The Contemporary Situation in the Grodno Region in a Sociolinguistic Perspective Cover Image

Współczesna sytuacja na Grodzieńszczyźnie w ujęciu socjolingwistycznym
The Contemporary Situation in the Grodno Region in a Sociolinguistic Perspective

Author(s): Małgorzata Ostrówka
Subject(s): Review, Regional Geography, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Western Slavic Languages
Published by: Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Belarus; Grodno region; Polish language; sociolinguistic situation;

Summary/Abstract: This article is a review of Katarzyna Konczewska’s study entitled Polacy i język polski na Grodzieńszczyźnie [Poles and the Polish Language in the Grodno Region]. The study discusses the history and geographical extent of the area under consideration as well as the sociolinguistic situation and the functional distribution of the Polish language in the region. The author also presents a list of features of North Borderland Polish in the collected texts, published sources – the novels of Eliza Orzeszkowa (Nad Niemnem [On the Niemen], Cham [The Peasant], Dziurdziowie [The Dziurdzia Family]), the prose of Aleksander Jurewicz, and books published in Polish in Belarus – and analyses the language of Polish tombstone inscriptions. It is worth noting that the publication includes a number of tables, full colour charts, maps and photos. The study is an important contribution to the literature on the functioning of the Polish language in Belarus.

  • Issue Year: 2021
  • Issue No: 45
  • Page Range: 1-12
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Polish
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