Some Remarks on the Changes in the Polish Penal Code During the Pandemic
Some Remarks on the Changes in the Polish Penal Code During the Pandemic
Author(s): Ewa M. Guzik-MakarukSubject(s): Criminal Law, Health and medicine and law, Penal Policy
Published by: Temida 2
Keywords: Amendment; criminal law; pandemic; penal code; penal populism;
Summary/Abstract: The study indicates the solutions introduced by the amendment to the Penal Code during the pandemic. These are the so-called anti-crisis shields - shield 1.0, shield 3.0 and shield 4.0. The primary role of these laws was to respond to the crises related to the COVID-19 epidemic. Amendments to the Penal Code were introduced in a manner inconsistent with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Regulations of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. The mere legislative change and increasing punitiveness of the criminal law system and penal policy will not significantly reduce crime. The work is of a presentative and systematising character. The assumed hypothesis boils down to the assertion that the changes to the penal code made pursuant to the so-called anti-Covid laws are irrational and introduced without the required legislative procedure. The study mainly used the formal-dogmatic method.
Journal: Białostockie Studia Prawnicze
- Issue Year: 6/2021
- Issue No: 26
- Page Range: 27-38
- Page Count: 12
- Language: English