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Result 256781-256800 of 319537
The Concept of Officiality and Unofficiality in Ukrainian Anthroponymics

The Concept of Officiality and Unofficiality in Ukrainian Anthroponymics

The Concept of Officiality and Unofficiality in Ukrainian Anthroponymics

Author(s): Halyna Bachynska,Oksana Verbovetska / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: onomastics;naming;unofficial (informal) and official (formal) system of naming;

The article deals with the formation of unofficial (informal) and official (formal) naming systems in Ukrainian anthroponymy. The main groups of official and national (folk) names, the formation of components and their functional purpose on the diachronic and synchronic levels are determined. It was found out that the purpose of national (folk) naming is not only identification, but also the characterisation of the denoted, an indication of his/her relation to other members of the community. The main component of the unofficial nomination is defined as an individual nickname. In addition, there are variants of personal names, family names, as well as socio-collective names. The conclusions point to the difference between anthroponymic naming systems and their interaction in communication.

Macrostructure of Encyclopaedic and Linguistic Dictionaries: Common and Specific Features

Macrostructure of Encyclopaedic and Linguistic Dictionaries: Common and Specific Features

Macrostructure of Encyclopaedic and Linguistic Dictionaries: Common and Specific Features

Author(s): Oksana Kaliberda / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: encyclopaedic dictionary;linguistic dictionary;macrostructure;

This paper presents a study of encyclopaedic and linguistic dictionaries with relation to their structural components. It investigates the macrostructure features of both types of lexicographic works. Results show that, in spite of common approaches to macrostructure construction, encyclopaedic dictionaries are limited in the selection of headwords and register nouns, noun phrases and proper names mainly, whereas linguistic dictionaries try to represent the whole lexicon of the language. Also, polysemanticism and homonymy of natural language influence on the arrangement of headwords in dictionary macrostructure.Key words:

On the Problem of Abbreviation as a Means of
Linguistic Economy (upon the Material of the English Literary Text “Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility & Desirability of Peace”)

On the Problem of Abbreviation as a Means of Linguistic Economy (upon the Material of the English Literary Text “Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility & Desirability of Peace”)

On the Problem of Abbreviation as a Means of Linguistic Economy (upon the Material of the English Literary Text “Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility & Desirability of Peace”)

Author(s): Margarita Milova / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: abbreviation;language system;structural-semantic;

The article throws light upon the theoretical understanding of the role and place of abbreviations, as well as the description of the structural and semantic features of the abbreviation vocabulary. It aims at developing a systematic approach to the study of this phenomenon on the material of an English literary text by defining the types of acronyms in English on the basis of conventional, common usage, analysis of the systemic, structural, semantic characteristics of the abbreviated vocabulary of English and by trying establish the basic structural-semantic characteristics of such vocabulary.

The Linguistic and Psychological Characteristics of the Foreign Language of Future Officers

The Linguistic and Psychological Characteristics of the Foreign Language of Future Officers

The Linguistic and Psychological Characteristics of the Foreign Language of Future Officers

Author(s): Mariia Mytnyk / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: linguistic and psychological characteristics;English and French languages;future officers;

The linguistic and psychological characteristics of foreign language of the future officers will be discussed in this article. The author highlights that an analysis of English-speaking and French-speaking material allows to establish psychological characteristics of generation and reproduction of presentation foreign speech of future officers who are given the opportunity to develop their corresponding skills.

