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Result 317801-317820 of 319378
The state of Albanian Democracy at the eve of 2013 General elections

The state of Albanian Democracy at the eve of 2013 General elections

The state of Albanian Democracy at the eve of 2013 General elections

Author(s): Alba Çela,Joana Kosho / Language(s): English

Keywords: 2013 Elections in Albania; The Central Elections Commission (CEC)

The upcoming round of Albanian general elections, expected on June 23rd of 2013, will be the ultimate test for Albanian democracy, in a context of high polarization and volatile stability. The elections come after a series of previous electoral processes highly contested and which have produced political crisis, boycott and grave incidents. Should Albania fail once again to carry out democratic elections’ process with standards verified by international observers and outcomes accepted by domestic political actors, the consequences shall be all too weighty for a country that is a member of NATO and aspires to get to EU candidate status. // First and foremost the elections will be crucial for the political stability which is a precondition for the development of Albania. // This study, which goes beyond an academic curiosity has two important objectives. First it strives to show the degree of correspondence between political and media rhetoric and the real citizen agenda mapped in this survey as a constellation of concerns, expectations, beliefs and desires. Second it attempts to make political parties and political actors aware of the degree of this correspondence or rather as this study will show discrepancy. AIIS believes that instigating public discourse over the real citizen agenda will have a positive effect on a better linkage between citizen interests and political platforms contributing to democracy and to future better governance.

Albanian Greek relations from the eyes of the Albanian public – perceptions 2013

Albanian Greek relations from the eyes of the Albanian public – perceptions 2013

Albanian Greek relations from the eyes of the Albanian public – perceptions 2013

Author(s): Alba Çela,Sashenka Lleshaj / Language(s): English

Keywords: Albania-Greece Relations; Migration; EU Integration; The Cham Issue

It is necessary to make an effort to capture the perceptions and their implications on policy and discourse by objective research. This study will first try to summarize for a non expert audience the list of main issues that condition that relationship between these two neighboring countries focusing on contemporary debates. A note for the objectives of the report is included before presenting the main conclusions from the national poll carried out in Albania in 2013. // A parallel study has been conducted by the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP). Comparisons between perceptions were the subject of the two conferences organized in the context of this project and discussed in Tirana and Athens respectively in November and December of 2013. // A comparative analysis will be the subject of a forthcoming joint report of AIIS and ELIAMEP. (Published by: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Office Tirana)

Albanians and the European Social Model. Towards a redefinition of the social contract

Albanians and the European Social Model. Towards a redefinition of the social contract

Albanians and the European Social Model. Towards a redefinition of the social contract

Author(s): Sashenka Lleshaj,Alba Çela / Language(s): English

At the beginning of the year 2014 the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung brought into life, together with leading experts of six distinguished organizations and Think Tanks, a long term project. The aim of this project is to create and stimulate a political and social discussion in Albania about the EU Integration. // The starting point of the contemplation was the perspective that Albania desires to be soon a full EU member, with an economic and social developed society. More than 80% of the population aims at this goal. To reach it Albania must fulfil, inter alia, the minimum social standards of the EU ─ the so called European Social Model (ESM). // The project-path is already part of its objective: active involvement of all actors in one common discourse. It is not about finding quick solutions or just an exchange of statements, it rather aims at developing and building up reciprocal trust. Otherwise stated: this endeavour tries, with this genre of public debates, to ameliorate the rapport of actors - Politics, administration and citizens - and to be conducive for a more efficient cooperation in the organization of a social and democratic society. // ISBN: 978-9928-181-29-9

Albania-Serbia relations in the Eyes of the Albanian Public 2015

Albania-Serbia relations in the Eyes of the Albanian Public 2015

Albania-Serbia relations in the Eyes of the Albanian Public 2015

Author(s): Alba Çela / Language(s): English

Keywords: Albania- Serbia Relations; Balkan; Political Relations; Survey; Bilateral Relations

Albania and Serbia share a difficult historic baggage. The dissolution of Yugoslavia and conflict in Kosovo and the subsequent independence of Kosova have been a powerful rollercoaster for the two countries which claim to be home-seat to the largest ethnic groups in the Balkans. However even between Serbia and Kosova some signs of normalization due to the EU sponsored dialogue are starting to materialize beyond symbolical handshakes and right into important bilateral deals. // The results of the survey which you can access in this publication portray a lot of positive potential for improvement of the bilateral relations more likely starting with the ‘easy parts’: cultural cooperation and getting to know more about each other. Most important citizens seem fully aware of the importance that these relations have for the future of the entire region as well as for the European integration project that the region also shares.

