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Result 256821-256840 of 319562
Corporate social responsibility and value creation in Romania

Corporate social responsibility and value creation in Romania

Responsabilitatea socială corporativă și crearea valorii în România

Author(s): Olivian Bîltac / Language(s): English / Issue: Spec. Jun/2023

Keywords: Social performance reporting; GRI (Global Reporting Initiative); sustainability standards; Stakeholder theory; Romania;

This paper examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and value creation in Romania. Specifically. This paper aims to identify the key CSR practices that companies in Romania are engaging in, and to explore how these practices are impacting business performance and creating value for stakeholders. By examining the extent to which companies in Romania are embracing CSR and the outcomes they are achieving, this paper will contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of CSR in creating sustainable and socially responsible businesses in Romania. The main tool at the basis of such an analysis is the international GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) – Social indicators reporting, differently approached by different companies within their sustainability reports, collected within a database, converted into comparable information based on a scoring method, as the indicators are either qualitative or quantitative, most of the times very difficult to bring to a common denominator. Such a method we also consider useful in further valuation and ranking. The findings of this paper suggest that corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices are becoming increasingly important for businesses operating in Romania.The analysis reveals that companies in Romania are engaging in a range of CSR practices, including philanthropy, environmental sustainability, and employee welfare, and that these practices are having a positive impact on both business performance and stakeholder perceptions. Specifically, the study finds that companies that engage in CSR are more likely to attract and retain talent, enhance their reputation, and brand value, and generate higher levels of customer loyalty and satisfaction. Moreover, the analysis indicates that CSR practices can also lead to cost savings and improved operational efficiencies, further contributing to value creation. Overall, these findings underscore the importance of CSR as a strategic tool for businesses seeking to create long-term sustainable value in Romania. The Sustainability Disclosure Database provides the existing sustainability reports of major companies in Romania, along recent years. Given such data, these reports have been processed and the information has been tailored into rather homogenous sets, starting with the GRI Standards’ indicators and generating an hierarchy of social activities and their results. We consider such an enterprise necessary if it is aimed at achieving a clear evaluation and identification of company’s both financial and social performance.This paper contributes to the literature on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and value creation by providing insights into the current state of CSR practices in Romania, a context that has received relatively little attention in the CSR literature. The paper builds on previous studies by focusing specifically on Romania, a transitional economy that has undergone significant political and economic changes in recent years, and by examining the relationship between CSR and value creation in this context. The paper’s findings highlight the importance of CSR for businesses operating in Romania and offer practical insights for companies seeking to implement CSR strategies that create sustainable value for stakeholders. This study also provides a foundation for future research on CSR in Romania and other emerging economies, thereby advancing our understanding of the role of CSR in driving positive social and environmental outcomes while also creating business value.

The impact of the Altman score on the energy sector companies

The impact of the Altman score on the energy sector companies

Impactul scorului Altman asupra firmelor din sectorul energetic

Author(s): Maria Lenuta Ciupac-Ulici,Daniela Georgeta Beju,Ioan Alin Nistor,Flaviu Pișcoran / Language(s): English / Issue: Spec. Jun/2023

Keywords: Altman score; stock price; bankruptcy; Romania;

The financial literature regarding bankruptcy prediction models includes the application of several statistical tools which have progressively become accessible. This paper explores the impact of the Altman score on the stock prices of the Romanian companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange during the period 2014-2022. The Altman score is calculated based on the annual reports of the analyzed companies collected from the Bloomberg database, while the stock exchange prices are collected from the Euromonitor database. The methodology used in the analysis is panel regression realized with the Generalized Method of Movements technique. The data is processed using the EViews software. This research study shows that there is a negative correlation between the Altman Z score and the companies’ share price. In terms of theoretical contribution, this study investigates one of the bankruptcy prediction models that is used more often than other models, namely the Altman Z-Score.

