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Result 317361-317380 of 317401
Hapax Legomena in John Chrysostom’s Work “Of The Seraphim” from the Margarit Collectanea, Translated by Dionisiy Divniy

Hapax Legomena in John Chrysostom’s Work “Of The Seraphim” from the Margarit Collectanea, Translated by Dionisiy Divniy

Hapax Legomena в корпуса „За серафимите“ от книга „Маргарит“ на св. Йоан Златоуст в превод на Дионисий Дивни

Author(s): Teodora Ilieva / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Old Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: hapax legomenon; poetic language; composite neologisms; derivational synonyms; distribution in the Modern Bulgarian language

Object of the present research are hapax legomena in the Middle Bulgarian translation of John Chrysostom’s work Of the Seraphims. The analyzed lexemes are the smallest lexical segment in this manuscript and they are a specific parameter/indication of the Dionisii Divni’s idiosyncrasy. Hapax legomena have been compared with more than 60 Old and Middle Bulgarian texts originated in the XII – XVIII century. It examines problems associated with semantics, word formative and morphemic structure and diffusion of these lexemes in the Modern Bulgarian language.

The Ideas of the Hesychasm Reflected in The Works of Patriarch Evtimii

The Ideas of the Hesychasm Reflected in The Works of Patriarch Evtimii

Идеите на исихазма, отразени в творчеството на Патриарх Евтимий

Author(s): Antoaneta Buyuklieva / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Old Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: spiritual perfection; hesychastdoctrine; moral corruptoon; unity of the church; artistic and aesthetic criteria

This article examines the works of Patriarch Evtimii, founder of the Tarnovo Literari School and an undoubted authority in the spiritual and cultural life of medieval Bulgaria, in connection with the ideas of the most powerful ideological movement – the Hesychasm. The ideas of hesyhast doktrine are indirectly reflected in the life and encomium of the writer through the image of the characters who have the features of the perfect Hesychast. Evtimii’s answers in his messages directly reflect the ideas of hesychasm of unity of the church and dominion over secular authority and fight against the moral corruption. The analysis of Patriarch Evtimii proves that his entire literary work is subject to the strict moral norms that impose the hesychasm as a spiritual trend, as well as to the high artistic and aesthetic criteria he forms in the literature – true and artistic translations, richly decorated style, exquisite phrase.

The Means of Expression of Hesychastic Apophaticism as a Reflection of Ancient Mental Models

The Means of Expression of Hesychastic Apophaticism as a Reflection of Ancient Mental Models

Изразните средства на исихастката апофатичност като отражение на древни мисловни модели

Author(s): Ivan G. Iliev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Old Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: hesychasm; apophaticism; means of expression

The article treats the means of expression of hesychastic apophaticism, used by Old Bulgarian writers of the 14th – 15th centuries, and the author tries to show that these means are very old, and were characteristic even for the mind of primitive people. He pays attention to the synonymy of ‘aphophatic’ negative pronouns and ‘cataphatic’ summative pronouns; to the pleonastic use of the negative particle не; to the syntactic but- constructions; and to necessative constructions.

The Concept of Will in the Original Works of Patriarch Euthimius

The Concept of Will in the Original Works of Patriarch Euthimius

Концептът „воля“ в оригиналните произведения на патриарх Евтимий

Author(s): Vanya Micheva / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Old Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: original works of Patriarch Euthimius; semantic realizations of the concept of will

The semantic realizations of the concept of will in the history of Bulgarian literary language are examined in this paper. The linguistic facts of Old Bulgarian manuscripts, original works of Patriarch Euthimius, New Bulgarian damascenes and modern language are used. The system of phrases and sentences with “will” and its distribution in different contexts are analyzed in a relation with cultural situation in the ХIV c., Christian ideas and strategy of the author.