Citizens’ Voice in the Albanian Local Elections 2015

Citizens’ Voice in the Albanian Local Elections 2015

Citizens’ Voice in the Albanian Local Elections 2015

Author(s): Sashenka Lleshaj / Language(s): English

Keywords: Local Elections; Administrative Reform; Local Government

Pre-election periods are delicate on the one side and resourceful on the other in terms of the insights that can come out from a snapshot of citizens’ views and perceptions. This survey was conducted in the pre-campaign period in order to avoid the distorted perceptions that can come out as a result of the conflicting waves of information that electoral campaigns reflect on citizens. Nevertheless, this survey still wants to map some important views, perceptions and concerns that citizens expressed in the eve of these local elections 2015.

Albania and Kosovo. In quest of a Common Future

Albania and Kosovo. In quest of a Common Future

Albania and Kosovo. In quest of a Common Future

Author(s): Dritan Sulçebe / Language(s): English

Keywords: Albania Kosovo Relations;

This Policy Paper was prepared in the context of the joint Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) project: “Albania and Kosovo - In quest of a Common Future”. Its first chapter deals with the historical dimension of the relations between Albania and Kosovo. During their history Kosovo and Albania have been isolated for more than four decades and this has caused deep divisions in economic, political and societal terms, which still persist today. During WWII, both countries experienced a short term unification (1941-1944), which resulted very successful in strengthening their economic ties. However, during the communist regimes in Albania and Yugoslavia, cooperation was limited only to sporadic academic and cultural interaction. After the fall of the Iron curtain, deep isolation continued to mark the relations between the two countries. The situation changed only after the outbreak of the Kosovo War and the establishment of the UNMIK administration in 1999, with the signing of a series of economic and free trade agreements. After the independence of Kosovo in 2008, one can speak for the first time in history of relations between two separate and sovereign Albanian dominated states. As such, these relations are experiencing a new evolving economic and political dimension.




Author(s): Sokol Lleshi,Dritan Sulçebe / Language(s): English

Keywords: Western Balkans; Trade Cooperation; Central European Free Trade Association (CEFTA)

Serbia and Albania are the two largest countries of the Western Balkans and in the same time they exert a major political influence in the region. As such, the relations between these two countries are instrumental for the stability and the future integration of the region into the EU. In this context, the trade relationship between Serbia and Albania will play a crucial role to the further consolidation of the fragile political ties between both countries. There is an understanding that an increased trade inflow, based on the existing trade patterns between Albania and Serbia could provide a momentum and an impetus in the potential economic development and growth. However, structural reforms of the economy are a complementary and necessary aspect of making both economies more competitive, stable and reciprocally advantageous. As a result, the degree of economic interdependence between Albania and Serbia would be based on firmer grounds. The awareness and the willingness of the political elite in normalizing the relations between Albania and Serbia can be buttressed or checked by the potential for economic interdependence.




Author(s): Sokol Lleshi,Dritan Sulçebe / Language(s): English

Keywords: Western Balkans; Tourism Cooperation; Regional Cooperation; Albanian-Serbian Relations

Tourism is a powerful tool to bring different countries together.By better knowing one another,people of different cultures and backgrounds will find it much harder to generate feelings of hatred and animosity against each other. Thus, the consolidation of interaction in the area of tourism between Serbia and Albania is very important for the further stabilization of the relations between the countries, since it will not only trigger better economic prospects but it will also positively change the perception that both nations have towards each other.Both Albania and Serbia have concentrated in the last decade to promote a better image of their respective countries by branding themselves as attractive tourist destinations of the Southeastern Europe region.