Bibliometric analysis on the Covid-19 impact on corporate sustainability

Bibliometric analysis on the Covid-19 impact on corporate sustainability

Analiza bibliometrică a impactulu COVID-19 asupra durabilității corporative

Author(s): Hiranya Dissanayake,D.B.P.H. Dissabandara,K.L.W. Perera,A.R. Ajward / Language(s): English / Issue: Spec. Jun/2023

Keywords: COVID-19; Sustainability; Environmental Sustainability; Bibliometric Analysis;

The importance of achieving sustainable development goals is reconsidered due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There are studies that have been conducted to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on corporate sustainability. Nonetheless, there is scant research that has synthesized the literature on the impact of COVID-19 on corporate sustainability. The objectives of this study are to highlight major challenges and current trends in the domain of COVID-19’s effects on corporate sustainability, as well as to make recommendations for future research directions. The volume of research on COVID-19 and corporate sustainability between 2020 and 2022 is examined using a bibliometric analysis of 397 studies from the SCOPUS database. Using Biblioshiny software, researchers in this study selected the highly impactful authors, sources, nations, and documents based on their citations and the number of publications. Sustainability is a highly influential journal, and Ho M.T. is a highly influential author with 354 citations. There are few studies on this topic, but India and the United States have published the most articles. In addition, the themes discussed by the researchers fall into three clusters based on Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) including COVID-19’s impact on sustainability, COVID-19’s impact on environmental sustainability, and COVID-19’s impact on digitalization. Finally, this study suggests relevant study directions for future studies using thematic map analysis. The areas that include COVID-19 impact on education, digitalization, cities, and environmental sustainability are the recommendations for future researchers. In addition, this study assists practitioners and policymakers in understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on corporate sustainability and taking appropriate actions to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Analysis of the impact of financial balance indicators on the stock market performance of companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange

Analysis of the impact of financial balance indicators on the stock market performance of companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange

Analiza impactului indicatorilor de echilibru financiar asupra performanței bursiere a companiilor listate la Bursa de Valori București

Author(s): Ioan-Alexandru Dumitrescu,Alin-Ionuț Dorobanțu / Language(s): English / Issue: Spec. Jun/2023

Keywords: financial balance; stock market performance; liquidity; solvency; working capital; stock market capitalization;

This paper deals with the topic of the impact brought by the factors that contribute to the determination of financial balance indicators on the profitability of Romanian companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange during several consecutive financial years.The subject under research was the subject of several studies that make up the specialized literature. The purpose of the research is to analyse the existence and intensity of the link between the financial balance indicators, determined semi-annually, and the economic performance of the companies, expressed through the profitability indicators. The research method used in the elaboration of the present study is that of multiple regression analysis of the data, applied using the SPSS statistical program.

The contribution of the eu fdis to the reduction of Romania’s manufacturing production co2 emissions: higher exports and gdp growth

The contribution of the eu fdis to the reduction of Romania’s manufacturing production co2 emissions: higher exports and gdp growth

Contribuția investițiilor străine directe din UE la reducerea emisiilor de CO2 din producția industrială a României: creșterea exporturilor și creștere economică

Author(s): Vlad Epurescu / Language(s): English / Issue: Spec. Jun/2023

Keywords: Foreign direct investments; GDP; CO2 emissions; trade;

Reducing the CO2 footprint of Romanian manufacturing production under the positive influence of the EU foreign direct investments (FDIs) can have a substantial contribution to Romania’s presence on the EU common market. Moreover, it might contribute to the increase the country’s GDP. To prove the assumptions, the author developed an econometric model that he called „A predictive model of the CO2 emissions inter-country interaction”, based on multiple linear regression, using a highly unique and latest database published by Eurostat, in 2022. He also designed several scenarios regarding the positive impact on the Romanian economy based on reducing the CO2 emissions generated by the EU FDIs. In the base scenario, a 1.5% annual reduction of the CO2 emissions generated in Romania due to the FDIs originating from the EU Member States could stimulate an 1% annual increase of the intra-community deliveries. This impact would determine an increase of Romania’s GDP by 0.3%. To have a realistic contribution to achieving the goal of a net zero economic model, the EU FDIs should obtain, between 2025 – 2050, a ten-time decreasing rhythm of their CO2 emissions. From minus 0.4%, the actual average decrease annual level between 2010 – 2020, the FDIs must decrease their emissions by 4% per year. This would increase Romania’s annual intra-deliveries by 2.6%, adding 0.8% per year to Romania’s GDP growth.