The Ktitor’s Portrait of Metropolitan Ignatius and Christ’s Genealogy in the Cathedral Church St. Apostles Peter and Paul in Tarnovo

The Ktitor’s Portrait of Metropolitan Ignatius and Christ’s Genealogy in the Cathedral Church St. Apostles Peter and Paul in Tarnovo

Ктиторският портрет на митрополит Игнатий и Христовата генеалогия в катедралната църква на Търново „Св. Първоапостоли Петър и Павел“

Author(s): Zarko Zhdrakov,Plamen Orfeev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Old Slavonic / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: ktitor portait; Metropolitan Ignatius; Christ’s genealogy; St. Apostles Peter and Paul in Tarnovo

A photograph and a color copy of the fresco, made before the earthquake in 1913 have survived as evidence of the ktitor’s portrait. The ktitor is young and has a black beard, he is clad in a splendid bishop’s vestment with Latin crosses and a black monastic koukoulion. In the image, dedicated to the apostles of the Church of Rome Peter and Paul, he is positioned next to the Virgin Mary with Child on throne, above the western entrance of the church, where there had never been other ktitor’s portrait and inscription and, in fact, that gives grounds for the monumental composition to be dated in the same way as the main painting at the time of bishop Ignatius in 1442. The ktitor is depicted to give the model of the church with both of his hands to the apostles of the Church of Rome St. Peter, who presents him before Christ and his Mother, symbolizing the Church. He seems to be smaller than the other figures and his eyes are looking upwards to the Prince of the Apostles Peter – a vision of the Roman claim for supremacy. The ktitor’s model of the church reflects the state of the building with the external gal¬lery before painting the calendar in the sixteenth century, when the big arch-like barred windows were bricked in connection with the painting of the calendar. Most likely, that earlier reconstruction was done in the mid-fifteenth century, when the town of Turnovo was undertaking major buildings – e.g. the bridge and the mosque of Feruz Bey (1435). To identify the Turnovo metropolitan Ignatius, it is the style of the ktitor’s composition that also helps and the accompanying inscription with palaeographic characteristics that are specific for the signatures of the painter Nikolas (e.g. the anagram from 1442). It is known that Ignatius and the Ecumenical Patriarch Joseph II came from the Bulgarian tsarist family and had been in one and the same kellion of the Mount Athos monastery Alipu. That explains the exceptional presence of St. Athanasius of Mount Athos in the altar near the patron of metropolitan St. Ignatius the God-bearer in the diaconicon where the order of dressing was taking place. The Tree of Jesse is contaminated with the Genealogy of Christ and covers the whole space of the church. It unifies the conceptual program by spreading its branches around the Virgin Mary with Child in the apse, the arcade of the triumphant Heavenly Church with the parents of the Mother of God, the martyr priests and warriors, and the scenes from the life of Christ. A painting by Boris Denev painted before the earthquake in 1913 shows the lying Jesse at the southern pillar of the narthex where the stem of the genealogy tree is sprouting out. The vision is related to the genealogy in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, and also in the Hermeneia of Dionysius of Fourna. The Genealogy of Matthew according to his father’s royal line starting from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is associated with the one of Luke, according to his maternal line from the ancestors of the |Virgin Mary, Adam, Eve, and Abel, who never occupied the throne of the Jews and in this connection there is the unique branch with the righteous women. The origin of the two genealogies was on the western wall of the narthex facing Jesse. The direction of the visual narrative from left to right is indicated by the image of the semi full-face of Tara, the father of Patriarch Abraham, depicted on the western end of the southern wall of the narthex. The genealogy of Luke on the western wall of the narthex over the entrance had been developing north-wise in the narthex and the naos. The images of their descendants are partially preserved on the northern wall of the narthex (Noah with the Ark and his sons Sim and Japheth) and the naos (Nahor, the father of Tara). The genealogy after Mat¬thew on the western wall of the narthex, south of the entrance, spread over the apse with a unique branch, dedicated to the twelve sons of Patriarch Jacob. Further on, there are the sons of Judah, the Patriarch Kings Zar on the northern pillar in the narthex, and Phares on the southern wall of the narthex next to Tara, where it continues eastward reaching Jesse. From there on, the genealogy is continuing on the northern pillar with Patriarch Ravoam and then in the central arch next to Christ. The Tree of Jesse includes also images from the Hermeneia – e.g. the righteous women, the prophet Nathan, and King Joshua in the southern arch between the narthex and the naos, Patriarch Melchizedek at the northern pillar of the narthex and the pointed by him righteous men named Tobit and Tobias with scrolls unfolded in the northern arch between the narthex and the naos. The connection between the Old Testament and the New Testament is achieved along the west-east axis, from the narthex through the naos to the altar. Depicted in the apse is a branch with the Covenant of Patriarch Jacob as a symbol of the Old Testament unity and prefiguration of the Virgin Mary with Child – cf. the ewer with heavenly manna of Levi and Christ in the hands of Judas. Depicted in the central arch between the narthex and the naos is an allegory of the New Testament unity – the Council of Jerusalem, presented by God’s brethren Jacob and Judas, and the leaders of the apostles Peter and Paul, based of the Seven Ecumenical Synods in the narthex. The tree of Jesse is an element of imperial propaganda, as it is an evidence of the power being taken over from father to son. Most kings have their hands covered for the Holy Communion, but some point to the visual text – e.g. king Zar, the first-born son of Judas, points with his right hand the younger brother Perez from whom originates the family line of Jesse, and his great-grandson, King Aminadav, points with his left hand to his son Nahshon who is called upon to lead Judah’s family line before Moses during the escape of the Jews from Sinai. In the central arch, King Jotham points out to his father Uzziah, who during his life, made him a co-ruler, whereas the kings Sadok and his son Ahim, as well as their descendant St. Joseph, point to the Child dressed in golden vestments as in a dream of the prophet Jesse.