The Puzzle of a Horn: An Etymology for the Word Gemshorn

The Puzzle of a Horn: An Etymology for the Word Gemshorn

The Puzzle of a Horn: An Etymology for the Word Gemshorn

Author(s): Francesco Perono Cacciafoco / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: Prehistoric wind musical instruments;Gemshorn and pifana/pivana;Indo-European;

This paper is aimed at providing an etymological reconstruction for the word gemshorn (and the term pifana/pivana), which indicates a wind musical instrument, generally considered pastoral or rustic, produced from the horn of an ungulated animal.The etymological reconstruction proposed in this article allows to postulate prehistoric origins, for the gemshorn, dating back way before the XIV-XV Century, the time in which the folk instrument starts, plausibly, to be attested in Europe, in manuscripts, art, and material culture.In particular, by delineating a possible Indo-European and, then, Proto-Germanic, proto-form, for the word, it is possible to date it back to at least the Neolithic, and even to the Mesolithic. The term indicating the instrument, after the Common Indo-European stage, would have been only preserved in Germanic languages and in the Germanic context. The paper is also aimed at showing that the names of some (folk) musical instruments can survive, over time, in oral tradition without being recorded in historical official sources, and that their origins can be, by far, more ancient than the times in which the first attestations of their names in written documents – or their appearance in art and/or in material culture – are findable and recorded.

Linguocultural Features of the Main Urbanonyms of Local Communities of Ukraine in the Phantom Frontier as a Marker of Territorial Identity

Linguocultural Features of the Main Urbanonyms of Local Communities of Ukraine in the Phantom Frontier as a Marker of Territorial Identity

Linguocultural Features of the Main Urbanonyms of Local Communities of Ukraine in the Phantom Frontier as a Marker of Territorial Identity

Author(s): Olga Pezhynska,Sergii Zadvornyi / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: linguoculturology;urbanonyms;phantom frontier;

Linguo-cultural studies in the context of constructing territorial identity have become widespread in the European academic community in recent decades. First of all, this is caused by the actualization of the prospective strategies of humanitarian development of territorial communities. The social processes that Central and Eastern Europe has experienced with a number of positive and negative consequences in the twentieth century are projected onto the present in the twenty-first century. The changing of state borders, the disintegration, and formation of new states, and military conflicts reformatted and structured the geocultural space. New identities that formed in this context took on different characteristics and manifestations, sometimes sharply opposite, which was especially evident in the borderline.

Complimenting Behaviour in Young Adults’ First Impression Scripts

Complimenting Behaviour in Young Adults’ First Impression Scripts

Complimenting Behaviour in Young Adults’ First Impression Scripts

Author(s): Oleksandra Romaniuk,Ludmila Yavorska / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: compliments;compliment responses;first impression script;

This research provides an understanding of the gendered and formulaic use of compliments and compliment responses in young adults’ first impression scripts. Digital analysis software was used to collect, measure, and analyze qualitative and quantitative data drawn from 331 couples of opposite-sex heterosexual strangers interacting on two American reality dating shows: The Bachelor and The Bachelorette (2012-2019). The results indicate that men paid compliments more often than women and were more expressive in their choice of objects to be complimented. However, we found no gender differences regarding (i) the content of compliments, (ii) the formulaic patterns, (iii) the morphological features of the compliments (i.e., verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and nouns), and (iv) the types of compliment responses. These findings have implications for theorizing on cultural norms and gender stereotypes of contemporary complimenting behaviour.

On Two English Modal Predicates Hard to Find in English Grammar Books

On Two English Modal Predicates Hard to Find in English Grammar Books

On Two English Modal Predicates Hard to Find in English Grammar Books

Author(s): Leszek Szymański / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: modality;modality-negation interaction;modality-perfect interaction;

