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Result 257161-257180 of 319894
Mieczysław Gogacz’s Anthropological Explanation for the Existence of Angels

Mieczysław Gogacz’s Anthropological Explanation for the Existence of Angels

Mieczysław Gogacz’s Anthropological Explanation for the Existence of Angels

Author(s): Izabella Andrzejuk / Language(s): English / Issue: 11/2022

Keywords: antropology; thomism; angels; final causes

Professor Mieczysław Gogacz, the renowned philosopher and founder of the recent version of Thomism – the Consistent Thomism 1, claims that angels are the final causes (causa finalis) of human soul. He derives his conception from the principle, characteristic not only for Thomism but also for the entire classical philosophy, which says that for the existent results we respectively search the prior causes. Ultimately, such established philosophical stance regards searching for causes and asking about causes. Hence in analysing the problem of final causes understood as the external causes which constitute the essence of human being, it is worth to define the scope of the research. First of all, we search for the answer to the question about the causes of human being, therefore metaphysics of real beings is the area of our study, what results in further implications. Primarly, we need to acknowledge that each essential state or activity inevitably must possess its real cause in another being. When we notice there is no such cause it means that we encounter the subsistent being (ens subsistens). It belongs to the essence of the method of metaphysics to demand theses cause to be indicated. Metaphysical methodology, when applied consequently, allows to claim that within the area of human being, reality is that what the essence exclusively receives from its existence (esse). Consequently, there must be some other causes that constitute the essence in its internal content, endowed with an act and potency (potentia), both spiritual and material. The aim of this paper is to follow the thought of Gogacz exactly in the area of discovering the role of angels as causes for the particular development of human soul. Therefore Gogacz’s proposal becomes the „proof for the existence of angels”, on the basis that each thing in order to act and cause results must, first of all, exist.

Thomas Aquinas’s Arguments in Defense of the Unity of the Substantial Form in Human Being

Thomas Aquinas’s Arguments in Defense of the Unity of the Substantial Form in Human Being

Thomas Aquinas’s Arguments in Defense of the Unity of the Substantial Form in Human Being

Author(s): Dawid Lipski / Language(s): English / Issue: 11/2022

Keywords: Thomas Aquinas; unity of substantial form; plurality of forms; corpus of Christ

There is widely known disagreement between Thomas Aquinas and John Pecham which concerns the plurality of human being. The problem of unity of form is by Thomas Aquinas related to other issues such as the one (unum), which is a transcendental property of being. Acceptance of plurality of forms – as Aquinas claims – renders the possibility of the unity of being simpliciter. Similarly esse, which by the rational soul is implemented into the wholeness – compositum, must be the only existence of being. When we agree that there are many forms in the structure of human being, and each of them would be responsible for constituting a particular essence respectively, it would be impossible for the genuine creation and perishing of being to happen. For instance, intellectual part would perish, but corporeal, would remain. The entire annihilation of man would take place only when the last form was annihilated, as this form in the first place must have been regarded as the substantial one. The presentation of views and arguments of Thomas Aquinas on the unity of substantial form in human being has been divided into four parts. The first concerns the problem of rational soul as the substantial form. The next regards the question of the matter in the context of a debate on the unity of substantial form. The third concerns the question of creation of man (animatio). The fourth hence, introduces philosophical views of Thomas Aquinas regarding the ontic status of both, the living and dead body of Christ. Although the latter concerns theological issues, it concerns philosophical matters.

The Problem of Affectiones in the Texts of Thomas Aquinas

The Problem of Affectiones in the Texts of Thomas Aquinas

The Problem of Affectiones in the Texts of Thomas Aquinas

Author(s): Artur Andrzejuk / Language(s): English / Issue: 11/2022

Keywords: Thomas Aquinas; passions (passiones); affectiones; appetitive faculties of man; love