On the Sources of the Panegyric for St. Constantine and St. Helena by Euthymius, Patriarch of Tarnovo

On the Sources of the Panegyric for St. Constantine and St. Helena by Euthymius, Patriarch of Tarnovo

Към изворите на похвално слово за Светите Константин и Елена от Патриарх Евтимий

Author(s): Pirinka Penkova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Old Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Patriarch Euthymius of Tarnovo; Constantine the Great; Konstantin of Preslav

The subject of investigation is the textological relationship between Eythymios’ “The Panegyric for St. Constantine and Helena” and a number of Greek and Slavonic medieval sources: Eusebius of Caesarea’s “Life of Constantine”, Athanasius of Alexandria’s “Orationes contra Arianos”, the Guidi-Vita of Constantine (BHG 364), the Gedeon-Vita of Constantine (BHG 363), “De inventione sanctae crucis” by Alexander the Monk, the Homily of Gregorius Presbyter “Κυριακή τῶν Αγίων πατέρων τῆς Α’ Οἰκουμενικῆς Συνόδου” and the anonymous “De donatione Constantini”. The Greek biographers used the Church chronicles of Eusebius, Sokrates, Rufinus of Aquileia and Theophanes. Тhе Eytimius’ Panegyric indicates the free use of the Greek and Slavonic sources: some events are probably transferred from an earlier Slavonic pro-Vita based on extracts from the Greek Vita BHG 363/364 and “De donatione Constantini” acc. the manuscript 793 in the library of Troice-Sergeevsk Lavra. The description of the miracles of the martyrs Chrisantios and Musonios, the dispute between Alexander of Alexandria and one unnamed philosopher as well as the narrative on Elena in Jerusalem has been found in the Greek Homily of Gregorius Presbyter. The author identifies the philosopher mentioned by Eythymius as Asterius the Sophist acc. to Athanasius’s “Orationes”. Acc. to the linguistic details Eythymius became acquainted with one kompiled pro-Vita of Constantine. The author suggests, that one pro-Vita of Preslav origin was edited at the same time as Konstantin of Preslav’s translation of Athanasius of Alexandria’s “Orationes” before the transfer of “Orationes” to Novgorod.

Editors’ Preface

Editors’ Preface

Słowo wstępne

Author(s): Tadeusz Grabarczyk,Magdalena Pogońska-Pol / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: battle; war; history; preparation; weaponry; tactics; strategy; fortifications

Parallels in The Lexical Renewal of the New Greek and Bulgarian Languages through Loanwords

Parallels in The Lexical Renewal of the New Greek and Bulgarian Languages through Loanwords

Паралели в лексикалното обновяване на новогръцкия и българския език чрез заемки

Author(s): Rumen Rikevski / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Greek, Modern (1453-) / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: loanword; internationalism; non-equivalent vocabulary; equivalent vocabulary

In both modern Greek and Bulgarian, borrowing foreign words is a major way to enrich vocabulary at the beginning of the 21st century. It is characteristic of both languages that often at the beginning of the acquisition of a loan word it can function both in an adapted and non-adapted form, and sometimes remains in the home language with zero degree of adaptation. The process of borrowing foreign words is effective and useful when it is communicatively and functionally justified, ie. non-equivalent vocabulary enters the language. In both Balkan countries, the equivalent fashion vocabulary, mostly of English origin, arouses the attention and concern of the public in order to limit its invasion and to preserve as much as possible the national-specific character of the native language.

