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Result 316961-316980 of 317410
The Cult of Saint John of Rila In the Hagiography of Tarnovo

The Cult of Saint John of Rila In the Hagiography of Tarnovo

Култът към Св. Иван Рилски в търновската агиография

Author(s): Venelin Grudkov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: religious cult; hagiographical texts; ethnos

The research focuses on the main texts of the Old Bulgarian hagiographical cycle about Saint John of Rila. Text analysis of the post-biographical parts leads to the conclusion that the relics of the Rila saint extremely actualize their impact in historical periods that are dramatic for the ethnic destiny.

The Collection of Old Printed Books of the Holy Trinity Monastery in the Village of Novo Selo near the Town of Apriltsi, Bulgaria

The Collection of Old Printed Books of the Holy Trinity Monastery in the Village of Novo Selo near the Town of Apriltsi, Bulgaria

Сбирката от старопечатни книги на манастира „Света троица“ в Ново село, град Априлци

Author(s): Maria Polimirova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Virgin Monastery; Novo Selo; old printed books; Russian liturgical books; engravings; subscriptions; nuns; Stoyan Kovanlushki

This article presents an unknown until now old printed books collection of the “Holy Trinity Monastery” in Novo Selo, Apriltsi. It contains 18 printed books, most of them are Russian liturgical books, the earliest of which are the Gospel and the Apostle, published in the Kievo-Pechorian Lavra in 1752. Rare editions of engravings are presented and is given the content of the contributions, which gives information about the books themselves, about their owners and about the history of “The Holy Trinity Monastery” in Novo Selo. Particular attention is paid to an unknown note from the famous Bulgarian Revival writer Stoyan Kovanlushki.

The Special Version of the Service to St Nicholas of Myra in Two Bulgarian Menaions of the 14th Century

The Special Version of the Service to St Nicholas of Myra in Two Bulgarian Menaions of the 14th Century

Особая редакция службы Свт. Николаю в двух болгарских минеях XIV век

Author(s): Victoria Legkikh / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: St. Nicholas; hymnography; Dragan“s menaion; canon

The subject of this paper is version of the service to St. Nicholas of Myra in two Bulgarian menaions of the 14th century. One is taken from the collection of the National Library of Russia and another one so called “Dragan’s menaion” is taken from the collection of the Zograf monastery. The service in the both menaions demonstrates the brevity of the composition. This composition is different from the version of the Russian menaions of the 12th – 14th centuries. The composition of services for both Bulgarian menaions is almost identical but there is an important difference – there are different canons with the same kontakion and ikos. Both canons are not known by other traditions. The canon of the Dragan’s menaion is particularly interesting. The origin of this canon undoubtedly goes back to an old one, since it keeps the second second Ode. The images and lexical material also show its antiquity. The paper is devoted to the analysis of this services and in particularly of the canon of Dragan’s menaion.

About the Medieval Slavic Translations of John Climacus’ Ladder and Their Names in the Scholarly Literature

About the Medieval Slavic Translations of John Climacus’ Ladder and Their Names in the Scholarly Literature

О средневековых славянских переводах Лествицы Иоанна Синайского и их именованиях в научной литературе

Author(s): Tatyana Popova / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: The Ladder of Divine Ascent; John of Sinai; Preslav literary school; Tarnovo literary school; Early Slavic translations and editions

Saints’ Relics Acquired during the Wars of the Second Bulgarian Empire

Saints’ Relics Acquired during the Wars of the Second Bulgarian Empire

Мощи на светци, придобити по време на войните през Второто българско царство

Author(s): Aneliya Markova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: relics; wars; pantheon; ideological idea

The practice, connected to the transferring of relics, imported to the Bulgarian tradition from Byzantium, can be treated as a part of Bulgarian rulers’ “Empire idea”, which has changed at the beginning of 13th century. The formation of an independent pantheon of saints helps to successfully Trinova’s competition with Constantinople and striving for the Bulgarian capital to become “Third Rome”. After the conquest of Constantinople by the Latins in 1204, Bulgarian empire has claimed to be new Christian centre in the Balkans. The construction of its own pantheon of saints’ relics is a necessity for realization of the Bulgarian tsar’s imperial claims. The creation and following of this tradition led its beginning of the military actions and become a part of the ideological platform of the Bulgarian tsars.

