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Result 319021-319040 of 319217
Conceptualisation of colours in the poetry of A.B. Šimić
4.50 €

Conceptualisation of colours in the poetry of A.B. Šimić

Konceptualizacija boja u lirskom diskursu A. B. Šimića

Author(s): Mirjana Popović / Language(s): Bosnian,English,Croatian,Serbian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: corpus analysis; color fenomenon; conceptualisation; rhetoric code;

The paper focuses on the coloristic code in the poetry of A. B. Šimić in relation to the metaphysical and ontological space of colors. This corresponds to a modern linguo-stylistic understanding of rhetoric code. Conceptualization of colors in Complete poems (Sabrane pjesme) and Metamorphoses (Preobraženja) by A. B. Šimić is being observed though the prysm of expressionism in visual arts. In this regard, the paper analyzes frequency of colors and their role in transforming perception into a subconscious sphere. Colors are observed as a structural element that in the poetry of Šimić establishes links between external and internal sensations, while the combination of these two creates a coherent poetic image within a specific rhetoric code.

The invisible hand... of the Kremlin. Capitalism 'a la russe'

The invisible hand... of the Kremlin. Capitalism 'a la russe'

The invisible hand... of the Kremlin. Capitalism 'a la russe'

Author(s): Iwona Wiśniewska / Language(s): English,Polish

Keywords: Kremlin; capitalism 'a la russe'

This study describes the two main economic processes observed in Russia during President Vladimir Putin's second term; renationalisation, and the concentration of economic assets.As a result of these processes, the share of state-owned property has increased and the position of the state in the economy has strengthened. According to the authorities, the wide-range renationalisation of the assets and the construction of superholdings based on the state enterprises are intended to boost Russia's potential and stimulate the development of the whole economy. However, in practice the current ruling elite are using these superholdings to strengthen Russia's position on the international arena and to promote their vested interests.

Counter-reforms in times of prosperity

Counter-reforms in times of prosperity

Counter-reforms in times of prosperity

Author(s): Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz / Language(s): English,Polish

Keywords: Russia

In 2000, Vladimir Putin came to power after nearly a decade of the rule of the first Russian president, Boris Yeltsin. As prime minister, and later as a candidate for president, Putin announced that he would reform the state. The main assumptions of this reform were presented during a congress of the pro-Kremlin Unity movement, in Putin's address entitled 'Russia at the turn of the millennium' which was delivered on 29 December 1999, and later in a open letter to voters published on 25 February 2000. Both declarations were rather general, but they gave a clear picture of the principal directions of and priority areas for the future president's efforts: they outlined Russia's development path as pro-market and democratic.Nearly seven years have passed since Vladimir Putin came to power, a time for a summary of his achievements. In a way, Vladimir Putin has partially delivered on his initial declarations; indeed, Russia has undergone a deep transformation. However, when seen in the light of the president’s initial promises, the changes appear to be no more than 'counter-reforms', because instead of putting into practice the policy he outlined seven years ago, they have largely followed a different, if not entirely opposite direction.

What Future for Ukraine?

What Future for Ukraine?

What Future for Ukraine?