Z miłością-dilectio, czyli miłością właściwą dla bytów rozumnych, wiązać się będzie w tekstach Tomasza z Akwinu ciekawy i rzadko podejmowany przez tomistów temat aktów woli analogicznych do uczuć, które Tomasz zazwyczaj nazywa affectiones. W ten sposób odróżnia je od uczuć – passiones – które stanowią zareagowanie pożądania zmysłowego na ujęcie w poznaniu zmysłowym takiegoż samego, czyli zmysło-wego, dobra lub zła. Affectiones są reakcjami woli na dobro lub jego brak, czyli zło, ujęte intelektualnie. Jednakże, zgodnie z podstawowymi tezami Tomaszowej antropologii, dotyczącymi duchowo-cielesnej jedności osobowego bytu ludzkiego, tak strukturalnej jak i funkcjonalnej, affectiones zazwyczaj to-warzyszą passiones i – jak się wydaje – albo to one pociągają za sobą zmysły, albo też zmysły skłaniają wolę do skierowania się ku postrzeganemu przez nie dobru. Same affectones są prostsze od uczuć, tak jak wola jest prostszą władzą pożądawczą od appetitus sensitivus – pożądania zmysłowego. Zasługą Akwinaty jest zwrócenie uwagi na różnorodność aktów woli. Miłość-dilectio stanowi simplex motus voluntatis, ale funkcjonując na sposób miłości, wyzwala wszystkie właściwe zareagowania podyktowane stosunkiem pożądania do pożądanego dobra. Pragniemy naszego dobra, gdy jest nieobecne, radujemy się, gdy je posiadamy i smucimy, gdy zostanie utracone. W przypadku człowieka to przeżywanie ma również swój aspekt organiczny. Nie jest on jednak oddzielony od całości ludzkiego compositum. Wola wpływa na uczucia, pociąga je za sobą, wprzęgając w swoje cele. Może być też odwrotnie: wola ulega uczuciom, dążąc swoją mocą do wskazywanych przez nie celów. Wszystkie te trzy sytuacje Tomasz określa mianem affectiones. Oczywiście miano to dotyczy w nich ich wolitywnego komponentu.

"Ad altiora vel mirabiliora". Richard of Saint Victor on Admiration and Affection

"Ad altiora vel mirabiliora". Richard of Saint Victor on Admiration and Affection

"Ad altiora vel mirabiliora". Richard of Saint Victor on Admiration and Affection

Author(s): Magdalena Płotka / Language(s): English / Issue: 11/2022

Keywords: affectivity; Richard of St. Victor; medieval humanism; mystical ecstasy

Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i omówienie koncepcji afektywności w ujęciu Ryszarda od św. Wiktora. Dokładniej, artykuł próbuje pokazać, w jaki sposób afektywność jest płaszczyzną, platformą i jednocześnie narzędziem w duchowej przemianie człowieka. W pierwszej części omówione zostanie tło historyczne powstania szkoły Św. Wiktora, a w szczególności zostanie ukazana sylwetka samego Ryszarda. Kolejne dwie części będą dotyczyły problemu afektów: oczyszczenia afektów i przygotowania ich do ekstazy (część druga) oraz angażowania afektów podczas ekstazy (część trzecia). Artykuł przedstawia ogólne rozumienie afektywności przez Ryszarda. Następnie artykuł skupia się na alegorii tropologicznej z dzieła Beniamin maior i pokazuje, jak przemiana uczuciowości staje się warunkiem koniecznym przemiany moralnej w koncepcji Ryszarda i w konsekwencji – przygotowania do mistycznej ekstazy. Celem trzeciej części jest odpowiedź na pytanie, w jaki sposób afekty uczestniczą w mistycznej ekstazie i jaką rolę odgrywają w tym zakresie.

Ideological orientations and left-right self-identifications of young Polish men and women: an image of the political gender-generation gap

Ideological orientations and left-right self-identifications of young Polish men and women: an image of the political gender-generation gap

Ideological orientations and left-right self-identifications of young Polish men and women: an image of the political gender-generation gap

Author(s): Radosław Marzęcki / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: ideological orientations; left; right; young people; gender-generation gap

The subject of the author’s interest is the diversity of ideological orientations due to gender and age. The theoretical findings so far indicate that in developed democracies already at the end of the 1990s there was a reversal of the ideological positions of women and men. Recent social research shows that also in Poland women identify with the left to a greater extent than men, and in the younger generation these differences are even greater. The aim of the article is to show in detail the ideological differences between young men and women in Poland. The author poses two types of research questions: (1) descriptive and explanatory, which concern the characteristics of similarities and differences in the ideological orientations of young women and men; (2) methodological, which concern how to measure this phenomenon. The author assumes that the measurement of left-right self-identification used in many studies brings an overly simplified picture of the respondents’ real views, beliefs and values, which can be described as ideological orientations. Therefore, he proposes the use of multidimensional tools (issue-based scale) that allow to better describe complex political attitudes. In search of answers, the author analyzes data from his own survey conducted among a large group of Polish students.