A Prelatic Bone Sceptre from the Closed Complex Near Church № 3 at Trapezitsa

A Prelatic Bone Sceptre from the Closed Complex Near Church № 3 at Trapezitsa

Костен архиерейски жезъл от затворения комплекс при Църква № 3 на Трапезица

Author(s): Mirko Robov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: sceptre; bishop; Trapezitsa

The prelatic sceptre is a symbol of strength and spiritual power. It imposes the obligation and responsibility to care for the integrity and preservation of the spiritual flock. The sceptre provides the bishop the power to judge and make decisions. The find from Trapezitsa is discovered in the big duplex building, in the civil complex near church № 3, in the Southeastern sector of the stronghold. The find has a biconical shape, with an almost flat upper surface. It’s quite possible that the workmanship is linked to a metropolitan studio. The entire surface features a “bird eye” ornament, applied circumferentially and also radially. Eight relief sheets are placed on the side surface. They are crafted in tall relief. From below the item ends with a bush for the attachment of the wooden stick. It remains an open question as to what kind of a representative of the metropolitan aristocracy was the complex in question meant for – a high-ranking layman or a clerical individual? The bone end of the prelatic sceptre is an important find, which links the new-found civil complex of Trapezitsa with a high-ranking representative of the metropolitan ecclesiastical hierarchy.

The Fortress of Rusokastro in the Light of Historical Sources of 12th – 14th Centuries AD

The Fortress of Rusokastro in the Light of Historical Sources of 12th – 14th Centuries AD

Крепостта Русокастро в светлината на историческите извори от XII – XIV в

Author(s): Milen Nikolov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Rusokastro; fortress; sources; 13th – 14th centuries

The fortress of Rusokastro is only 22 kilometers west of the bed of the Bay of Burgas, at the foot of the south approaches towards the Aytos Pass and at north approaches of the Strandja Pass of Kovchas. Its significance to Bulgaria and Byzantium in 13th – 14th c. is well attested in the historical sources of the epoch. The information in them regarding the military campaigns of Andronicus III Palaeologus, the emperor, in 1330 – 1331 is particularly important. According to Ioannis Kantakouzinos as well as Nikiphoros Grigoras the emperor acted in a foreign country, his armies robbed the native population and annihilated their crops. Rusokastro was one of the main targets of the military expeditions of both campaigns. In accordance with the last archaeological investigations the fortress was newly built in the beginning of 13th c., and after 1263 there was new building. The significance of Rusokastro becomes apparent as well because the military camps of Byzantium and the Kingdom of Bulgaria encamped at the fortress in the 14th c.

Archaeological Evidence for Luxury Non-Metalized Textiles from Medieval Bulgaria – 13th – 14th Centuries

Archaeological Evidence for Luxury Non-Metalized Textiles from Medieval Bulgaria – 13th – 14th Centuries

Археологически данни за представителeн неметализиран текстил от средновековните български земи – XIII–XIV век

Author(s): Ivan Chokoev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: medieval silk textile; satin; velvet; samite; twill damask

We have few written sources referring to the distribution of luxury textiles in medieval Bulgaria. Our knowledge on clothing is based primarily on foreign historical records, while the local Bulgarian sources (ecclesiastical texts mainly) provide general information without any details. The investigation on textiles, excavated in medieval Bulgarian lands lead to accumulation of data on silk fabrics, such as samite, twill damask, satin, velvet and partially covered the lack of written sources for this period. As a result of this study now we will have more solid grounds while comparing the distribution of luxury textiles in Bulgaria and Europe.

Princesses of Tarnovo as Foreign Rulers

Princesses of Tarnovo as Foreign Rulers

Търновски принцеси като иноземни владетелки

Author(s): Rumyana Komsalova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: diplomacy; Bulgaria; Middle Ages; princesses; rulers

An important medium of diplomacy during the Middle Ages were the dynastic marriages and a number of Princesses of Tarnovo became foreign rulers. Have they faced the dilemma of acting in the interest of their homeland or to support the policies of their ruling spouses and how much did they have the opportunity to participate actively in the power structures?

