Outside the canon: on parody and satirical poems by A. Gleđević and M. Zlatarić Cover Image

Izvan kanona: o parodijskim i satiričnim spjevovima A. Gleđevića i M. Zlatarića
Outside the canon: on parody and satirical poems by A. Gleđević and M. Zlatarić

Author(s): Lahorka Plejić Poje
Subject(s): Poetry, Croatian Literature, South Slavic Languages, Theory of Literature, Sociology of Literature
Published by: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti
Keywords: Antun Gleđević; Marin Zlatarić; parody; travesty; burlesque; satire; intertekstuality; hypertekstuality;

Summary/Abstract: The main presumption of this paper is that parody and travesty, which rest on strongly empasized intertextual relations, have always been realized within the literary mature and developed cultural environments. As far as the literature in the Croatian language is concerned, the only example of this kind of environment has been the Ragusan one. By drawing on the poems Avdijenca, Prskanja and Prodece of Antun Gleđević from the beginning of the 18th century and Marin Zlatarić's poem Pisaocu ružne Periegesi from the begenning of the s 19th century, it can be stated that parodical, travestied and burlesque procedures have often been skillfully combined predominantly in the function of the satirical attack on the real persons. Due to the modest aesthetic impression of the mentioned poems, it might be concluded that 18th century Ragusan literature has lacked important authors, works and genres. Consequently, it has not been able to produce parodies and travesties of the literary masterpieces which might be labelled aesthetically demanding.

  • Issue Year: LII/2016
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 365-374
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Croatian
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