Internal determinants of profitability in public Algerian banks

Internal determinants of profitability in public Algerian banks

Determinanți interni ai rentabilității băncilor publice algeriene

Author(s): Imane Ameur,Messaoud Zerouti,Mehdi Bouchetara / Language(s): English / Issue: Spec. Jun/2023

Keywords: Internal determinants; profitability; public banks; Algeria;

This research attempts to identify the internal factors that determine public banks’ profitability in Algeria, by investigating the effect of each one of them on profitability over the period 2011 – 2019, using the system-generalized method of moments. The findings indicate that the bank-specific determinants, with the exception of capitalization and leverage, are positively related to bank performance. These results have important implications for banks’ survival and growth. It is expected that this study will guide the policy makers and bank management in the formulation and implementation of better policies and strategies which may lead to better performance of banks in Algeria.

From corporate social responsibility to environmental, social, governance investing: non-financial reporting -benefits and legislative implications

From corporate social responsibility to environmental, social, governance investing: non-financial reporting -benefits and legislative implications

De la CSR la ESG: raportare non-financiară, beneficiile și implicațiile legislative

Author(s): Kaur Komalpreet,Daniela Corina Oprea (Bîrlă),Raluca Simina Bilți,Vanina Adoriana Trifan / Language(s): English / Issue: Spec. Jun/2023

Keywords: ESG; environmental; social; governance; non-financial reporting; CSR; business sustainability;

The main objective of the paper is to highlight the importance of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) investing for companies, while also elaborating its relation to better financial performance. Furthermore, the article conducts a literature review by analysing the already existing scientific papers (mainly from Google Scholar, Web of Science and ScienceDirect) to demonstrate how the relative importance of each of the ESG dimensions: Environmental, Social and Governance, may vary depending on different factors.The article highlights the value of non-financial reporting, its advantages, and the resulting legal ramifications. Investors and executors have recognized the importance of the ESG framework in recent years, which has helped it earn a lot of respect. The framework is said to serve several benefits, such as offering business sustainability, financial stability, and better financial performance, to a given economic entity. Similarly, the paper presents practical implications for the businesses, as it leads to their better understanding of the concept, from an investor’s perspective.

Financial literacy and employment: an overview and bibliometric analysis

Financial literacy and employment: an overview and bibliometric analysis

Educația financiară și ocuparea forței de muncă: prezentare generală și analiză bibliometrică

Author(s): Ancuța Lucaci,Carmen-Eugenia Nastase / Language(s): English / Issue: Spec. Jun/2023

Keywords: financial literacy; employment; bibliometric analysis; VOSviewer;

People are currently facing high unemployment rates, and one of the main causes is financial literacy. Financial literacy is critically important for people as it enables them to effectively manage their money and decide whether to invest or save. Furthermore, everyone must be educated from an early age about financial issues because they will be taught about how to save, invest, budget, and borrow. The purpose of this article is to investigate the scientific literature on financial education and employment. To this end, we conducted a bibliometric analysis of financial literacy and the relationship between financial literacy and employment. The research methodology included a bibliometric analysis conducted with the VOSviewer software. The results highlight low rates of financial literacy in terms of knowledge, behaviour and attitude. The main determinants of poor financial literacy include poor financial education in schools, disinterest of people in the subject, limited accessibility to financial resources, and insufficient involvement of people in financial issues. Policy makers must take into account this unfavourable situation with respect to the state of financial literacy and implement actions to address it.

Banking institutions and aggregated indicators for financial stability on the Romanian banking market

Banking institutions and aggregated indicators for financial stability on the Romanian banking market

Grupurile bancare și indicatorii agregați în stabilitatea financiară pe piața bancară românească

Author(s): Roxana Daliana Schiop,Mihaiela Joly Mircea / Language(s): English / Issue: Spec. Jun/2023

Keywords: Solvency Indicator; Leverage; Return on assets; Return on equity;

In times of crisis, the behaviour of the participants in the economic process changes, they being forced to adapt to new times, at a rapid pace. It reflects prudence and a reorganization from all points of view regarding the activities of companies. The scientific research aims to analyse the behaviour of banking institutions in times of crisis, but also in periods of economic growth based on aggregate indicators that reflect the evolution of banking financial institutions over a period of 15 years, starting from the economic crisis from 2008 and ending with 2022. At the same time, the scientific approach makes a brief presentation of Romanian banking sector at the end of 2022 from the perspective of shareholding and market share for the main banks in Romania in order to better understand their position these in the market.