Violence Against Women in Politics – a Study in Poland

Violence Against Women in Politics – a Study in Poland

Violence Against Women in Politics – a Study in Poland

Author(s): BARBARA KIJEWSKA / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: woman; politics; violence; participation

The increase in women’s participation in political life in recent decades has resulted in research explaining how women’s presence (or absence) changes the form, nature and content of politics. However, a gender perspective is still lacking, especially in the relationship between political participation and violence. Violence against women in politics is increasingly recognised around the world as a significant barrier to women’s participation in political life. The aim of the research is to find out whether politically active women are more exposed to violence (physical, psychological, symbolic, sexual, economic) than politically active men and whether violence against politicians is related to belonging to a political party. The research conducted among Polish politicians (n-88) confirms that both women and men who are politically active experience violence. However, women are more often attacked psychologically, symbolically and sexually. Politicians acting under the banner of a party are much more likely to experience violence than non-partisan politicians. Physical violence is very rare, and the level of experiencing violence in all its forms decreases with age.

The analysis of voting preferences of West Pomerania inhabitants in the years 2001–2020

The analysis of voting preferences of West Pomerania inhabitants in the years 2001–2020

The analysis of voting preferences of West Pomerania inhabitants in the years 2001–2020

Author(s): Piotr Chrobak / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: West Pomerania; elections to European Parliament; elections to Sejm and Senate; presidential elections; voting preferences

The article concerns the voting preferences of West Pomerania inhabitants in comparison to the whole country regarding parliament elections, European Parliament elections, presidential elections, except for self-government elections. Taking into account different characteristics of the last type of elections, a separate article has been prepared to discuss them. Applying the comparison method, the election results have been analyzed in terms of political geography. The comparison of territorial diversity of political behaviors has shown how political preferences have evolved with respect to division into provinces, country districts and towns ruled by presidents in reference to, among all, three main political parties (PO RP, PiS and SLD). It has been checked if since 2005 the Platform has really managed to dominate the West Pomeranian political scene and also if any differences in voting preferences occur depending on the place of residence or the type of elections? Subject to the analysis have been election results without the study of factors having impact on them, that is electoral campaigns and events on the political scene (they will be discussed in a separate publication). Regarding the typology of political parties ideological and programme criteria has been applied resulting in west-wing (SLD), central (PO RP) and right-wing division.

Unity of the United Kingdom as a post-Brexit challenge

Unity of the United Kingdom as a post-Brexit challenge

Unity of the United Kingdom as a post-Brexit challenge

Author(s): Łukasz Danel / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: Brexit; Scotland; Northern Ireland; United Kingdom; unity

The article is devoted to the changes that take place in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland after it left the European Union, which finally took place on January 31, 2020. As it turned out, one of the side effects of Brexit was the violation of the unity of the British state – in this respect, its future, in the shape in which it currently operates, has become questionable. Maintaining this unity should be treated as one of the most important challenges facing the British political elites today.The aim of the article is to analyze the current state of the unity of the British state – primarily in the context of separatist tendencies in Scotland and the potential reunification of Ireland, and also, to a lesser extent, in the context of the development of Welsh and English nationalism. The author tries to answer the question of how much Brexit can affect this unity in the long term and whether it can lead to the disintegration of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. To answer this research question, the author uses the historical method, the institutional and legal analysis method, as well as the content analysis method.The conducted analysis leads the author to the conclusion that the United Kingdom will face a deepened devolution in the near future, and thus – evolution towards a classic federal state. This kind of constitutional reform seems today to be the price of maintaining the unity of this country.