Author(s): Anna Górska / Language(s): English,Polish

Keywords: Ukraine

One hundred days after the inauguration of the Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko and the appointment of the new government led by Yulia Tymoshenko it is traditionally the time for first reviews and assessments of the new authorities' policy. In the case of Ukraine, this is particularly interesting. The regime change occurred largely as a result of an anti-system public protest known as the orange revolution. However, Maydan did not principally formulate any positive programme. Rather, it vocally protested against what the society no longer accepted - lawlessness of the authorities, corruption, poverty, lies in highest offices and the media, and disregard for the society which the leaders only remembered during electoral campaigns but still refused to respect the voters' will. Hence, the principal challenge for the new authorities should be to reshape the system which Leonid Kuchma continued building for years as a kind of symbiosis between political and business groups and the bureaucracy. Yushchenko's pre-election declarations, the presentation of his programme and the choice of European integration as the strategic objective, which the president repeatedly declared in his speeches both in Ukraine and during his many foreign visits, all these indicate that the system reconstruction is meant to lead to the creation of a democratic state of law and a market economy. In the period in question, the new authorities' policy was focused on dismantling the system created by the former regime and on wide-scale replacements of officials, struggle against corruption and implementation of the social promises made during the campaign. This could be regarded as preparation for the implementation of the principal objectives concerning the creation of a new Ukraine, but in fact the government is largely motivated by the short-term goal of next year's parliamentary elections. The measures that have been taken are arguably justified but it is Orange was the campaign colour of Viktor Yushchenko. Another term used to refer to the upheaval is Maydan, standing for Independence Square (Maydan Nezalezhnosti), the main square in Kyiv where the several-weeks long protest was staged. obvious that the new political style and the manner of operation of the new authorities are often reminiscent of the previous regime. Particularly difficult to accept are practices such as the use of law to one's own ends and behind-the-scenes bargaining over appointments and competencies of officials. This is due to the fact that the new authorities include many people who held high state offices in various periods of Leonid Kuchma's presidency. The old habits and attitudes, sometimes combined with involvement in various political-business arrangements, adversely affect the quality of politics. Economic policy suffers most because of the absence of a strategy for social and economic development, programme and ideological differences among the new leaders, and, to some extent, the "legacy" of the previous authorities. The problems that emerged already in the first months suggest that the transformation process in Ukraine is going to be difficult, long, and susceptible to various distortions, and that the principal reforms will only be undertaken after the parliamentary election of March 2006.

The ENP in practice - the European Union's policy towards Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova one year after the publication of the Strategy Paper

The ENP in practice - the European Union's policy towards Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova one year after the publication of the Strategy Paper

The ENP in practice - the European Union's policy towards Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova one year after the publication of the Strategy Paper

Author(s): Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz / Language(s): English,Polish

Keywords: ENP; Russia; Ukraine; Belarus; Moldova

1. Clear qualitative changes have taken place in relations between the European Union and its Eastern neighbours over the past year. The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) has been playing a significant part in the context of these changes. In the cases of Moldova and Ukraine, which are the countries interested in enhancing co-operation with the EU, the ENP has provided a formula that allows taking steps to implement this objective. The ENP has also contributed to "outlining an alternative" to Belarus' current self-isolation. However, the ENP has first of all given a clear message to Russia by specifying the EU's interests and objectives concerning Eastern Europe. The ENP has clearly stated that the EU wants to build democracy and a free market in those countries, and has signalled that the European Union intends to discuss the issues concerning the countries directly with them, and not through Moscow's offices.2. The main shortcoming of the ENP appears to be the disproportion between the number of commitments and tasks that the neighbours must make and carry out and the benefits promised by the EU. Currently, the ENP does not offer membership prospects, and other concessions made by the European Union have not been clearly defined (neither in terms of the scope nor the terms and conditions of implementation). This lack of balance between the European Union's great aspirations to influence its neighbours and the limited offer it addresses to those neighbours seems to be a problem of such magnitude that, unless the situation changes, it may paralyse further implementation of the ENP. 3. The mechanisms and objectives of the ENP have been determined in rather general terms, which gives the EU great freedom of action in its policy towards the Eastern partners. On the one hand, the ENP allows for a very reserved approach or even the simulation of real actions; yet on the other, it does not exclude the possibility of very active engagement by the EU (including holding out the prospect of membership for the European neighbours). This shows that the ENP does not definitely determine the nature of the EU engagement. A great deal depends on the political will on the part of both the European Union's structures and its individual member states. The ENP's flexibility seems to be a particularly valuable feature; it gives an opportunity for an evolutional change to this formula which may be inspired by both new experiences and the changing reality.