Impact of sustainable development on smart cities

Impact of sustainable development on smart cities

Impactul dezvoltării durabile asupra orașelor inteligente

Author(s): Ioana-Marinela Turtă (Gavriluță),Maria-Simona Cuciureanu,Grigore Nepotu / Language(s): English / Issue: Spec. Jun/2023

Keywords: sustainable development; smart cities; projects; European Union;

Sustainability is an important topic addressed and promoted by the European Union among its member states. Thus, environmental policies in the European Union are correlated with global problems and solutions are constantly sought to reduce the negative effects in society. Sustainable development has two important crises in the foreground, climate and biodiversity, but the measures to reduce their effects are for various fields and the development of a green economy is supported.The study aims to highlight that projects are being developed at the level of the city of Iași, either by accessing non-reimbursable funds or through private partnerships, which aim to develop the city of Iași as a Smart City. In the same development as Smart City determines a sustainable development, because projects are implemented in the field of public transport, by introducing new means of transport (trams, buses) whose main purpose is to reduce pollution. The opportunity to access European funds helps urban administrations develop sustainably and, in this way, aspire to become a Smart City. At the European level, there are instruments that promote the development of smart cities (non-reimbursable European funds, the European Ecological Pact, Agenda 2030), which facilitates an integrated sustainable development. This paper will use centralized information from the websites,, and, which will analyze and highlight the projects, which have been implemented or are being implemented by the local public authority of Iasi for the development of Smart City.

The implications of circular economy development at European level

The implications of circular economy development at European level

Implicațiile dezvoltării economiei circulare la nivel european

Author(s): Laurențiu Paul Barangă,Elena-Ioana Țanea / Language(s): English / Issue: Spec. Jun/2023

Keywords: Circular economy; linear economy; pollution; sustainable development; sustainability;

In the context of the production of more than 2,5 billion tons of waste every year in the European Union, the circular economy is a matter of significant importance, debated in the European area and beyond.The transition to the circular economy involves reducing waste to the lowest level and replacing the traditional linear purchase-use-disposal economy.Thus, given the World Bank’s 2050 estimates (2018), which support an increase in annual waste production by 70% and the premise that the United Nations’ Sustainable Development goals made, that the population will require the resources of three planets, moving toward a circular economy is a necessity for both the environment and society.

Building Legal Language Awareness through Legal Collocations

Building Legal Language Awareness through Legal Collocations

Building Legal Language Awareness through Legal Collocations

Author(s): Marina-Cristiana Rotaru / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: language awareness; legal language; legal collocations; Legal English; principles of teaching collocations;

Language awareness, an important concept in ELT, can also be used in the teaching and learning of specialized language, such as legal language. Like any other specialized language, Legal English has its own characteristics. Making students aware of various aspects and peculiarities of Legal English helps them understand and learn it better. One way of boosting legal awareness as far as Legal English is concerned is through legal collocations. Collocations, in general, are a good way of increasing language accuracy. Being able to build correct collocations is an indicator of a good command of the language. The peculiarities of Legal English are often thought-provoking to those who want to study it. Legal collocations represent a category of the above-mentioned peculiarities. But once students become acquainted with them, legal collocations turn into useful tools for understanding the specificity of legal language, such as the nature of various relationships established between the parties in a case or in a contract, or among people in a courtroom, be they members of the legal profession or members of the general public.

Challenges in Translating Gender Pronouns in Legal Texts - A Pedagogical Approach for Using Gender-Neutral Language in Translations

Challenges in Translating Gender Pronouns in Legal Texts - A Pedagogical Approach for Using Gender-Neutral Language in Translations

Challenges in Translating Gender Pronouns in Legal Texts - A Pedagogical Approach for Using Gender-Neutral Language in Translations

Author(s): Mariana Coancă / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: Inclusive language; specialized language; translation; gender pronouns; source language; target language;