Greek Traces in Bulgarian Proper Names and Their Meaning

Greek Traces in Bulgarian Proper Names and Their Meaning

Гръцки следи в българските собствени имена и тяхното значение

Author(s): Emilia Avginova-Nikolova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Greek, Modern (1453-) / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: anthroponymy; Bulgarian personal names; names of Greek origin

The anthroponymy deals with the existing or already obsolete proper names of people, as well as with their geographical distribution in a given country or region. Anthroponymy studies anthroponyms, which include personal, patronymic, surnames, as well as generic names and nicknames. The anthroponymic system of any language is constantly changing, just as the language itself is constantly evolving. Although there are not a few purely Bulgarian personal names that managed to be preserved through Christianity and its rituals, many personal names of Greek origin entered the Bulgarian anthroponymic system, which began to replace the old pagan names

The Rallis Poetry Competition and Grigor Parlichev

The Rallis Poetry Competition and Grigor Parlichev

Поетическият конкурс „Ралис“ и Григор Пърличев

Author(s): Vladimir Vladov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Greek, Modern (1453-) / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: poetry; poetry competition; Rallis; Grigor Parlichev; Bulgarian National Revival

In 2020, 160 years have passed since the day Grigor Stavrev Parlichev (18 January 1830 – 25 January 1893) won the laurel wreath at the Rallis poetry competition, organized by the University of Athens in the mid-19th century. The focus of this article is not so much on the life and work of the outstanding Bulgarian National Revival leader, writer, poet, translator, teacher and public figure, about whom a lot has been written over the years, but on the literary life in Greece at that time, as well as on the poetry contest itself and its patron and sponsor Ambrosios Rallis.

Balkan vs Romance in the linguistic atlas of the Romanian dialects to the north and the south of the Danube

Balkan vs Romance in the linguistic atlas of the Romanian dialects to the north and the south of the Danube

Balkan vs Romance in the linguistic atlas of the Romanian dialects to the north and the south of the Danube

Author(s): Manuela Nevaci,Irina Floarea / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Romanian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: RoDial ALDRO project; dialectology; linguistic geography; Balkan languages; Romanian language; Slavic languages

Our paper aims to emphasise the dialectal similarities of North- and South-Danubian Romanian dialects (Daco-Romanian, Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian, Istro-Romanian) spoken in Romania, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, the Republic of North Macedonia, Greece, Croatia. Our research is based on the questionnaire of Atlas Linguarum Europae (ALE), the ALE dialectal archive of the Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti Institute of Linguistics at the Romanian Academy, in order to have a comparison with European dialects. In this way, the concordances with the Romance languages related to the languages of the Balkan Sprachbund and with other European languages are highlighted. The aim is to emphasise the Romance nature and the unity of the Romanian language in the European context.

The vocative and case. Observations on languages with a neutral alignment of case marking of NPs

The vocative and case. Observations on languages with a neutral alignment of case marking of NPs

The vocative and case. Observations on languages with a neutral alignment of case marking of NPs

Author(s): Georgi Georgiev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Estonian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: vocative; cases; neutral alignment of case marking; typology; typological generalisation; morphosyntax

The vocative is a largely understudied linguistic phenomenon. This text examines the implications of treating the vocative as a case value and of not treating it as such in languages with a neutral alignment of case marking of full noun phrases. Special attention is given to such languages lacking (overt) case (marking), barring, supposedly, (marking for) the vocative. The text argues in favour of employing a principled treatment of the vocative that affords sufficient room for typological generalisation while remaining faithful to language data.

The genre model of the conclusions of a judicial expert (on material from English, Bulgarian, Polish and Russian)

The genre model of the conclusions of a judicial expert (on material from English, Bulgarian, Polish and Russian)

Жанровая модель заключения судебного эксперта (на материале английского, болгарского, польского и русского языков)

Author(s): Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski,Julia Mazurkiewicz-Sułkowska / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Russian,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: adversarial system; expert opinion; generic structure; Bulgarian legal system; Russian legal system; Polish legal system; US common law

The literature devoted to legal linguistics often ignores documents encountered in court discourse which contain expert conclusions (forensic investigation). This article attempts to determine the genre model of expert opinions. As part of it, there is also a brief explanation of the legal and cultural context of how judicial expertise works, since it directly affects the structure of the documents we are interested in. The authors compare the conclusions of forensic experts using documents taken from the Anglo-Saxon legal system (common law) and from the civil law system (Polish, Russian, and Bulgarian).