Security of Russian Gas Supplies to the EU - the Qestion of Infrastructural Connections

Security of Russian Gas Supplies to the EU - the Qestion of Infrastructural Connections

Security of Russian Gas Supplies to the EU - the Qestion of Infrastructural Connections

Author(s): Agata Loskot-Strachota / Language(s): English,Polish

Keywords: Russian Gas Supplies; energy; EU

The energy security of countries importing energy resources depends largely on the shape and quality of operational transport connections. This is particularly important in the case of natural gas supplies. Natural gas is transported mostly by gas pipelines which permanently connect gas producers and consumers. Thus Europe as a consumer is "tied" to certain gas suppliers for anywhere between a dozen and several tens of years. As their own resources are becoming depleted, the EU Member States get increasingly dependent on import of natural gas. The present paper discusses the existing and projected gas transport routes from Russia to the EU. The first part deals with the importance of gas exports to the economy of the Russian Federation, and the second delves into the EU Member States' dependence on gas imports. Then this paper examines the differences in perceiving the energy security issue between the old and the new Member States, those differences stemming from the different degrees of their dependence on Russian supplies. In the third part, two new transport route projects for Russian gas supplies to the EU are compared and it is argued that from the point of view of the Community's interests, the Yamal gas pipeline is a better solution than the North European (Trans-Baltic) gas pipeline.

The Enlarged European Union and its Eastern Neighbours: Problems and Solutions

The Enlarged European Union and its Eastern Neighbours: Problems and Solutions

The Enlarged European Union and its Eastern Neighbours: Problems and Solutions

Author(s): Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz / Language(s): English,Polish

The EU enlargement is scheduled to take place in 2004. After this date, it should be a priority for the EU to develop a coherent and comprehensive policy towards its nearest neighbours, i.e. countries bordering the Member States, which cannot join the EU in the nearest future due to their location or weaknesses of their political and economic systems. There are at least three reasons for this. Firstly, good relations with neighbours will underlie the broadly understood security of the Community. Relations with the nearest neighbours will determine both military security of the EU (including the combating of terrorism) and its ability to prevent other threats such as illegal migration, smuggling, etc. Secondly, good economic relations with neighbours may contribute to the Member States' economic growth in the longer term. And finally, the EU's ability to develop an effective and adequate policy towards its nearest neighbours will demonstrate its competence as a subject of international politics. In other words, the EU will not be recognised as a reliable political player in the global scene until it develops an effective strategy for its neighbourhood.The most overlooked element in the EU policy towards neighbours and one that requires most attention is the eastern dimension of this policy, i.e. the strategy towards Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. This direction of the EU neighbourhood policy has clearly attracted heightened attention over the last two years, though it remains overshadowed by relations with other regions bordering the Community, including the Balkans and the Southern Mediterranean. During this period, a number of documents were published that addressed the question of the EU's future policy towards its eastern neighbours. The most important ones included: New Neighbours Initiative - Council conclusions (18th November 2002), Communication from the Commission "Wider Europe - Neighbourhood: a new framework for relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours" (11th March 2003), Wider Europe - New Neighbourhood - Council Conclusions (18th June 2003), Communication from the Commission "Paving the way for a New Neighbourhood Instrument" (1st June 2003) and "The Second Northern Dimension Action Plan (2004-2006)" proposed by the Commission (10 June 2003) .These documents, however, reveal many gaps and unsolved dilemmas that have to be addressed before the EU can create a coherent and comprehensive policy towards its eastern neighbours. The present paper aims to pinpoint the most important of these and suggest potential solutions that would be optimal in the author's opinion.

A new Visegrad Group in the new European Union - possibilities and opportunities for development

A new Visegrad Group in the new European Union - possibilities and opportunities for development

A new Visegrad Group in the new European Union - possibilities and opportunities for development

Author(s): Mariusz Bocian,Patrycja Bukalska / Language(s): English,Polish

Keywords: Visegrad Group; European Union

The Visegrad Group has fulfilled the tasks it was set when established. It seems unjustified, therefore, to ponder the need for it to function further. However, it is advisable to lay out new tasks, suitable for the group's operation in the new European reality - following EU accession of Visegrad countries in May 2004.