The paper offers a summative discussion of empirical investigations into two English modal predicates: can with the perfect infinitive and must not with the perfect infinitive. Both these predicate constructions tend not to be mentioned or discussed in grammars of English; some books even forbid them. Thus, one may get an impression that they do not exist or are non-normative. The corpus studies discussed in this paper have shown the opposite, however. The analyzed modal predicates have been reported in both contemporary and historical American English, and also in British English. Moreover, they are not accidental constructions since they have been reported in numerous texts, of different levels of formality, produced by various speakers or writers. The study has also shown that can with the perfect expresses the meaning of speaker’s reasoning about a potential past situation or speaker’s certainty about the non-occurrence of a past situation. Thus can interacts with the perfect and expresses the epistemic flavor. Moreover, the meaning of speaker’s certainty results from the interaction of can with a negative context. Speaker’s certainty that an event did not take place in the past is also a meaning expressed by must not with the perfect. In addition, this modal predicate can express the meaning of a prohibition of a past event. Thus, must not with the perfect can express either the epistemic or the root modal flavor. The latter emerges as a result of modality-negation interaction. The perfect projects the event in the past, i.e. in the retrospective viewpoint. Hence, the study proposes a number of norms thanks to which these two, supposedly non-normative, modal predicates have occurred.

Challenges in Technological Translations

Challenges in Technological Translations

Challenges in Technological Translations

Author(s): Madalina Cerban / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: specialized terminology;technical vs. technological translation;

The paper discusses the challenges the technological translation could face when it is performed by a linguist. We aim to explain why technological knowledge is compulsory and essential when attempting to translate a technological document. We divided the paper into two parts: the former explains the use of technological vs. technical translation while the latter focuses on the most important characteristics of technological translations, emphasizing the importance of using a clear language in this type of documents. We also make a comparison between a translation carried out by a specialist and a translation carried out by a linguist.

Mathematical Verbs in Polish and English Phraseology: a Comparative Study

Mathematical Verbs in Polish and English Phraseology: a Comparative Study

Mathematical Verbs in Polish and English Phraseology: a Comparative Study

Author(s): Małgorzata Karczewska / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: mathematical verbs;Polish and English phraseology;counting;

The use of mathematical vocabulary in phraseology is a topic of numerous papers as numbers indicate not only quantity but may also have a cultural connotation. In the paper, Polish and English phraseological units with the verbs indicating basic mathematical operations are analysed. The study shows the common phraseological expressions containing these verbs in Polish and English and if there is equivalence between the languages in question.

Тhe language phenomenon of ‘clean’

Тhe language phenomenon of ‘clean’

Тhe language phenomenon of ‘clean’

Author(s): Petranka Ivanova / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2020

Keywords: adjective; clean; idiom; binomial

The paper is an extended work of a previous research presented at a conference. It gives additional information about ‘clean’ as an adjective. Some significant points are mentioned again but only for the reason of upgrading. The idiomatic usage of ‘clean’ and the variety of binomials it occurs in are the main issues considered here.

The Formal-Syntactic Structure of Sentences with Predicates of Presence / Absence

The Formal-Syntactic Structure of Sentences with Predicates of Presence / Absence

The Formal-Syntactic Structure of Sentences with Predicates of Presence / Absence

Author(s): Nataliia MIELIEKIESTSEVA,Nataliia Hudyma / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: existence;predicate of presence / absence;existential sentence;

The article deals with the comprehensive analysis of the formal-syntactic structure of simple sentences with verbal predicates of presence / absence which state or deny the fact of subject’s presence, existence and organize existential sentences. The analysis of sentences with verbal predicates of presence / absence shows that their semantic structure mainly consists of existential predicate and subject which are represented by the principal parts of the sentence – the grammatical predicate and subject at the formal-syntactic sentence level. The relations between the semantic and formal-syntactic structure of sentences with the predicates of presence / absence are represented by the correlative and non-correlative types of relations.

Intertextual Communication Tactics in German Parliamentary Discourse

Intertextual Communication Tactics in German Parliamentary Discourse

Intertextual Communication Tactics in German Parliamentary Discourse

Author(s): Oleksandr Stasiuk,Galyna Stroganova / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: communication tactic;intertext;parliamentary discourse;

The aim of the article is to identify intertextual communication tactics in German parliamentary discourse based on the empirical analysis of quotations used in plenary debates. It has been revealed what intertextual communication tactics the members of the German parliament use to improve the image of their political party and to discredit their political opponents. In order to improve the image of their own political party, members of the parliament quote their colleagues belonging to the same party and positively evaluate the quotations. They quote impartial and influential people, such as scientists, journalists, religious leaders and representatives of civil society. Political opponents are discredited with a negative evaluation of their quotations, the revealing of euphemisms they have used, and using intertext with a negative evaluative meaning authored by impartial people.