The Demise of the Left Parties in Israel: From Party Identification to a Negative Partisanship

The Demise of the Left Parties in Israel: From Party Identification to a Negative Partisanship

The Demise of the Left Parties in Israel: From Party Identification to a Negative Partisanship

Author(s): Mordechai Levy / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: Israel; left parties; electoral volatility; political narrative; party identification; negative partisanship

The left parties are the oldest political institutions in Israel. They were founded before the establishment of the State and were the dominant political force in its first decades. However, since the 1990s, there has been a consistent decline in their power, to the point where, in the last Knesset elections held in 2022, the left parties barely passed the threshold. This article explains the decline of the left parties and attempts to answer where the voters went. A combination of several local and global events that occurred in recent years caused the left parties to distance themselves from the narrative of Zionist Socialism characterizing them and to adopt a new narrative, which less inspires identification of Jewish voters. The article’s main argument is that the voters did not disappear but only changed their political behavior from a state of party identification and voting for the left parties to a state of political opposition and voting against the rightist parties. To illustrate the pattern of behavior, voting data for the Knesset in two communities with different demographic characteristics are presented: Kibbutz Mizra, a socialist commune identified with left voters, and Beit-Shean, a town that is a stronghold of rightist voters. The conclusion is that the way for the left parties to return to dominance is through reintegrating the Jewish identity with the values of justice and equality.

The Role of the Committee in the Control Function of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland

The Role of the Committee in the Control Function of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland

The Role of the Committee in the Control Function of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland

Author(s): Robert Kropiwnicki / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: Sejm; parliamentary committees; legislative; control functions

The article discusses the role of the committee in the control function of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Committees are one of the key bodies of the Sejm. They perform a significant range of work, both legislative and control. The article discusses the competences of parliamentary committees, highlights the importance of the presence of the most important people in the state at their meetings and indicates the possibilities of increasing the effectiveness of the committee’s control activities.

4.50 €


The Isaiah of the 20th century – Korczak’s utopia of all men solidarity

Author(s): Moshe Shner / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2022

Keywords: a reality of all men’s unity and solidarity; perspective of one infinite Stoic cosmos; Biblical prophecies of Isaiah; a troubling era; Korczak

Korczak scholars deal mainly with his pedagogy, extensive writings, the legacy of his two children’s homes, and the tragic end of Korczak and his Jewish children in the Holocaust. Less attention is given to his humanistic worldview. Korczak, who claimed that the child is a human being here and now, not a man in the making, developed a philosophy that places the child, as any other human being, in his broad understanding of Humanity. This study aims to explore Korczak’s utopian idea of one united Humanity. As a Jew, Korczak knew the price people pay for these historical divisions. This study shows that, like other Jewish intellectuals of modernity, Korczak envisioned a reality of all men’s unity and solidarity. Korczak was not blind to the political, cultural, and social realities of the 20th century. Antisemitic ideas were present in interwar Poland, as in other European countries, yet, he hoped that the world of men is mendable. One day, all people of the world will unite around the cause of the child. A renewed reading of Korczak’s texts, including his exchange of letters with his friends in Palestine, the Land of Israel, the Holy Land of the Christians, and his impressions from his two visits to Palestine showed his broad universal view. A renewed reading of his classic novel, "King Matt the First", would reveal, besides the idea of a children’s kingdom, the idea that Europeans, Africans and Asians, boys and girls, rich and street people, can live together in peace. It is possible if they would go beyond political rivalries, greediness for power and money, admiration of military might, and social prejudices. The Kingdom of Matt failed. Society is not ready for such a worldview. Korczak’s words like the Biblical prophecies of Isaiah, remained unfulfilled, but we, living in a troubling era, must hope that one day, “at the end of days,” they will become a reality.