Author(s): Sokol Lleshi / Language(s): English

Keywords: Western Balkans; European Union; South East Europe Transport Observatory (SEETO)

Being for quite a long time on the periphery of empires and characterized as a backward region, what is now termed as Western Balkans, manifests existing drawbacks in terms of connectivity with the broader European network of routes, railways, and ports.Despite various differences in terms of infrastructure development and investment, most of the Western Balkan region lags behind compared to other regions or countries in the European Union. Nonetheless,there exist concrete efforts and organizations that encompass projects, policies and initiatives to ameliorate the infrastructural conditions in Western Balkans and enhance the transport cooperation and interdependence among countries within the region and their links with broader transport networks in European Union.




Author(s): Sokol Lleshi,Dritan Sulçebe / Language(s): English

Keywords: Western Balkan; Energy Union; Energy Cooperation

The energy sector constitutes one of the most strategic sectors of the economy, which is part of the EU policy recently framed as Energy Union. The Western Balkan is considered an important area for the diversification of the energy production and transmission in Europe. This region increases the chances that the EU attains energy security. It has been a long term concern of the EU to reduce the energy dependency from external countries such as Russia. On the other hand, as in the case of most EU policies, the Energy Union and the relevant acquis on energy aim to initiate market reforms in the energy sector, to reduce the monopoly position of firms and state subsidies, and enhance cooperation on energy trade and exchange between countries as well as aim towards a coal-free energy production in a sustainable environment mostly based on renewable energy.

REGIONAL COOPERATION (Policy Brief 2016/05)

REGIONAL COOPERATION (Policy Brief 2016/05)

REGIONAL COOPERATION (Policy Brief 2016/05)

Author(s): Sokol Lleshi / Language(s): English

Keywords: Western Balkans; European Integration

Since the Thessaloniki Summit of 2003, which constituted a land mark event in showing the commitment of the EU towards the European integration of the Western Balkans,high level initiatives such as the Berlin Process have emphasized a new pathway towards EU accession for the countries of the Western Balkans. The context of the so-called enlargement fatigue and the shift from the regalia principle to a more encompassing policy of connectivity and regional cooperation has provided a novel path of development and a different opportunity for the Western Balkan countries. On the other hand, this particular region has experienced political instability, ethnic conflict and tumultuous transitions to democracy and market economy.In this respect, an improvement in intra-regional cooperation by furthering the ‘Connectivity Agenda’of the EU and fulfilling the SEE 2020 strategy increases the chances of congruence between the regional market and democratic institutions of the Western Balkans with the EU market and institutions.




Author(s): Elena Pici / Language(s): English

Keywords: Western Balkan; Financial Cooperation

The economic dimension of regional cooperation is a key pillar for achieving an interconnected and developed Western Balkan region.With this regard, strategic policy documents of Western Balkan countries, compiled in collaboration with EU Institutions, underline the objective of establishing a unified regional market in the Balkans.The South East Europe Strategy(SEE 2020), the central platform of economic cooperation in the Western Balkans, focuses on several shared projects in the areas of trade,tourism, transport and energy in order to foster the formation of the regional market.

The necessary return of ideology: Political parties and ideological profile in Albania

The necessary return of ideology: Political parties and ideological profile in Albania

The necessary return of ideology: Political parties and ideological profile in Albania

Author(s): Enfrid Islami / Language(s): English

Keywords: Albanian Political Parties; Albanian Communist Party; The National Front; Elections

The life of political parties in Albania is a relatively short one compared to other countries in the region. The country only recently celebrated its 100th anniversary of independence. In reality, the country has enjoyed democracy and independence for a far shorter amount of time. The declaration of independence in Vlora in 1912 was followed by internal conflict between different regional groups, foreign invasion, and a constant state of turmoil in which political activity was practically impossible. Even before the declaration of independence, the Albanian political class had shown a high level of inefficiency and unwillingness to come together in the common effort to push forward the issues of Albanian national identity and unity. The series of conflicts which followed the declaration of independence in 1912, including two world wars, resulted in a very hostile environment for political life to flourish in Albania. It took a long time for the country to take full control of its territory and national sovereignty, a must for the development of political parties and organizations.The long period of communist rule that followed from the end of the Second World War, established the tradition of a one party system. For almost 50 years, every political activity except for the ruling Communist Party was illegal, and thus the establishment of a proper multiparty system in the country had to be postponed till after 1991. // This paper will introduce the reader with a short background of political parties in Albania, while focusing on the period after 1991, with the emergence of the multiparty system in the country. The paper aims at providing readers with a profile of the political parties in Albania during the 2013 electoral campaign, the hot issues discussed during the campaign, as well as the position of the main parties on each of these issues. This paper also aims at emphasizing the role of ideology in Albanian politics at the moment, as well as analyzes the evolution of ideology into an important mechanism for Albanian political parties during electoral campaigns throughout the years.