The Semantic-syntactic Aspect of Anthropocentricity of Ukrainian Literature of the Late 20th – Early 21st Centuries

The Semantic-syntactic Aspect of Anthropocentricity of Ukrainian Literature of the Late 20th – Early 21st Centuries

The Semantic-syntactic Aspect of Anthropocentricity of Ukrainian Literature of the Late 20th – Early 21st Centuries

Author(s): Olha Turko,Tetiana Olendr / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: half-predicative appositive unit;anthropocentricity;semantic-grammatical aspect;

The article deals with the lexical-grammatical nature of half-predicative appositive units as idiolect markers of Ukrainian literature of the late 20th - early 21st centuries, and the type of semantic-syntactic connection between the identified component of the separated substantive unit and the appositive unit. One-word half-predicative units have been described in relation to the signified component in terms of semantic and grammatical indices; phrasal, coordinating series and sub-appositive separated components have been analyzed by the nature of the morphological expression of an appositive unit. In addition, the models of half-predicative appositive units have been described by the valency of the appositive unit with the attributive syntaxemes. The research has proved grammatical interdependence between the identified component and the half-predicative appositive unit, which is manifested in the literary context. All selected examples to designate the denotative field “man” are composed by continuous writing out, which testifies their frequency and idiolectivity.

The Minoan Challenge: An External Analysis Approach to the Linear A Decipherment

The Minoan Challenge: An External Analysis Approach to the Linear A Decipherment

The Minoan Challenge: An External Analysis Approach to the Linear A Decipherment

Author(s): Yuetong Yao,Francesco Perono Cacciafoco,Francesco Cavallaro / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: Language Decipherment;Linear A;Linear B;

The language (or languages) of the ancient Minoan civilization of Crete, developed in the European Bronze Age, was written using the so-called Cretan Hieroglyphs and the Linear A writing system. To this day, the Minoan language and its writing systems, Cretan Hieroglyphs as well as Linear A, are undeciphered. The main obstacle in deciphering Linear A is the lack of knowledge of what language it transcribes. This article presents an ‘external analysis’ and a ‘lexicographic’ approach in an attempt to compare Linear A with Linear B and Egyptian, aiming at identifying a known language that Linear A may represent. The paper starts by introducing Minoan civilization and its writing system, Linear A, followed by a brief literature review on deciphering attempts. An overview follows, on the relationship between the Minoan and ancient Egyptian Bronze Ages, provided in order to support the hypothesis that there are possible interconnections between Linear A and Egyptian. The subsequent section further describes the method of using corresponding Linear B phonetic values to identify Linear A words or phrases in a few examples and match them to Egyptian. Finally, the possibilities and limitations of employing this method to decipher Linear A are discussed.




Author(s): Aleksandar Đukić,Višnja Kojić / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Olympic Games; COVID-19; Japan; market business

The Summer Olympics are the largest international sporting event in the world. Over 200 sports nations take part in them every 4 years and represent a real organizational challenge for the host country. The organization of the games requires large financial resources that the host country would have to allocate. The Tokyo Olympics in 2020 faced unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which increased the price of the games, which is already a record. Economists and organizers predicted that the Games in Tokyo would have an impact of as much as 292 billion dollars on the overall economy of Japan. Economists in Japan have raised expectations that the Tokyo Olympics will sharply strengthen not only the country's tourism industry, but also the construction business, while encouraging consumption, which together would increase Japan's market business. With the appearance of the corona virus, the Olympics were postponed for one year, which eventually led to a ban on watching at the venue of the postponed event. These bans, on the one hand, increased the cost of maintenance three times, and on the other hand, reduced revenues several times, which had a great impact on the Japanese market. This paper investigates the impact of covid-19 and the Olympic Games on Japan's market operations using regression and correlation analysis. Based on the analysis, the negative impact of Covid-19 on the market operations of Japan and the positive impact of the Olympics, especially in the year of maintenance, were proven, regardless of the fact that additional funds were invested.