The paper discusses the role of using gender-neutral language in communication and focuses on developing strategies that can be applied in translation activities, to enhance students’awareness of gender-inclusive language and to highlight its importance in translated texts. Relying on students’ knowledge of employment law, discrimination, inclusions, etc., and on their proficient level of English, the strategies can be implemented successfully. Thus they can ensure the consistency of the translated text and can render it more accurately and inclusively. However, the texts translated into Romanian contained several mistakes related to the use of gendered pronouns, because the translation in Romanian requires that both women and men be visible in the text. Using gender-neutral language in translations can influence Law School students “to speak and write in a way that does not discriminate against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity, and does not perpetuate gender stereotypes.” (The United Nations)

Dickens, Eliot and Hardy: Marriage and the Sensible Youth of the Victorian Era

Dickens, Eliot and Hardy: Marriage and the Sensible Youth of the Victorian Era

Dickens, Eliot and Hardy: Marriage and the Sensible Youth of the Victorian Era

Author(s): Simona Livescu / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: Orphans; vita activa; vita contemplativa; Victorian literature; id; superego; ego; Victorian marriage; Eliot; Dickens; Hardy;

This article advances a psychoanalytical reading of the main protagonists in the Victorian novels The Bleak House by Charles Dickens, Middlemarch by George Eliot and Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy. Esther Summerson, Dorothea Brooke and Jude Fawley begin their adult lives strongly influenced by their religiously-inflected upbringing only to end up exercising their free will in terms of their choice of marriage partners. All three evolve from being unwittingly tributary to a vita contemplativa to consciously choosing and cultivating more their vita activa. In the process, they balance out the rapport between their id, ego and supergo. Each succeeds in assigning worth to risking long-learned thought patterns in favor of adopting less secure but more fulfilling personal futures. By quieting their superego, each protagonist applies a corrective measure to their ego-driven personality, gaining thus a newfound sense of agency and selfhood.

Representations of the Black Sea in Radu Tudoran's Nautical Novels

Representations of the Black Sea in Radu Tudoran's Nautical Novels

Representations of the Black Sea in Radu Tudoran's Nautical Novels

Author(s): Roxana Elena Doncu / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: Black Sea; adventure novel; identity politics; self-colonization;

Radu Tudoran, the son of a maritime officer, was one of the few writers committed to writing about the sea and seafaring in Romanian literature. Among his nautical novels the best-known are Un port la răsărit [A harbour in the East], Toate pânzele sus! [All Sails Up!] and Maria și marea [Maria and the sea]. The last two were turned into movies by Mircea Mureșan, but only the filmic adaptation of Toate pânzele sus! enjoyed long-lasting success with the public. I will analyse only the first two novels, the first written before the communist take-over, and the second during Ceaușescu's rule, at the high time of national communism. Although Tudoran kept his distance from his brother's (Geo Bogza) communist sympathies, Toate pânzele sus! [All Sails Up!], a classic of adventure on the seas, allowed the nationalist ideology of the Communist party to seep into it.

Communication challenges and conflict resolution factors in the context of the multi-cultural classroom

Communication challenges and conflict resolution factors in the context of the multi-cultural classroom

Communication challenges and conflict resolution factors in the context of the multi-cultural classroom

Author(s): Denisa Dumitrascu / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: Interculturalism; micro-level interactions; visualizing metaphors; DMIS framework; inner-group similarity; concern for minimizing imposition; transformative negotiation;

This paper, presented in May 2022, focuses on specific aspects of communication challenges and different factors contributing to conflict resolution across different cultures. The methodology combines personal reflection on direct teaching experience with literature review of the most recent work in inter-cultural communication, using aspects of Milton Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (2010) and research regarding inner-group similarity, concern for minimizing imposition, transformative negotiation, length of group interaction, generation and profession. The teacher’s positive role in facilitating and encouraging and positive environment, through the use of feedback, visualizing metaphors and terminology, will also be explored.

