynskyi. Based on documents of the assemblies from pre-diet and after-diet one can analyze political views of nobles from three dietines and their attitude towards the king and his politics during three consecutive diets (1692–1693, 1693, 1695). In these times all three dietines were dominated by the royal party. In the instructions to deputies appear demands in line with the king’s expectations, and among deputies one can find many supporters of the court. Only before the 1695’s diet the opposition came to the force. He was able to dominate the Chernihiv’s dietine, the Bratslav’s dietine was interrupted, and disputes within court’s party led to a duality (division) of Kiev’s dietine. The crisis of royal party was temporary, because they dominated all tree dietines in 1695, and their decisions were in line with the court’s expectations.

Lodgings of Deputies at the Tribunal Crown in Lublin During Stanislaw August Period

Lodgings of Deputies at the Tribunal Crown in Lublin During Stanislaw August Period

Lodgings of Deputies at the Tribunal Crown in Lublin During Stanislaw August Period

Author(s): Kamil Jakimowicz / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: the Tribunal Crown; deputies; Lublin; burghers; nobility; tenements

Positioning of the Tribunal Crown in Lublin for the nobility from Lesser Poland province had a number of consequences for the city and its inhabitants. One of the most important aspects related to this role was the need to provide accommodation for judges settling disputes in a noble supreme court. The term of office of the Tribunal Crown, lasting for several months each year, required the creation of conditions enabling a comfortable stay in the city. The Stanislaw August’s period brought a number of changes in this matter, mainly due to the introduction of payment for renting accommodation to deputies, which made this deal an opportunity to obtain financial benefits for people who own real estate in Lublin. In this text, I analyze legal provisions regulating issues related to the renting of rooms for deputies, shares in the market of representatives of burghers, nobility and clergy. I pay attention to their location in the city space, equipment, condition of the infrastructure and other factors determining the attractiveness of the offered apartments.

Strategies of Historicization of the Presented Cinematic World and Film Narrative in Historical Cinema. An Analysis of the Phenomenon on Selected Examples

Strategies of Historicization of the Presented Cinematic World and Film Narrative in Historical Cinema. An Analysis of the Phenomenon on Selected Examples

Strategies of Historicization of the Presented Cinematic World and Film Narrative in Historical Cinema. An Analysis of the Phenomenon on Selected Examples

Author(s): Piotr Witek / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: visual history; historical film; film narrative; depicted world; staging; historicizing; set design; costumes; language; music; events; characters; makeup; mise-enscène

The article deals with the issue of strategy of historicizing film narrative and the worldpresented on a screen in historical cinema. It shows with what elements the film narrative and the world presented on a screen are historicized. In the introduction of the article, themost important analytical categories such as historical film and strategies of historicizingfilm narrative and the world presented on a screen are conceptualized. Historical film is defined as an operational category requiring conceptualization relativized to a cultural context of its use. A historical film is described as a screening work covering various genological structures, the subject of which relates to the past. The strategies of historicizing the film narrative and the film world presented on a screen are understood as numerous ways. This article focuses on the methodology of studying the reception of historical fiction films by means of press coverage. Although a common practice, it is usually taken for granted without additional methodological reflection. Using the example of three films and their reviews in the Polish press, the article highlights the need to specify the reception’s discursive frameworks on a case-by-case-basis. The political, geographic, or time-related contexts of the historical fiction films significantly modify their modes of interpretation. of equipping the film with various signs of historicity that allow the viewer/researcher to get an impression of the screen effect of a time shift towards the past. In the following parts of the article, the signs of historicity that have the function of historicizing the film narrative and the world presented on a screen are analyzed on the examples of various films covering a wide spectrum of history from ancient times to the present day. The Signs of historicity include the following elements: (1) scenery, stage design, costumes; (2) language; (3) music; (4) characterization; (5) events and characters. Strategies of historicizing the world presented on a screen and film narrative, which have been analyzed in the article, play a particularly important role in the so-called classic films made in the aesthetics of zero style cinema.

Lublin Sejmik Instruction for the Warsaw Sejm Delegates in 1570

Lublin Sejmik Instruction for the Warsaw Sejm Delegates in 1570

Lublin Sejmik Instruction for the Warsaw Sejm Delegates in 1570

Author(s): Rafał Jaworski / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: parliamentarism; Lublin sejmik; instructions; 16th century

A critical edition of the oldest Lublin sejmik instruction for the Warszawa Sejm delegates in 1570. The edition is based on a copy of a 16th-century manuscript made in 1943 by Stanisław Bodniak. It was stored in the Krasiński Library at that time and destroyed during World War II. The catalogue of matters mentioned in the instruction by the regional council of Lublin is wide: issues of border disputes with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, financial problems (taxes, coin and treasury reform), systemic problems (organisation of the state during the interregnum, the issue of securing the property of the royal offspring) and foreign policy. Much space has been devoted in the instruction to the legal situation of the supporters of the Reformation. The nobility of Lublin was clearly in favour of depriving Church courts of jurisdiction over laity. The instruction of the regional council of Lublin is an important source of information about the moods and opinions of the nobility in the early 1570s.

Around the Late Medieval Clergy of the Wieluń Region. Notes and Additions on the Margins of Tadeusz Nowak’s Book, Duchowieństwo ziemi wieluńskiej w drugiej połowie XV i początku XVI wieku. Studium prozopograficzne, Wieluń 2017, pp. 177

Around the Late Medieval Clergy of the Wieluń Region. Notes and Additions on the Margins of Tadeusz Nowak’s Book, Duchowieństwo ziemi wieluńskiej w drugiej połowie XV i początku XVI wieku. Studium prozopograficzne, Wieluń 2017, pp. 177

Around the Late Medieval Clergy of the Wieluń Region. Notes and Additions on the Margins of Tadeusz Nowak’s Book, Duchowieństwo ziemi wieluńskiej w drugiej połowie XV i początku XVI wieku. Studium prozopograficzne, Wieluń 2017, pp. 177

Author(s): Radosław Krajniak / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: clergy,;Wieluń region; Middle Ages; prosopography

The aim of this paper is to critically assess Tadeusz Nowak’s book entitled Duchowieństwo ziemi wieluńskiej w drugiej połowie XV i początku XVI wieku. In addition to discussing the content of the monograph, the key part of the paper is devoted to supplementing the reviewed text. The Author brought into particular focus the subject literature, which was not used in the process of writing the work, as well as sources which have been omitted or taken into account only partially, which allow the readers to learn more about the careers of the medieval clergy of Wieluń region.

Kasper Sipowicz, Prześladowania religijne w Kraju Warty. Represje wobec Polaków i duchowieństwa polskiego a polityka wyznaniowa rządu III Rzeszy 1939–1945, Księży Młyn Dom Wydawniczy, Łódź 2016, pp. 217.

Kasper Sipowicz, Prześladowania religijne w Kraju Warty. Represje wobec Polaków i duchowieństwa polskiego a polityka wyznaniowa rządu III Rzeszy 1939–1945, Księży Młyn Dom Wydawniczy, Łódź 2016, pp. 217.

Kasper Sipowicz, Prześladowania religijne w Kraju Warty. Represje wobec Polaków i duchowieństwa polskiego a polityka wyznaniowa rządu III Rzeszy 1939–1945, Księży Młyn Dom Wydawniczy, Łódź 2016, pp. 217.

Author(s): Przemysław Sołga / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Result 255741-255760 of 317410
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