Author(s): Milijanka Ratković / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Partnership; profit; sports market; sponsorship motive matrix; integrated marketing communications (IMC)

The two-sided focus of sponsorship goals in sports is present due to the existence of two parties in the sponsorship relationship. The buyer of sponsorship and the seller of sponsorship have different goals, but they also have common goals related to the interest to realize the sponsorship according to the plan, as well as to achieve the maximization of the effects of the expectations of both parties. That common interest is of primary nature and leads to partnership. The separate goals of the participating parties are defined in such a way that mutual interest gets fulfilled. The goals of corporate sponsors are determined by motives, and in most cases they are external and opportunistic, that is, commercial. However, the goals can be also internal and altruistic, and as such focused on highlighting other benefits, such as building good relationships with employees and other participants in the value delivery chain that the sponsor promotes, including the public. The analysis that follows is based on literature research and already existing conclusions regarding the nature of goals and motives in sponsorship. The aim of this paper is to verify the existing conclusions of the focus of sponsorship objectives in sports. The content analysis method led to the conclusion that the goals of sponsorship in sports can be defined through the categories of market, society, relationships and clan. This confirms the conclusions of previous research.




Author(s): Tamara Stojmenović,Dragutin Stojmenović,Miloš Purković / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: sport; training; load test; physical activity

Dosing physical activity is a very important segment in the exercise do-main of every person, whether they are a child, an recreational person or a professional athlete. The aim of this paper is to present the most optimal and direct method for assessing the functional status of an individual and to explain the way in which physical activity can be dosed most effectively using a Cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET). In this work, the descriptive method of conducting the CPET test was used as a standard for determining the beginning of physical activity, but also for determining training thresholds. Adequate physical activity should be optimally dosed, neither too much nor too little, but sufficient to cause physical adaptation of the organism to effort. In sport and physical activity, the heart rate parameter and the determination of the degree of fatigue in relation to the maximum heart rate of the person exercising are most often used to measure effort.




Author(s): Dejan R. Dašić / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Delphi metod; methodology; sport; research techniques

A well-liked and reputable technique for gathering data from experts in a field of expertise is the Delphi method. This approach may be used to conduct surveys with qualified respondents from a wide geographic area because face-to-face interaction is not necessary. The Delphi method survey is a practical tool for obtaining expert opinions through repetitive rounds of controlled feedback. To have the maximum response rate possible, investigators must actively engage in this area. Participant cooperation is essential for the Delphi process to be carried out successfully. The main goal of this paper is to offer insights which can be useful to other researchers and practitioners preparing to apply Delphi methodology. Moreover, the article contributes to the methodological debate by taking into consideration the introduction of new practices that can be used to overcome certain classical issues of the Delphi methodology: optimal panel size, objectivity, controlled feedback, participant response rate, etc.




Author(s): Siniša Franjić / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Athletes; Food; Nutrition; Energy Intake; Children

Sports nutrition is the one that, in addition to satisfying the energy and nutritional needs of the athlete, will provide him or her with good health, the effectiveness of sports performances, but also good recovery after training or competition and prevent injuries. Sports nutrition should be well organized and planned, varied, and the emphasis is on meeting the greater energy and nutritional needs of athletes. These increased needs for energy and nutrient intake are not significantly higher and can be met with a proper and varied nutrition. Athletes should be enabled and encouraged to have a proper, varied and well-planned diet in order to withstand daily training. This means that they need nutritious and regular meals.

Result 256781-256800 of 319537
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