Participants from the Danube territories to the Fourth Ecumenical Council and local resistances Cover Image

Participanți din teritoriile dunărene la Sinodul IV Ecumenic și rezistențe locale
Participants from the Danube territories to the Fourth Ecumenical Council and local resistances

Author(s): Marin Cojoc
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, History, Social Sciences, Archaeology, Theology and Religion, History of Religion
Published by: Editura Institutului Biblic și de Misiune Ortodoxă
Keywords: Byzantine history; 4th Ecumenical Council; pars occidentis; pars orientis; Danubian teritories;

Summary/Abstract: Several metropolitans and bishops from the Danube territories or close to the mor bishops from Scythia Minor participated or signed the synodal events preceding the Fourth Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon and the Fourth Synod of 451. Thus, even near the Danube, the bishop Secundinus of Novae (Shistov) participated in a series of events. He participated in the meetings of the endemousa synod of April 8-13, 449, held in the portico of Saint Sophia Basilica in Constantinople. Another hierarch, Metropolitan Saturninus of Marcianopolis, South of the Danube, participated in the endemousa synodal events of 448 and 449 held in Constantinople. Anotherparticipating metropolitan was Basil of Trajanopolis of Rhodope. Docimasius ofMaronea of Rhodope also participated at these events. Serenus of Maximianopolis in Rhodope also participated in all the meetings of the Synod of Chalcedon. Another hierarch from the Danube territories who participated at these events was Francionde Phiilipopolis (Plovdiv), who also participated in all the meetings of the FourthEcumenical Council in Chalcedon. Metropolitan Alexander of Tomis participated in the endemousa synod of Constantinople, on April 13, 449, and due to the invasion of the Huns, he could not participate in the meetings of the Fourth EcumenicalCouncil but later signed the acts of this council. Several Illyrians also participated.Archbishop Anastasius of Thessalonica, the capital of Illyria, was represented atthe synod by Bishop Quintilius of Heracles of Macedonia. An endemousa synod inConstantinople in 449 and a fourth meeting of the IV Ecumenical Synod in 451were attended by an archimandrite from Constantinople named Carosus, who hadbeen baptized by Metropolitan Theotimus of Tomis and had Daco-Roman originsand was from the local community. It should be noted that the Fourth EcumenicalSynod was attended by a former Prefect of the Praetorium per Illyricum who, in the meantime, had become Archbishop of Caesarea Cappadocia and in his previous capacity as prefect of the praetorium knew very well the Danube territories both politically and ecclesiastically.

  • Issue Year: 2021
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 274-286
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Romanian
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