Albania and Serbia: Perceptions and Reality

Albania and Serbia: Perceptions and Reality

Albania and Serbia: Perceptions and Reality

Author(s): Andi Balla,Filip Ejdus,Megi Llubani / Language(s): English

Keywords: Western Balkans; Cooperation; Conflict; European Union; Media Monitoring

The aim of this paper is to modestly contribute to the development and sustainability of relations between Albania and Serbia, by shedding light on current relations in the political, economic and cultural realms and potentials for future improvements. The initiative therefore aims to overpass often wrong perceptions that impede normal political, economic and cultural relations between the two countries. The paper is divided into five parts: Initially we draw attention to the historical background of relations between Albania and Serbia during the past twenty years; the second part is dedicated to the methodology adopted for the study; the third chapter deals with quantitative findings from media monitoring in both Albania and Serbia, and the fourth chapter focuses on qualitative findings retrieved from interviews both in Tirana and Belgrade; finally the paper ends with respective conclusions and recommendations that might serve to the future improvement of relations and, subsequently, perceptions on both sides.

Albania in the next ten years – Politics, Economy, Society - Perceptions

Albania in the next ten years – Politics, Economy, Society - Perceptions

Albania in the next ten years – Politics, Economy, Society - Perceptions

Author(s): Maklen Misha / Language(s): English

Keywords: Western Balkans; European Union; Governance; Democracy

Albania in the Next Ten Years marks the conclusion of a twostage project entitled Twenty Years After: Rethinking Democracy and the State in Albania. The aim of the project was to gauge the perceptions of the Albanian public on the period in Albanian history commonly referred to as the ‘transition,’ as well as to understand Albanians’ expectations about the future. The data gathered by this project constitutes a valuable addition to the rich body of data gathered over the years by the Albanian Institute for International Studies through a considerable number of surveys that have, for the most part, focused on the issues of Euro-Atlantic integration, state and institution building, the implementation of democratic standards, and, to a lesser extent, on social issues and the economy. This project is distinct because it is the first attempt to offer an overview of not only the way in which the Albanian public has experienced the post-Communist transition, but also the way in which this experience has shaped their expectations for the future. // The next decade will show whether Albania decides to complete the transition process, or to remain tangled up in the limbo of a hybrid regime. Whereas last year we answered the question “What is Albania like twenty year after the collapse of the communist regime?” this year we try to answer the question “What do Albanians expect for their country in the next ten years?” And as one can expect, given the confusing nature of developments in Albania, the responses given to the survey also show a level of confusion, a combination between pessimism and optimism, satisfaction and dissatisfaction, that would have been hard to understand without taking into account the rollercoaster that has been the last years of life in Albania.

Albania and NATO. Why we do need NATO?

Albania and NATO. Why we do need NATO?

Albania and NATO. Why we do need NATO?

Author(s): Maklen Misha / Language(s): English

Keywords: NATO; NATO membership; NATO integration

Few issues interest the Albanians more than their country’s Euro-Atlantic integration. However, while accession to the EU must for the moment, remains a distant dream, in recent months expectations have been raised that Albania might receive an invitation to join NATO in the Summit of Bucharest due in April 2008. Several ministers have made declarations to that effect and the media has been quite active in discussing the possibility, too. If this indeed proves to be the case, it would be hard to explain the sense of accomplishment Albanians would feel at the realization of their dream. // Because of the proximity of the Summit of Bucharest and the expectations that prevail in Albania concerning its possible invitation to join NATO in July 2007, AIIS decided to conduct a survey with four elite groups of the Albanian society. These groups are involved in the integration process more actively and directly than the ordinary Albanians are. The rationale behind the choice of target groups was based on the belief that these groups because of their position in society and their ability to influence decision-making. Therefore, it is interesting to ascertain the level of expertise that they possess on the NATO integration process. Because these groups, by their very nature, play a primary role in shaping the attitudes and beliefs of the public as a whole, by shaping attitudes one can also expect to gain a sense of what the public as a whole thinks of these issues.