Ukraine. Another view

Ukraine. Another view

Ukraine. Another view

Author(s): Pawel Wołowski / Language(s): English,Polish

Keywords: Ukraine

Ukraine is a difficult partner for the West, and recently, it has been perceived as an enfant terrible because of the Kolchuga affair. Western and Polish press describe Ukraine as an authoritarian regime plagued by an internal crisis or even threatened by destabilisation. This picture is certainly one-sided and oversimplified, and it fails to accurately present the reality of Ukraine. Apart from experiencing definitely adverse political developments, Ukraine has also been successful in some ways in terms of its internal and foreign policies and the economy. At the same time, certain processes take place among the Ukrainian elites, that might be difficult to capture in social surveys, but may become the starting point for the future modernisation and democratisation of the country. To realise that there are some favourable aspects to the changes occurring in Ukraine is not to recognise Ukraine as a country heading to democratisation and a market economy in the Western sense. Still, it is worthwhile to understand that the positive developments, even if isolated, do occur in Ukraine and that they could be strengthened by adequate policies of the Ukrainian authorities and the Western states.

Seven myths about Kaliningrad

Seven myths about Kaliningrad

Seven myths about Kaliningrad

Author(s): Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz / Language(s): English,Polish

Keywords: Kaliningrad; Russia

Due to the integration to the European Union Poland and Lithuania intend to introduce overall visa obligation for the Russian citizens. Currently the Russians entering Poland may present at the border a voucher, an invitation, or an AB stamp, which entitles them to business travels. Lithuania maintains visa reliefs for the inhabitants of Kaliningrad and the Russians travelling from and to the enclave. The decisions encounter an opposition on the Russian side, which is of the opinion that the activities will result in the isolation of the enclave. This is why Moscow insists on the maintaining of a visa free movement between the enclave and the rest of Russia. The recent statements made by President Putin on the EU-Russia summit meeting in Moscow (May 29) and the Council of Baltic Sea States summit meeting in Petersburg (June 10-11) show a significant hardening of the Russian position on this matter. President Putin has even made the whole of the Russian relations with the European Union conditional on the resolving of the Kaliningrad problem according to the plans of Moscow. During the last few weeks not only the Russian politicians were making statements on the Kaliningrad issue but also representatives of the Polish, Lithuanian and Western authorities, as well as the EU officials. So far, the last ones have definitely rejected the possibility of adopting any rules going beyond the framework of the Schengen provisions towards Kaliningrad. The debate that has sparked off around the issue of Kaliningrad is mostly based on a series of unfounded assumptions, which are commonly regarded as obvious. Undoubtedly they make the rational resolving of the enclave problem even more difficult. In this text the author has attempted to identify and straighten out these "mythical" elements of the discussion, and next to set a possible course of further action.

Proceedings of the Annual University Scientific Conference 2018 of the National Military University "Vasil Levski" - Veliko Tarnovo, 14 - 15 June 2018, Volume 2

Proceedings of the Annual University Scientific Conference 2018 of the National Military University "Vasil Levski" - Veliko Tarnovo, 14 - 15 June 2018, Volume 2

Сборник доклади от Годишна университетска научна конференция 2018 на Национален военен университет „Васил Левски“ – гр. Велико Търново, 14-15 юни 2018 г. , Том 2

Author(s): Tanya Kazandzhieva,Mihail Haralampiev,Svetlozar P. Stoyanov,Milena Georgieva,Eva Kaseva,Velcho Krastev,Evgenia I. Ivanova,Yordan Yordanov,Todor Dimov,Nina Hristova,Diliyan Nikolchev,Viktor Rogozenski,Lachezar Krastev,Nikolinka Klimukova,Doncho Ivanov,Raluca Gabriela Burcea / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,French / Publication Year: 0