4.50 €


The importance of a children’s newspaper

Author(s): Batia Gilad,Avi Tsur / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2022

Keywords: Korczak; newspaper; participation; self-esteem; empowerment; children’s rights

Janusz Korczak’s insights concerning children are as fresh and valuable today as they were when he promoted them. He believed that by enabling children to run their own journal in a democratic atmosphere through participation it will have a positive effect on them, make them more responsible and increase their self-esteem and social status. From the writings and recordings of the counselors and orphans from Korczak’s orphanage in Warsaw and the facilities of the Korczak archives at the Ghetto Fighters’ Museum in Israel and Korczakianum in Poland we elicited information pertaining to the subject of the newspaper that was produced at the orphanage and the weekly newspaper "Mały Przegląd" [The Little Review], which was promoted and produced under the wings of Janusz Korczak, Stefania Wilczyńska and Igor Newerly. A critical analysis of the original copies of the content of "Mały Przegląd" has enabled us to make a direct comparison between the subject matters chosen then and now and the whole concept of children’s newspapers. Findings show that Korczak outlines the problems that schools may face when they want to produce a school newspaper. He also addresses the issue of relevant subjects that will be of interest to children mainly because the newspaper is produced by children for children, their participation reinforcing the feeling of belonging. In the past few years, youth newspapers at schools have taken a turn due to technological progress and new and modern media possibilities. Korczak’s promotion of progressive educational techniques included real opportunities for youth empowerment in a democratic set-up.

PO-PiS agreement in the 2002 local government elections on the example of the podkarpackie voivodship

PO-PiS agreement in the 2002 local government elections on the example of the podkarpackie voivodship

PO-PiS agreement in the 2002 local government elections on the example of the podkarpackie voivodship

Author(s): Dominik Szczepański / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: Civic Platform; Law and Justice; local elections; electoral competition; podkarpackie voivodship

The cognitive objective of the article was to analyse the agreement concluded between PO and PiS before the local government elections on a macro level (as a general concept of agreement between two political entities) and micro level (related to the sphere of influence of this coalition in the Podkarpackie voivodeship). Taking these levels into account made it possible to determine the way in which the coalition was concluded, together with all its consequences, while at the level of the voivodeship in question it was used to determine the course of the negotiation process and the effects of the local elections on PO-PiS.

Branding and place image on the example of the capital city of Warsaw

Branding and place image on the example of the capital city of Warsaw

Branding and place image on the example of the capital city of Warsaw

Author(s): Anna Śleszyńska-Świderska / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: place brand; perceived image; city identity; territorial/place marketing

The image of a city is the ultimate product and is formed in the course of activities that are a process. A city wishing to achieve market success should strive to shape a positive image. In this aspect, it is necessary to regularly study the image of the perceived city. The identity and brand of the city play a fundamental role in this. The purpose of this article is to identify the image of Warsaw promoted by local authorities and the perceived image of the city among its residents. The thesis that has been verified is that there is no full correspondence between the image of Warsaw promoted by the local authorities and the image of the city in the consciousness of its residents. The article consists of three parts. The first discusses the concepts of identity, brand and image of the city. The second characterizes the brand of the capital city of Warsaw and its components. And in the third, the perceived image of the capital city of Warsaw is presented. Such research methods as literature studies, analysis of internal documentation of the Warsaw City Hall in the form of reports and reports in the area of image issues, analysis of source documents in the form of the city development strategy, analysis of reports and reports on promotional and image issues of cities in national and international dimensions, and deductive analysis were used. The considerations carried out showed allowed positive verification of the thesis. In addition, they showed that a positive image of a city is an important factor in its development.

Dialectal Features of the Popular Novel Barlaam and Josaphat

Dialectal Features of the Popular Novel Barlaam and Josaphat

Dialectal Features of the Popular Novel Barlaam and Josaphat

Author(s): Maria Stanciu Istrate / Language(s): English / Issue: 1 (37)/2023

Keywords: Barlaam and Josaphat; Udriște Năsturel; Church Slavonic; dialectal features; phonetics; literary norm;