Speech at the Celebration of the 65th Anniversary of the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw

Speech at the Celebration of the 65th Anniversary of the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw

Przemówienie na uroczystości 65-lecia Katedry Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Author(s): Elżbieta Smułkowa / Language(s): English,Polish,Belarusian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Antonina Obrębska-Jabłońska; Belarusian studies; history of linguistics; Polish-Belarusian relations

The article refers to the 65th anniversary of the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw. It discusses the beginnings of Belarusian studies in Warsaw and describes the figures of its first researchers, starting with Prof. Antonina Obrębska-Jabłońska. The author also alludes to the contemporary socio-political situation and the importance of academic research in the field of Belarusian studies in this context.

On the Occasion of the 65th Anniversary of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw (History and State of Research until 2019)

On the Occasion of the 65th Anniversary of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw (History and State of Research until 2019)

65-lecie Katedry Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (historia i stan badań do 2019 roku)

Author(s): Nina Barszczewska / Language(s): English,Polish,Belarusian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Department of Belarusian Studies; 65th anniversary; Belarusian studies; history of Belarusian studies; achievements in linguistics and literary studies

In October 2021, the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw celebrated its 65th anniversary. During that time, a number of scientific papers in the fields of literary studies, linguistics, cultural studies and history were published, and many master’s and doctoral theses were defended. The development of Belarusian studies in Poland is of particular importance in today’s difficult times for the Belarusian language and culture within the Republic of Belarus, where the mother tongue of the nation is being abused and Belarusian organizations are being dissolved.

The Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw in 2017–2021

The Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw in 2017–2021

Katedra Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w latach 2017–2021

Author(s): Radosław Kaleta / Language(s): English,Polish,Belarusian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Department of Belarusian Studies; anniversary; history of Belarusian studies; scientific achievements; scientific output

The article describes the recent history of the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw from 2017 to 2021. It presents staff changes, recent publications, awards, organized conferences, international cooperation, guest lectures, events popularizing Belarusian studies, student affairs and the latest changes in teaching. Apart from showcasing the achievements of the Department on the occasion of its 65th anniversary, the article also aims to raise awareness about Belarusian affairs and encourage support for Belarusianness in difficult times.

Selected Facts from the History of Belarusian Studies in Warsaw in Light of Archival Documents

Selected Facts from the History of Belarusian Studies in Warsaw in Light of Archival Documents

Wybrane fakty z historii białorutenistyki warszawskiej w świetle dokumentów archiwalnych

Author(s): Radosław Kaleta / Language(s): English,Polish,Belarusian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Department of Belarusian Studies; jubilee; history of Belarusian studies; Antonina Obrębska- Jabłońska; Belarusian studies in Warsaw; archival documents

The article presents the earliest history of the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw. The author describes the origins of the Department and whether it was established as a Department or a Section, and includes selected archival photographs. Some facts are shown in light of the correspondence of Prof. Antonina Obrębska-Jabłońska, who founded Belarusian studies at the University of Warsaw.



Słowo wstępne

Author(s): Tadeusz Grabarczyk,Jarosław Kita,Magdalena Pogońska-Pol,Myroslav Voloshchuk / Language(s): English,Polish,Ukrainian / Publication Year: 0

Interview with the Pianist Jakub Kamiński

Interview with the Pianist Jakub Kamiński

Wywiad z pianistą Jakubem Kamińskim

Author(s): Elżbieta Dziąg,Wojciech Grodzki,Krzysztof Jankowski,Paulina Michalak,Zuzanna Suska,Miłosz Szymczak,Martina Wilińska,Dagmara Milińska-Tran / Language(s): English,Polish,Italian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: music; pianist; concerts; science

The text presents the interview with the pianist Jakub Kamiński conducted by a group of first grade students of Italian Studies. The musician talks about his professional path, inspirations, didactic work and shares the memories from his concerts. The interviewed is translated to Italian and English.

Result 317361-317380 of 317401
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