Albania and European Union: Perceptions and Realities

Albania and European Union: Perceptions and Realities

Albania and European Union: Perceptions and Realities

Author(s): Blendi Kajsiu / Language(s): English

Keywords: Western Balkans; Albania and EU;

Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS) conducted a survey with Public Administration, Media, Local NGOs and Business groups in Tirana. The aim of the survey was to assess perceptions of and knowledge on European Union and EU integration for Albania. These groups were chosen because they are both immediately responsible for and directly affected by the integration process. // The most obvious finding of the survey was the overwhelming support for Albania’s membership into EU in all the above-mentioned categories. The support levels were very close to 100 % with almost all respondents answering that they would vote for Albania’s membership into EU in a referendum on this issue. The figures speak for themselves; 96.43% in the Media Category, 96.91 % in Businesses and 99.38 % and 100 % in Public Administration and Local NGOs respectively. The high level of support for Albania’s EU membership was also reflected in the fact that respondents in all categories thought that strengthening relations with EU should be the most important priority of the Albanian Government.

THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE OF ALBANIA: Perceptions and Realities 2012
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THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE OF ALBANIA: Perceptions and Realities 2012

THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE OF ALBANIA: Perceptions and Realities 2012

Author(s): Alba Çela / Language(s): English

The Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS) brings to the reader the 2012 edition of the yearly survey study ‘The European Perspective of Albania’, an authoritative and established publication, part of the European program which is one of the key programs of the AIIS regular activity. After nine years of carefully collecting, reporting, analyzing and interpreting the perceptions and expectations of the Albanian public related to EU and integration, AIIS has now a valuable experience and has built a solid reputation both with domestic as well as with international institutions referring valuable data and providing practical recommendations in relation to furthering the citizens involvement in the integration process.

THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE OF ALBANIA: Perceptions and Realities 2013

THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE OF ALBANIA: Perceptions and Realities 2013

THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE OF ALBANIA: Perceptions and Realities 2013

Author(s): Alba Çela / Language(s): English

Keywords: European Integration; EU Commission; International Partnership; Regional Partnership

The Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS) has been measuring the pulse of public opinion in Albania regarding European integration since 2003. Through its yearly edition of the national public opinion poll “The European perspective of Albania: Perceptions and Realities” that identifies and interprets the perceptions, evaluations and thoughts of Albanian citizens (selected to make up a fairly representative sample), AIIS has been of assistance with its recommendations stemming from the study to a variety of relevant actors in both Tirana and Brussels. European institutions, their representatives in Albania, Albanian and regional media and actors in government, academia and civil society alike have benefitted from this knowledge and this insight provided every year fitted with comparisons and alerts on emerging trends.

THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE OF ALBANIA: Perceptions and Realities 2014

THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE OF ALBANIA: Perceptions and Realities 2014

THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE OF ALBANIA: Perceptions and Realities 2014

Author(s): Megi Llubani / Language(s): English

Keywords: EU Membership; European Commission; European Union; EU Integration Process

This report offers a panorama of people’s perceptions in Albania opposite the realities of the European integration process. It does so by gauging these perceptions in several dimensions of the process and tries to understand it from the perspectives of ordinary citizens, who are essential towards achieving the long time goal and aspiration of Albania. These perspectives are faced with the realities of the EU integration process and the challenges and difficulties the country is facing in the path of integration. The results and conclusions are directed to all the political and nonpolitical actors in the Albanian society, with the aim to reflect upon people’s perceptions and expectations as well as what can be further improved.

Result 317801-317820 of 319378
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