Theodore Svetoslav – Prosopographic Remarks about the Time Before His Reign

Theodore Svetoslav – Prosopographic Remarks about the Time Before His Reign

Теодор Светослав – просопографски бележки за времето преди възцаряването му

Author(s): Lachezar Krastev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Theodore Svetoslav; Nogai; Tatars; hostage; Pachymeres

The article again examines all sources of the life of Theodore Svetoslav before his reign. Their analysis leads to the conclusion that the assumption in science of his 15 years as a hostage to the Tatars and the severe dependence of the Bulgarian Empire after 1285 is insubstantial and there is no support in the sourses. From the point of view of Tatar political practice, such a long hostage is not possible. A new chronology of the events up to 1300 is offered, as well as a new look at the role of Smilets in Bulgarian history.

Tsar Ivan Alexander and the Development of the Civil War in Byzantium in 1343 – 1344

Tsar Ivan Alexander and the Development of the Civil War in Byzantium in 1343 – 1344

Цар Иван Александър и развоят на гражданската война във Византия през 1343 – 1344 г.

Author(s): Momchil Mladenov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Byzantine civil war of 1341–1347; Bulgaria; Smyrniote crusades; Emir of Aydin

The paper presents the key moments of the participation of the Bulgarian state in the Civil war in Byzantium. The author emphasizes the information of the Turkish poet Enveri (15th century). He reports that Bulgaria is part of the sacred alliance organized by the Papacy to fight with emirate of Smirna. Аccording to the author, Tsar Ivan Alexander is part of the Christian coalition. His involvement in Byzantine civil war is a consequence of these diplomatic actions.

Weapons, Armour, and Armed Men in the Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander (BL ADD MS 39627)

Weapons, Armour, and Armed Men in the Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander (BL ADD MS 39627)

Войните и въоръжението в миниатюри от Лондонското четвероевангелие (BL ADD MS 39627)

Author(s): Ivelin A. Ivanov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander; medieval miniatures; text-image analysis; medieval weapons; medieval armour

The article is aimed at a problem that has not yet been investigated by analysing the images of wars and armament in the miniatures of the Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander, dating back to 1355, and currently stored in the British Library (Add MS 39627). The manuscript, which is preserved in a near-perfect condition, is illustrated with 367 fine illuminated images, including those of medieval weapons and armament. The author focuses his analysis on three main issues: – images of offensive weaponry; – images of armour; – the presentation of clothing and military banners in the miniatures which represent warriors and armed men. The approach of the analysis is definitely critical, and the author emphasizes on the presence of two groups – relatively credible, and unreliable images of armaments and armour. In conclusion, the author highlights the potential usefulness of the analysed visual information for the study of the Bulgarian Late Middle Ages.

About Tzar Yoan Alexandre’s Patronage of XIV-Century Monasteries. A New Analytic Survey

About Tzar Yoan Alexandre’s Patronage of XIV-Century Monasteries. A New Analytic Survey

За покровителството на Цар Йоан Александър към манастирите през ХІV век

Author(s): Dragomir Lalchev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: monastery; protection; scriptorium; fortress; hesychasm; anachoret

Paroria Anachorets’ work regards everything happening in Bulgarian and Byzantine societies in the notable and troubled 14th century. Its eventful dynamics is full of councils, civil wars, Ottoman conqueror’s invasion from the East and from the West. This is the time when Bulgaria was ruled by Tzar Yоan Alexander (1331 – 1371), end Byzantine by Emperors Andronicus III (1328 – 1341) and his son Yoan (John) V Palaeologus. This century is full of conflicts and dramatic events making decisions on Byzantine, Bulgaria and Serbia Orthodox Balkan peoples’ fate. Monastery’s Laura is directly connected to Slavic and Byzantine Hesychasm’s and Hesychast monks of Kefalarevo Scriptorium’s literary works’ chronology. Scriptorium being found in 1350 by Bulgarian monk Theodosius of Tarnovo disciple of Byzantine hermit Gregory the Sinaite. Bulgaria’s Tzar Yоan Alexander was a protection of Paroria monastery. The Tzar gave them support and protected them from pillaging.