The aim of my research is drawing attention to the linguistic characteristics of Romanian manuscript 588 from the Library of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest. The manuscript contains the oldest known copy of the translation of Barlaam and Josaphat made by Udriște Năsturel in 1648. It does not contain any information about the scribe of this particular text. The manuscript predominantly exhibits phonetic features specific to the norm of the southern or Wallachian variant: protonic [ă] > [a] (pahar), the anticipation of the palatal element in the following syllable (câinele, mâine, pâine), [î] > [u] through assimilation (să umblu, se umplu), the soft pronounciation of the labials [p], [b], [m] and labiodentals [f], [v] in strong position (trupească, iubesc, merg, sfeatnic, veșmânt), the hard pronunciation of [d] (dăstul, dălunga, dăstoinic), [dz] > [z] (boteza, Dumnezeu, ziuă), [ǧ] ˃ [j] (ajutor, joc, județ) etc. In addition to phonetic features specific to the southern area, which are due to the translator, the manuscript under investigation presents some peculiarities that point to Oltenia and the western part of Muntenia, reflecting the dialect spoken by the scribe: the change of [ă] protonic to [a] in the words sarac and vrajimașului, the hard pronunciation of [ș] in așâjderea, and the preservation of the diphthong […a] in a stressed medial position as seen in examples such as întunearec, nădeajde and putearea.

Gynocritical Analysis of Dead Women by Anna Terék

Gynocritical Analysis of Dead Women by Anna Terék

Gynocritical Analysis of Dead Women by Anna Terék

Author(s): Viktória Zakinszky Toma / Language(s): English / Issue: 1 (37)/2023

Keywords: gynocriticism; Anna Terék; “Dead Women”; identity; (sub)culture;

The gynocritical study of Anna Terék’s latest book of poems, Dead Women (2017) is an analysis based on the outline of a subcultural framework of feminine experience. The string of poems is narrated by women in times of war, sickness, adultery, cruelty and aggression. The poems are told by women from an unconventional perspective. The traumas of the characters are persistent and cannot be overcome in a lifetime, thus they are “dealt with” after their death. This way Terék touches upon a key element of feminist criticism, “the art of dying”. Suicide appears as a solution, as well as something natural and an act of free choice. Another topics that emerge in the poems are matrophobia, adultery, identity, patriarchal relations. Along with the intrinsic analysis of Terék’s poetry, the paper also touches upon the ideology and history of development of the female literary tradition, biological determinism and limitations of gynocriticism.

Narrative Agency in Maurice Blanchot’s Récits? A Case Study on Death Sentence and Awaiting Oblivion (I)

Narrative Agency in Maurice Blanchot’s Récits? A Case Study on Death Sentence and Awaiting Oblivion (I)

Narrative Agency in Maurice Blanchot’s Récits? A Case Study on Death Sentence and Awaiting Oblivion (I)

Author(s): Arleen Ionescu / Language(s): English / Issue: 1 (37)/2023

Keywords: Maurice Blanchot; récit; classical narratology; postclassical narratology; “Awaiting Oblivion”; “Death Sentence”; narrative agency;

This article investigates a type of narrative that is unacknowledged by classical narratology and hardly included in postclassical narratology studies: that of lyrical and philosophical prose, often containing elements belonging to the dramatic genre. Starting from Brian McHale’s urge to address Monika Fludernik’s exclusion of poeticity from narratology and Jan Alber’s inclusion of any poem in narrativity, I use different definitions and clarifications from classical and postclassical narratology (Vladimir Propp, Greimas, Roland Barthes, Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, Sarah Drews Lucas, Gerald Prince, James Phelan, Peter Hühn, Jens Kiefer, Hanna Meretoja, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, John Shoptaw, Samuel Caleb Wee, Roy Sommer, Manfred Jahn, Roland Weidle), also bringing elements on agency from drama (via Martin Esslin’s notion of the “Theater of the Absurd”) in order to find the best tools to explain how Blanchot’s Death Sentence and Awaiting Oblivion elude narrative agency.On the one hand, these récits challenge the usual borders between literature and philosophy and, on the other hand, they refuse taxonomic boundaries such as what we understand by literary genres. Thus, my article focuses on the lack of narrative agency in these texts, a notion that is paradoxically connected to the affirmation of passion and passivity, which characterizes the experience of literature and death alike, often in the form of the neuter. I relate Blanchot’s neuter to Emmanuel Levinas’s il y a and I discuss the formula “X without X” as not purely privative but as a pre-critical notion which Blanchot used in order to emphasize the divide passion/passivity/action/activity. While in my discussion of Death Sentence, I define the unnarratable and the difference between the two stories that make it up, completing each other and taking the reader from the realm of life to the realm of death and back to life, in the section on Awaiting Oblivion, I deal with the philosophical language and dramatic devices of the text. With a preamble on its themes: waiting, forgetting, and speaking continuously (or “blathering”, to use Samuel Beckett’s term), I finally put Awaiting Oblivion in relation to Beckett’s Waiting for Godot.