Proceedings of the Annual University Scientific Conference 2018 of the National Military University "Vasil Levski" - Veliko Tarnovo, 14 - 15 June 2018, Volume 9

Proceedings of the Annual University Scientific Conference 2018 of the National Military University "Vasil Levski" - Veliko Tarnovo, 14 - 15 June 2018, Volume 9

Сборник доклади от Годишна университетска научна конференция 2018 на Национален военен университет „Васил Левски“ – гр. Велико Търново, 14 15 юни 2018 г., Том 9

Author(s): Tanya Kazandzhieva,Mihail Haralampiev,Tsvyatko Atanasov,Rosen Petkov,Arseniy Bakanov,Tasho Tashev,Nina Bakanova,Iliyan Angelov,Yordan Terziev,Polina Milusheva,Dimitar Rusev,Ivan Ivanov,Tatiana Atanasova,Ivan Blagoev,Petya Gencheva,Dimitar Kirkov,Krasa Kostova,Yordan Stoyanov,Petar Petlyankov,Nayden Yordanov,Tihomir Trifonov,Ivan Simeonov,Krasimir Sabev,Ivan Ivanov,Ivan Blagoev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian,Russian / Publication Year: 0




Author(s): Daiva Jurksaitiene,Linda Braje,Larisa Levinoca,Sarmite Krauze,Alexandra Cojuhari,Lina Mihaluţa,Angela Hăbăşescu,Oxana Brui,Iryna Bankovska,Irina Gangan,Adela Negură,Silvia Habaşescu,Ala Susarenco,Viorica Lupu / Language(s): English,Romanian,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: indexare; catalog partajat; sisteme corparative;

În acest capitol sunt abordate regulile şi principiile de indexare a conţinutului ştiinţific.




Author(s): Elena Harconiţa,Lina Mihaluţa,Ana Nagherneac,Elena Stratan,Marina Şulman / Language(s): English,Romanian,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Boris Boincean; ştiinţe agricole; ICCC Selecţia; ecologie; agricultură

Capitolul cuprinde sinteza lucrărilor publicate de către doctorul habilitat Boris Boincean, Curriculum Vitae, Cronica bibliografică şi activitatea profesională în fotografii.




Author(s): Boris Boincean,Stanislav Stadnic,Andrei Balînskii,Carolina Tcaci,Vasile Şaragov / Language(s): English,Romanian,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: ecology; economy of nature; ecosisteme; sol fertil; humus; tehnologii; organic system; bio-degradation of soil

Capitolul II cuprinde materialele comunicărilor prezentate în cadrul Conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale Rolul agriculturii în acordarea serviciilor ecosistemice şi sociale.

The mysterious maze of Rhizon
4.50 €

The mysterious maze of Rhizon

Tajemniczy labirynt z Rhizon

Author(s): Piotr Dyczek,Janusz Reclaw / Language(s): English,Polish,German / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Jerzy Kolendo; archaeology; Poland; Europe; University of Warsa; Polish Academy of Sciences

A collection of over thirty studies written by renowned Polish scholars (archaeologists and historians), dedicated to the memory of a distinguished archaeologist, working for a long-time at the Polish Academy of Sciences and at the University of Warsaw, Professor Jerzy Kolendo. The articles deal with a broad range of issues – those concerned with the archaeology of different Polish regions (e.g., Mazovia, Western Pomerania) and of Europe (e.g., Sicily, Dacia, Germania).