Masculinity (Re-)Formulation and Nation (Re-)Branding: Takarazuka Revue’s Cooperation with Dove Attia

Masculinity (Re-)Formulation and Nation (Re-)Branding: Takarazuka Revue’s Cooperation with Dove Attia

Masculinity (Re-)Formulation and Nation (Re-)Branding: Takarazuka Revue’s Cooperation with Dove Attia

Author(s): Maria Grajdian / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: Intercultural flows; Japan; cultural consumption; popular musical theater; masculinity;

This paper focuses on the five performances resulted from the cooperation between the French-Tunisian composer and producer Dove Attia and the Japanese all-female popular musical theater company Takarazuka Revue. Based on in-depth ethnographic research and extensive literature review, the phenomenological interpretation aims at highlighting the intricate relationship between the construction of masculinity by means of on-stage representation and off-stage advertising and a progressive sense of national identity in tune with late-modern global tendencies.

Canadian Graphic Novels for Reluctant Readers

Canadian Graphic Novels for Reluctant Readers

Canadian Graphic Novels for Reluctant Readers

Author(s): Michelle Gadpaille / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: Graphic novel; resistant readers; Canadian Literature;

Canadian authors, illustrators and publishers have entered wholeheartedly into the field of the graphic novel, and the enthusiasm certainly extends to the consumers of this genre. Given the quality and variety of recent graphic novels, the genre deserves serious critical attention. This paper will present an overview of newly-available graphic products from Canada and consider their potential as a means to reach resistant readers—and, at more advanced levels, those resistant to interpretive critique. Using contemporary theory of visual rhetoric, the paper will offer critical approaches that could bring those readers closer to both the text and the critical concepts. Texts will include Atwood & Nault’s The Handmaid’s Tale (2019), Tamaki & Tamaki’s This One Summer (2014), Goto & Xu’s Shadow Life (2021), Pauls’ Dakwȁkãda Warriors (2019), This Place: 150 Years Retold by Akiwenzie-Damm et al. (2019), and Milne & Compton’s The Blue Road: A Fable of Migration (2019).

Foundation Year of Romanian as a Foreign Language – from culture shock to cultural adaptation

Foundation Year of Romanian as a Foreign Language – from culture shock to cultural adaptation

Foundation Year of Romanian as a Foreign Language – from culture shock to cultural adaptation

Author(s): Ana-Mihaela Istrate / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: Melting pot; Romanian as a foreign language; culture shock; adaptation; immersion into the language;

In an extremely volatile society, experiencing extremely drastic situations, which involve not only medical situations that forced people to struggle with long periods of isolation and lack of communication, but also military conflicts, which sometimes are closer to our national borders than we would have expected. All these aspects sometimes force people to try to pursue a professional career in a different part of the world, as it happens with many people from the Middle Eastern countries, from the Palestinian territories, to Iran, Turkey or Ukraine.In these conflicting situations, we could observe an increase in the number of international students applying for Romanian language studies, and a larger number of applicants for the Foundation year of Romanian as a foreign language. Yet, the challenge of coping with such a diverse community of students, that need a longer period of adaptation than in the past, becomes a real challenge for the language professors who are forced to become culture accommodators for the group of students.In what way can we help them, what is the cultural training necessary, so that the immersion into the new language becomes faster and more efficient is the purpose of this present study.


Iron Curtain in Reality and Mentality – Border Crossings in Hungarian Films after the Change of the Regime

Iron Curtain in Reality and Mentality – Border Crossings in Hungarian Films after the Change of the Regime

Author(s): Miklós Sághy / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2022

Keywords: Hungarian film; border-crossing; Iron Curtain; change of the regime;

During the cold war, Eastern and Western Europe were separated by the so-called Iron Curtain. From the Soviet Empire controlled Eastern Block, the Western countries seemed to be the land of freedom and wealth. Even if the official communist propaganda tried to refute this idea, its materialization is to be witnessed in several Hungarian films made during the 1980s. The democratic transformation that followed the fall of the Iron Curtain seemingly opened the Western world for people from Eastern Europe. Many Hungarian films, made in the 1990s and 2000s, depict the experience of Hungarians in the desired Western countries after the political changes. In my paper I intend to show: 1) the travels from the East to the West after the collapse of the Iron Curtain forced Eastern protagonists to face the incongruences between the imaginary and the real West 2) the disappointment and deception these travels bring about originate in the Eastern, communist upbringing and its consequences: unethical social reflexes and behaviour. Briefly, via the analyses of several examples taken from Hungarian cinema, I would like to instantiate how deeply the former separation of the East and the West - an imaginary Iron Curtain – still existed around 2000s in the mind of Eastern people.

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