Author(s): Izabela Bednarska-Wnuk / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Human Resources Management; motivational function; intra-organizational mobility;

This article presents proposals for organizational solutions that can motivate HR managers and employees in the context of intra-organizational mobility. This proposal for empirically tested organizational solutions will help to understand which factors should be used to exploit the potential of competencies to motivate work and prevent the effects of monotonous and monotypic work. These solutions were developed in twostage empirical research. After defining the test items based on the literature, the first stage was initiated. In this stage, the Delphi method was used, in which 29 experts participated. After the completion of the first research phase, the second phase was initiated. This stage was directed to HR managers of medium and large organizations. As a result, we received responses from 401 organizations in Poland. During the empirical research, a catalog of solutions managers can use to motivate employees in intra-organizational mobility was created. These solutions can also be used to determine whether the introduced intra-organizational mobility has a motivational function. The theoretical and practical findings presented in the article also show that these elements are essential for those organizations that want to exploit the potential of their employees based on conscious and intentional intra-organizational mobility activities. This relates to the organization’s activities to implement solutions in this area. This research has some limitations, especially concerning the lack of evaluation of the constructs proposed by the author - organizational solutions as part of the motivational function of intra-organizational mobility by HR managers.

Anti-science Narratives as a Form of Legitimization of Post-truth

Anti-science Narratives as a Form of Legitimization of Post-truth

Anti-science Narratives as a Form of Legitimization of Post-truth

Author(s): Cristina-Silvia Vâlcea / Language(s): English / Issue: 1 (37)/2023

Keywords: anti-science; post-truth; folk theories; normalisation; frameshifting

This article sets forth a Critical Discourse Analysis of the anti-vaccinist narratives kindled by the Covid 19 medical crisis with a view to identifying those elements of the discourse that would mark a degradation of the medical discourse (in the sense of its ostracization) and the entrance into a new era of communication: post-truth. Post-truthfulness is seen here as a disaggregation of the traditional discourse (that was in the service of truth) and a reaggregation of the discourse in a pattern where personal truth is validated in discourse as absolute truth. The article analyses both the de-construction of the traditional discourse and the re-construction of the new one emphasizing in both situations the linguistic means that are used to serve every purpose. The anti-scientific discourse produced by those supposed to support it is analysed in order to identify the major topics that are exploited with a view to persuading audiences of the science’s negative impact of people’s life.

Implications of Demographic Change in Least Developed Countries

Implications of Demographic Change in Least Developed Countries

Implikacje zmian demograficznych w krajach najsłabiej rozwiniętych

Author(s): Julia Majewska / Language(s): English / Issue: 25/2022

Keywords: LDCs; demographics; population

Demographic changes are one of the determinants shaping the global economy. Due to the growing population, the analysis of demographic changes in developed and developing countries is crucial. The aim of the article was to identify changes in the demographic structure of the least developed countries, and to assess the impact of demographic trends on the world economy. The study examines selected demographic trends in the least developed countries, including positive population growth, increase in life expectancy and in the number of children aged 0-14. The possible consequences for population growth in LDCs were also indicated. Based on the analysis of the literature and quantitative data, a possible increase in net migration from the LDCs and the probability of cultural problems in the host countries were identified. The research methods used in the article were the analysis of the literature and the method of inference. Demographic changes are one of the determinants shaping the global economy. Due to the growing population, the analysis of demographic changes in developed and developing countries is crucial. The aim of the article was to identify changes in the demographic structure of the least developed countries, and to assess the impact of demographic trends on the world economy. The study examines selected demographic trends in the least developed countries, including positive population growth, increase in life expectancy and in the number of children aged 0-14. The possible consequences for population growth in LDCs were also indicated. Based on the analysis of the literature and quantitative data, a possible increase in net migration from the LDCs and the probability of cultural problems in the host countries were identified. The research methods used in the article were the analysis of the literature and the method of inference.

Result 257161-257180 of 319894
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