Trajan’s Dacian Wars and the infl ow of Roman denarii into the areas located north of the Carpathians
4.50 €

Trajan’s Dacian Wars and the infl ow of Roman denarii into the areas located north of the Carpathians

Wojny dackie Trajana a napływ denarów rzymskich na tereny położone na północ od Karpat

Author(s): Arkadiusz Dymowski / Language(s): English,Polish,German / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Jerzy Kolendo; archaeology; Poland; Europe; University of Warsaw; Polish Academy of Sciences

Professor Jerzy Kolendo pointed out the possibility that the infl ow of Roman imports into the territories ofsouth-east Poland and west Ukraine could have been related to the people living there taking part in the DacianWars. It is worth verifying whether it would be possible to support this thesis by using the available data on thefi nds of Roman coins, specifi cally denarii, from the territories of south and central Poland, occupied in the Romanperiod by the Przeworsk culture, identifi ed with the Lugii tribes. In the territories which are of interest here, onecan clearly distinguish two barely intersecting groups of denarii fi nds: fi rstly, coins from the Republican period,secondly, imperial coins from the 1st–2nd century. These groups can be identifi ed with the two most importantwaves of the infl ux of denarii into the territories of the Przeworsk culture.Taking into account the coin fi nds recorded so far, it is impossible to present any evidence that would provethat the infl ux of Roman denarii into the territories north of the Carpathians was related to Trajan’s Dacian Wars.It would only be possible to present traces based on which one could try to very hypothetically outline this phenomenon,if it existed at all. During the period of the Dacian Wars denarii could have travelled north in two waves:fi rstly, Republican coins with a mix of imitations and coins from the issues of the fi rst three emperors, secondly,coins from Trajan’s issues, perhaps with a small amount of earlier coins mixed in. The fi rst wave could haveoriginated in the money circulating in the area of pre-Roman Dacia, the second one – in the imperial treasury. Inthe second case, these could have been payments made to the Lugii, related to military activities (e.g. wages formercenaries) or diplomatic ones (e.g. tributes, subsidies) paid out by the Romans in newly issued coins.

Tacitus’ mysterious Greek-speaking informant?
4.50 €

Tacitus’ mysterious Greek-speaking informant?

Tajemniczy greckojęzyczny informator Tacyta?

Author(s): Radosław Andrzej Gawroński / Language(s): English,Polish,German / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Jerzy Kolendo; archaeology; Poland; Europe; University of Warsaw; Polish Academy of Sciences

The author examines the credibility of Tacitus’ account of the military equipment of the Aesti tribe, accordingto which they were supposed to have used clubs more often than iron weapons. There is a hypothesis suggestingthat Tacitus used the word fustis to describe fi ghting axes found in the inventories of burial complexes ofthe West Balt culture. The problem is that the Latin noun fustis used by Tacitus denoted only a stick or club. Theauthor argues that only in the Greek language the same words were used to designate clubs, maces and axes.A mace head found in Dura Europos considered together with a certain fragment of Arrian’s Ars Tactica testifies to the fact that the Romans were using the Greek word πέλεκυς, initially signifying axes, to describe macesor clubs. This leads to the conclusion that Tacitus’ original source was written in Greek. When interpreted thisway, the fragment about the military equipment of the Aesti perfectly matches earlier studies and refl ects realityaccurately. Thus, it is all the more probable that the original Greek description of the customs of the Aesti wasbased on the author’s own observations.

0.00 €



Author(s): Bartosz Cichocki,Rafał Sadowski,Joanna Hyndle,Miryna Kutysz / Language(s): English,Polish

THE EASTERN EXTERNAL BORDER OF THE ENLARGED EUROPEAN UNION (Wschodnia granica zewn´trzna rozszerzonej Unii Europejskiej) by Bartosz Cichocki | ― | CROSS-BORDER CO-OPERATION AT THE NEW EASTERN BORDER OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Współpraca transgraniczna na nowej granicy wschodniej Unii Europejskiej) by Rafał Sadowski | ― | RUSSIAN-SPEAKERS IN LATVIA AND ESTONIA (Rosyjskojęzyczni na Łotwie i w Estonii) by Joanna Hyndle and Miryna Kutysz

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