Selected Factors Determining the Adoption and Use of Participatory Budgeting in Central and Eastern Europe
Selected Factors Determining the Adoption and Use of Participatory Budgeting in Central and Eastern Europe
Author(s): Daniel Klimovský, Veronica Junjan, Juraj NemecSubject(s): Regional Geography, Economic policy, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
Published by: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Katedra politológie
Keywords: Participatory budgeting; Democratic innovation; Policy diffusion; Central and Eastern Europe;
Summary/Abstract: This is a summary article of the SJPS thematic issue on participatory budgeting in the Central and Eastern European region. Its authors provide an overview of the diffusion of participatory budgeting, and they classify relevant countries in terms of the pace of this diffusion into four different groups: frontrunners, early majority, later majority, and lagging adopters. In addition, they uncover various diffusion mechanisms that have been used. Since the research articles included in this thematic issue unpack various factors that influence the diffusion of the innovative practice of participatory budgeting in the specific settings of Central and Eastern Europe, the main goal of this article is to sum up their crucial findings and formulate several conclusions, including a few avenues for further research. A clear majority of countries in the region have already collected a relevant amount of experience with the adoption and further use of participatory budgeting. An analysis of the individual experiences reveals that the position and characteristics of mayors, organizational resources, and available capacities, as well as the quality of public trust, are likely to be important factors that determine the adoption and use of participatory budgeting in the region.
Journal: Slovenská politologická revue
- Issue Year: 21/2021
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 230-255
- Page Count: 26
- Language: English