Historical Memory on the First Bulgarian Tzardom during the Reign of First Asenides

Historical Memory on the First Bulgarian Tzardom during the Reign of First Asenides

Историческая память о Первом болгарском царстве в правление первых Асеней

Author(s): Dmitry I. Polyvyannyy / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: medieval Bulgaria; Preslav; Tarnovo; St John of Rila; historical memory

The restoration of the Bulgarian Tzardom in the end of the 12th – the beginning of the 13th c. in the current historiography is often described in the terms of wide political and ideological program, which was continuously realized by three brothers – founders of the new Asenides dynasty – Peter, John and Kaloyan from 1186 to 1207. Another trend of research considers the activities of the first Asenides as situational but in this case the mobilization of the historical memory provided substantial ideological resources, too. The article contains five cases – of the brothers’ meeting with Isaac II Angel in Kipsela in 1185; using the term Zagora to designate their restored Tzardom; role of Preslav in the époque of the first Asens; the rite of Theodor-Peter’s coronation and transfer of St. John’s of Rila relics from Sredets to Turnovo by John Asen. Their consideration leads to the conclusion, that the strategic course of the first Asens to restore the Bulgarian Tzardom was combined with situational decisions, while the arguments to support them were taken from common historical memory of Bulgarians and received the appropriate connotations in their actions. Later these arguments received verbal interpretations in agiographical, hymnographical, canonical and historiographical works created in Turnovo and Athos.

The Heritage of the Tarnovo Literary School and the Historical Memory of Bulgarians about Their Past Time of The First Bulgarian Empire during the 15th – 16th Centuries

The Heritage of the Tarnovo Literary School and the Historical Memory of Bulgarians about Their Past Time of The First Bulgarian Empire during the 15th – 16th Centuries

Наследие Тырновской книжной школы и историческая память болгар о своем прошлом времен Первого болгарского царства в XV–XVI вв

Author(s): Anastasia Dobychina / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Tarnovo Literary School; historical memory; St Ivan of Rila; St Cyril and St Methodius

The paper analyzes the role of heritage of the Tarnovo Literary School in the preservation of historical memory of Bulgarians about their distant past of the period of the First Bulgarian Kingdom during the 15th – 16th centuries. The investigation shows that due to the heritage of the Tarnovo Literary School and connection with Slavonic Orthodox tradition the historical memory about St. Ivan of Rila and SS. Cyril and Methodius preserved.

The Grammarian and His Status: Monk, Clerk or Secular Person

The Grammarian and His Status: Monk, Clerk or Secular Person

Граматикът и неговият статус: монах, църковник или светско лице

Author(s): Bistra Nikolova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: grammarian; monk; church; manuscript; Old Bulgarian; notes; monastery

The subject of this article is the social status of 22 grammarians known from the medieval Bulgarian sources. The period on which names “grammarians” are found in the Bulgarian Middle Ages is of Xth to beginning of XVth century. One of the goals is to point out what is the status of the “grammarian” in Medieval Bulgaria – is it a service, an alias, a title or an epithet. The places which are connected to these people have been researched. The work of grammarians is mainly connected with copying theological books or with translations from Greek to Old Bulgarian. The Old Bulgarian grammarians are mostly secular persons who work for churches or monasteries. Their work is custom-made or in some cases the work for a fee. The alias “grammarian” in medieval Bulgaria has no official character, it is not a title with designated service. In indicates to certain professional skill, level of education and deserved status higher than the one that an ordinary medieval scribe has.

Female Monasticism in the Balkans from 14th Till the End of the 18th Century

Female Monasticism in the Balkans from 14th Till the End of the 18th Century

Женското монашество на Балканите от ХІV до края на ХVІІI век

Author(s): Atanaska Stamboliyska / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: female monasticism; nuns; Ottoman Balkans

For the existence of women monasteries we lack sources, unlike men monasteries, for which we have plenty of written, archaeological and hagiographical data. Relying mainly on the written sources – building and gravestone inscriptions, bead-rolls and marginal notes – I will try to examine the existence of female monasticism in the territory of the Balkan Peninsula from the period of Christianization till the end of the 18th c. (using the above-mentioned sources). Despite some separate mentions of nuns, it could be traced back through the sources that the development of female monasticism in the Balkans was not interrupted from the period before the Ottoman conquest till the end of the 18th c.

Result 316961-316980 of 317410
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