The Black Sea Region geopolitics and the European Union Cover Image

Geopolityka regionu Morza Czarnego a Unia Europejska
The Black Sea Region geopolitics and the European Union

Author(s): Tomasz Stępniewski
Subject(s): Regional Geography, Comparative politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, Geopolitics
Published by: Instytut Europy Środkowej
Keywords: Black Sea region; European Union; Russia; USA; Turkey; geopolitics;

Summary/Abstract: The geopolitical rivalry and the clash of interests between the superpowers have been present in the Black Sea region for centuries. During the Cold War when the East-West divide was at its height, the Black Sea was “excluded” from geopolitical competition between the superpowers as it became the domain of mainly one player – the Soviet Union. The dismantling of the Pax Sovietica and the subsequent collapse of the Cold War gave rise to a new geopolitical situation in the Black Sea region. The former USSR was superseded by the Russian Federation and other political entities independent from Russia, yet having strong bonds with the region both in terms of geography and their political and cultural interests. These were new states like Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, but also former Soviet satellite states such as Bulgaria and Romania. In other words, the collapse of the USSR entailed the emergence of a new system of geopolitical power in the post-Soviet space.

  • Issue Year: 19/2021
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 9-18
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Polish
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